What the fuck is wrong with India?
Unironically cleaner beings than Indian people
Do you really give a fuck, it’s a third world country next to China, I personally don’t give a fuck, I just can’t wait till they overtake japan in gdp and stop shitting in the streets and that rocket reaches the moon.
How the fuck is India not a plague-infested shit hole yet?
>not a plague infested shithole
U wot m8?
The Jew fears the Indian and will spam threads against India
>rat shamans are a real thing
The world is becoming more Shadowrun every day.
That's whats extra-ordinary about that guy, he literally just drank milk shared by wild pests dwelling in it what the fuck.
If this guy comes to the states and touches everything don't you think he will spread plague or some shit.
gooks are insects. what are you talking about? have you see your face lately