Is QAnon real or a larp?

This is how we will proceed:

Post in one short paragraph or less your best proof as to why QAnon is real or a larp. Anything else is a bot/shill post that I will ignore.

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Other urls found in this thread:

CNN MSNBC WaPo NYT and all other fake news media attempt to discredit it with ad hominem and fallacy, so that alone makes me think it’s legit. Also they only encourage people to connect dots, the “failed prediction” shilling on here is mostly out of context when the posts are examined closely

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im real.


I dunno. Maybe a WH correspondent can ask Donald Trump what he thinks of all of this.

It's proof pretending to be retarded allows you to out the truly retarded


war faces boys, post em

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off topic spam sage

Oh Jesus Christ. Go back to 2017 and stop wasting my fucking time.

>are you talking about it?
>is there merch?
>are you late in figuring it out?

That's how you know.

It's all so exhausting
Q isn't real
The person who larps as q is re al
Q is not real

My infinitely boomer'd out dad listens to me about the JQ because I prefaced it with "Q's gonna start talking about Jews". Q boomers dont know what is what anymore and are therefore open to denying the holocaust for the first time.

Maybe he's real..

I think if you're gonna stick your nose into all this
conspiracy mess and criminal underground world,
the least thing you could do is give your life to Jesus, just in case.

Atheism offers you nothing, if it is true.
It offers you an eternity separated from God, if you are *wrong*!

So believing in Jesus is actually an informed decision, "enlightened self-interest" if you want to call it that.

Life is unpredictable... It might happen as fast as a car driver messing up at a pedestrian crossing and you're gone from this world.

Please, give your life to Jesus before you delve into this dark dark sphere of human degeneracy (conspiracies, pizzagate, etc.).

I can assure you that prayer works as well.

For example, when Bill Hamon preached at
a conference in Bogota, Colombia once,
he learned before the conference that
one of the powerful drug kingpins in the city
always evaded arrest from the police, because
he was getting help from a witchcraft spirit
which always alerted him before a police raid was about to happen.
Bill instructed the congregation in the church
to fill the hall with a great shout of praise to the Lord for maybe half a minute.
The conference ended, and surely enough,
this broke the power of the witchcraft spirit,
and several weeks later, bill heard the
report that the drug dealer had been caught!

I have heard and read thousands of testimonies of the effectiveness of prayer,
when we ask for God's will to be done on this Earth as it is in Heaven,
we can affect some great change in this Earth.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

2. Corinthians 10:4-5

3 For though we live in the world,
we do not wage war as the world does.
4 The weapons we fight with are
not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power
to demolish strongholds.

a load of absolute horse shit

Why are boomers so gullible?

year of the based boomer

Nothing, I mean NOTHING, can stop the BOOMERANG

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Permission to spill the beans, Mr President?

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Q is real, CongressAnon is real, MegaAnon is real, FBIanon is real.


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ignore me faggot. i dare you.

Qanon is larp and the larp is true.

dam is it too late to buy a q tshirt? are we on to r already?

>Is QAnon real or a larp?

I know for a FACT that Qanon is REAL.

I went to Georgetown...have serious connections with clerks on SC. All the SCOTUS know that Qanon is REAL.

From inside the beltway...TRUTH!

Q is an oldfag from here that got recruited by the feds

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I don't care about Q. I don't care about Q followers. All I care about is the results and how consistent they are according to what was said by those who made the claim.

>Is QAnon real or a larp?
In either case, QAnon is a faggot.

With as much negative reporting as Q team gets in the MSM why haven't any reporters asked Trump about Q? Because they know if they do and Trump confirms it then the MSM would confirm everything they've reported against the last 3 years.

Q is real.

Q isn't real
Q+ isn't real
Q- isn't real
All posers.

Q* is real, however, real and dark.
There's no proof, per se, but it is 100% real.

Saved. Exactly what I mean

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Q is real, but most people don't realise what it is.
The Q phenomenon has built an army of Internet Warriors tens of millions strong, and they're all fighting for Trump.
Q comes out and says, "Prepare memes on [X]" and the anons get to work on it.
Soros and his orgs and the JIDF can't fight it, that's why they're trying to censor everything.

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Nice! / Drop the USS Liberty and Trump's meeting with a survivor on him next.

>I have heard and read thousands of testimonies of the effectiveness of prayer,
>when we ask for God's will to be done on this Earth as it is in Heaven,
>we can affect some great change in this Earth.
I have been praying for several years now, that we get leaders put into positions of power and authority who fulfill Micah 6:8 — "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

KEk! Anons are going to be asking this even as Clinton and Obama are frogmarched up to the firing squads.

big happenings are coming. Deep state war is real, at least (watch Mexico, too). Q is the winning side telling us that they intend to be better than the ones they are taking out. I dunno if that's true, but I do know is that I find this stuff super entertaining.
In this Mi5 alien leak thread he said that they talk about QAnon around the office and a lot of what he says lines up with things they know happened/are happening.

100% larp

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My working theory is that Q is an AI given time he mission of guiding the hive mind so we don’t destroy ourselves. Right now I’m not sure if it would survive independent of real world handlers, so we’re safe until our Bluetooth robot slave uprising.

This isn't my best proof, but it is meta related to this board: Anytime anyone has a real, meaningful discussion about Q (not uh Muh Qtard Boomers!), it gets flooded with gore/porn/scat/black cocks.

Here's a great whodunit: Who lied? McCabe or Comey or Lynch? Let the games begin!

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Have you ever seen this? So ridiculous.

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good info you have there
check this one out

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That you doc steve?

ILL make it easy.
When , in ANY CHAN/pol history has a LARP met so much resistance ?
That was the very first indicator that Q was/is legit way back in the begining.

real willu buy my merch?

Sweet Dulcinella!

Jew trickery alert. Now the Qcult has taken to the tactic of constantly posting threads questioning the legitimacy of Q. It's not because we don't already have the answer, it's so that they can create the illusion that the legitimacy of the Qlarp is an open question.



It came from Jow Forums
It's as believable as the peetapes.

>Maybe he's real..
He's not. Q is a psyop created by Jared Kushner

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>real or larp
This is not the pertinent question. What we should be asking is whether he/they are a force for good or not, and whether Q is worthy of a following. I say, absolutely not. It has been about 3 years, nothing has been delivered, the debt continues to rise, shitskins continue to pour in, no mass arrests, no wall, etc, etc. Q exists solely to de-fang and pacify the white population into thinking there is "some plan" and that they don't need to do anything drastic to save the country. NOTHING could be further from the truth. If Q is real, he is our enemy. If Q is a "LARP", he is our enemy.

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This is a data mining thread. Of course Q is real. Sage. OP = 1 post by this ID

>that pic
>go to trump tweet of that pick
>right click on pick
>save as
>file name is DOITQ

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not a larp. It’s legit.

and yet another Q user proof that proves nothing.
>We must be right because liberals say we're wrong!
No, everyone, including liberals knows the Qcult is a scam.

>With as much negative reporting as Q team gets in the MSM
The Qcult gets very little reporting, and it's negative regardless of the outlet because it's a con for the feebleminded.

>The Q phenomenon has built an army of Internet Warriors tens of millions strong, and they're all fighting for Trump.
This is the common delusion the Qcult wishes to reinforce in its victims. They sit on their asses doing nothing, making no preparations for the future and yet they still think they are fighting some great battle. This is why the Qcult is so dangerous to the right

>even as Clinton and Obama are frogmarched up to the firing squads.
Hopeless delusion. Neither of them will ever be prosecuted for anything.Our nation (and world) is far too corrupt for that.

>big happenings are coming.
So the Qcult keeps telling itself. Their predictions never materialize, too bad the Qcult has the memory of a goldfish, so all Q's bogus predictions are immediately flushed down the memory hole, making them incapable of asking questions like "Why were we supposed to trust Sessions, again?"

It's "fake" in the sense that nothing has actually HAPPENED. None of "the swamp" has gotten "locked up" by "the white hats." There has been no "show" to "enjoy." And so on. Until that changes, it is presumed to be bullshit.

Note that Q-shit always talks about things that are "about" to happen, but somehow never actually DO. This has been the pattern since 2017.

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Damn actually really smart

The people behind Q are the same ones who tried to start up some stupid meetup called Kilroy. They’re trying to start some cultural movement about transparency/freeze peach, and I guess they’ve done it. They just can’t figure out how to monetize the Q shit without doxing themselves and ruining the larp.


>QAnon is real or a larp
He is a tulpa

Q has to prove that they are the real patriots.
If they don't do that, they are an inside larp.

I don't think it's a LARP anymore, just from the sheer autism it would take to keep it going this long. It is definitely multiple people at least, and possibly actual NSA/other gov't professionals.
That doesn't mean they are "good guys" or doing anything they say they are. They could just be keeping Trump's most fanatical base from getting too restless because of how much Trump has to fight to get anything done. They could just be alphabet asshats trying to get americans to actually like the NSA, as if we should like having our 4th amendment rights taken away. Very long shot, they're who they say they are and are actually working to our benefit.

>the boomer obsession with random alcaps

I'm so glad I found pol/. The majority of conspiracy and political sites are full of that crap.

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Fake. Just larping boomer.

Larp created by nsa and state department actors

Due to the lack of evidence, I think Q user is just a distraction to keep people quiet. Their message is always wait, do not act, trust in others do get shit done.

That is actually a powerful psychological trick where people have a extremely small chance of acting to help others or fix a issue if they think someone else will do something. Due to this little fact you are more likely to bleed out and die if you are stabbed in a crowded place, and more likely to recieve aid in a deserted alley with one person. The only way to disrupt this is to lock eyes with a individual and ask for their personal help. Otherwise everyone will do nothing because they think because there are so many people, someone will do something.

>Q's bogus predictions are immediately flushed down the memory hole, making them incapable of asking questions like "Why were we supposed to trust Sessions, again?"
kek one of the first Q drops said Justin Trudeau was important. Haven't seen that one brought up by the qult.

Incoming. It's happening.
Q Proof
The [Zoo] is closed
Monkey house RED
Trust Cheetah

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So Trump keeps propping up blacks and Jews. And how much of that vote demographic will he get? Maybe 9 percent. Noice. We are fucked.

He's a LARP, yall guys really could spend your time doing something more productive ya know

Trump and q both used the word “the” 33 times. 33 x 21.18 = 666


Now see that I can believe. By why the better chan? We all know Jow Forumstards are here forever.


Its a larp.
Its a larp that is meant to open eyes of boomers and normies to the evil corruption in the world that we at /pol dig up and talk about every day.
Its a larp that is slowly waking those people up and giving them redpills in microgram doses so they can handle it with hope instead of blackpill.
Its a larp that the mainstream media can not stand and desperately want to censor, so they write hundreds of articles against it.
Its a larp that brings shills out of the woodwork to discredit it
Its a larp that knew the date and hour of McCains death, months in advance.
its a larp that can take pictures out of AF1 while flying over NK airspace.
Its a larp that points people to dig up corrupt connections that even the chans hadn't found yet.
Its a larp that got boomers and normies interested in saving the United States of America
Its a larp that promotes the good Trump is doing in order to go around the media anti-Trump narrative

We just don't know who is doing the Larping, but it is a Larp that I am 100% behind


My butthole is prepped and ready boyo I'm ready, LET'S DECLASS THIS SHIT. Bring down the house

>designed to keep people doing nothing
>who were already doing nothing
>and who wouldn't -at all- have know there was anything going on
>except Q told them

doesn't compute

he is very real, otherwise you wouldn't be asking here on the chans

Over 2000 fucking drops and not a single one came true? Seriously? You are the newest fucking faggot on the planet if you're still falling for his retarded shit!

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Its real secret service makes you turn your q,shirt inside out at the rallies

Correct, additionally, when Q moved to infinity chan, so did the shills

Sure why not
*drinks paint*

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