Is it true there are teams of jews who monitor this board 24/7 trying to shill and/or identify white...

is it true there are teams of jews who monitor this board 24/7 trying to shill and/or identify white supremacists/neo-nazis?

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No the Jews pay other people to do it. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Maybe Jews. Or maybe just Antifa faggots who come over from reddit and aren’t paid. But this board is like 10% shills and 30% slide threads minimum. Once you get used to spotting them they’re easy to ignore, only newfags fall for them

has anyone that you know of been identified or "outed" as a neo-nazi as a result of posting on here? are there any real world examples of this happening?

>No the Jews pay other people to do it. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
Hm, there's what you could do: a 'study' showing how it's cheaper to hire Israeli teens to do their operations on Jow Forums rather than subcontracting.

Why do you ask?

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This place is an ocean of piss. Probably half the traffic here are libshits. So you are telling me some far left faggot is now a neo-nazi? The shills always post that you need to leave or suffer the dox which is horseshit.

A serious question: is reddit a jewish project?

friend of mine had the FBI knock on his door and his dad ended up destroying his copy of Mein Kampf lmao

provide more details good sir

wish i could without doxxing the kid. he was mentioned in three newspapers. long story short we all dab on him with our mein kampfs now. he had to buy a new one and keeps it hidden from his dad lmao

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oh but to be fair he was not in trouble in the slightest. he had an incidental discussion with someone who was involved in some group they were looking for. 2 minute convo, in and out, never saw them again, but somehow someone in his town figured it out and the smearjob happened. young kid too. sucks if you google his name its all you see.

Identify? No
Shilling? Yes

yes; there are---

actually there is an internal group who
are resisting the current jewery.

There is a schism and several members
have been dismissed due to problems... . .

isn’t worth shilling here, after 2016 this place became completely crap devoid of any actual intelligent political discussion

provide more details good sir

Yeah, it's true, don't listen to what these other faggots who say no.

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Even more shit really.

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why have people fallen for this shit over and over again? the font rendering isn't even consistent

Not as much as there used to be. Jow Forums used to be one of the major birth places on memes, so there companies that paid individuals to force memes on Jow Forums 24/7. But it just isnt the case anymore.

no all the blacks, pagan, anti-christian, pro-tranny, everything's mossad threads are totally organic
imagine being so new you didn't even see the level of shilling during the 2016 election

This board has seen an exponential growth of jewish shills since 2016 and it's fucking embarrassing

what does that make you, an anti-jewish jew?

>why have people fallen for this shit over and over again? the font rendering isn't even consistent

You realize it's an image artifact they've put a thing over it in paint and it's a semi-old picture right?

You shouldn't be the one talking about
>Jewish shills

jidf shills are on here everyday trying to push neocon foreign policy for the USA while pretending to be american white nationalists. for those who aren't american and may not know, 100% of white nationalists in this country are isolationist on foreign policy, meaning we don't want wars. so its obvious when some one here says something like "hello fellow nazis, we must bomb iran and if you don't agree you a jew" that they are a jew shill because there is literally no one alive in america who hates jews and wants to bomb iran.

Can you criticize kikes openly there? Well you have your answer.

Hey at least you can still fun here though.

yea you can find it them here

yes. Jews hire people to monitor social media. when they see a post that is antisemitic they alert others via a moblie app and they mass report it.

Its not, the idea of reddit was a open board with free speach, to spread information you dont get so easy anywhere.

google aaron swartz its very interesting

every left wing activist group does the same. it's one of the driving factors of censorship. you mass flag something and the platform is forced to take it down.

Yes. JIDF.
Yes. I don't have screencaps but they have been posted before

No, there isn’t.
Jews have other things to do.
Jow Forums is just paranoid of the truth. They know they should work with us to bomb the middle east and kill all muzzies.

Are you a journo that must write his ebin piece about the evil Jow Forums nazis?
If the answer is yes, we'd love to remind you that you'll pay for being traitors of the nations.
Have a nice day.

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How do they know that they are white, considering their involvement in slavery they might be descendant of black slaves. Or their involvement in racist jokes in the past.

I think some memeflags are actual kikes. They often make d&c threads. If the kikes shut down Jow Forums, they know we would chimp out so they try to get us to fight one another instead being the worms they are. Other memeflaggots tend to be other insecure non-whites, such as the sef hating hapas creating BLACKED threads, and shilling about niggers.

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I'm sure people monitor this board, I don't think it's jews looking for neonazis. There's not much genuine fringe activity here, just a bunch of glow-worm fishing.

ADL Kikes
FBI fags
Shareblue kikefags
Sleeping Giant Kike Twinks

No. What would be the point? If anything they'd be active on major social media where the stigma if ostracization would hold sway. No such threat exists here. Why waste time on a board where you cannot posdibly change anyine's mind, and where its users are essentially quarantined from the rest of the internet.

Mostly it's just paranoud nuts, scgizos and stormfugees who think anyone gives enough if a shit about what they think to even give them a passing glance.


of course not goy.

So basically, the divide and rule is working for the jews. They are creating enemies and forcing people to accept or hate those creations of their own hands.
Sounds fucked up, but then...

t. memeflaggot kike.

Like this fucking retard right here.

Or maybe they are angry Asians who know that they were involved in money laundering drug money that they made as a profit from destroying their country.

this, all that stupid "howdy fellow Americans, we sure do love droppin bombs on ragheads, yeeehawww!" bullshit is all JIDF, is was a pretty effective tactic about 15 years ago but this place sees right through it

it was confirmed by the government that they are actively trying to influence wikipedia in order to make it more zionist friendly.
the only reason i doubt anyone is actually doing it here(beyond larpers) is because literally who gives a fuck about 4chin

So you like child rapists and a religion that teaches people to fuck goats?
Don't have it in you to tell both groups to fuck off?
Or should I tell your goat that you're going to be late getting in tonight, cause you need to defend Mohammads honor on Jow Forums?

you're friends w/ Bibi's kid?

Oy vey

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you sound like a jewrnalist
how does it feel to be a npc?
i always wanted to ask

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it's not true, it just people having fun trolling low iq pol tards

In 2016 it was just shilling for Trump. Now people are talking about Israel and it seems like you aren’t a big fan of that.

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Also jews make up less than a percent of the global population, y’all would have a lot of work to do.

Paid shills are a real thing. They are the lucky ones who are paid to post garbage. Many of us and every single Canadian just does it for free.

Yes, AMA

How far from your face does your nose stick out? cm or inches will do.

As do teams of CIA Russians and chinese Welcome to the real world of subversion. all major countries participate in it to forward their view of the world.

Sometimes a Jew goes and says something that makes me like them all over again.

yes, jidf and the anti defamation league are both known to monitor this website as well as every glow agency in the world.


Hi journo. Hope your report is going well.

Neo-nazis are colossal faggots and most people here don’t really like them. They jerk each other off on Stormfront I think. Nobody comes here and magically becomes a nazi

>most people here dont really like them

are we on the same board?

Shitpost on the sabbath

wew lad!