Europeans value a nice red wine and a good hearty steak dinner. We like civilized festivities and work. How come Brits just like degeneracy, heavy liquor and weird accents?
Why is British culture so un-European?
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Islanders. They are all genetic trash. Much incest.
Because you lost the war
They built the us though.
> How come Brits just like degeneracy, heavy liquor and weird accents?
Do you want me to start posting pictures from your beer festival, Hanz??
the bong just had just given up like the french and all would be good with the world
what is this? a spitfire with a fake bf109 canopy and german paint?
Because Anglos are crazy, that is how they managed to conquer the world, because organized craziness is a powerful thing. Now it's no longer organised and directed so it's instead released every weekend and during football events.
Yeah, they take them to air shows and fly them around.
I concur
too edgy for me, I'm out
Ah yes that european "culture" I've been hearing about!
island culture
Because Europe is shit innit
Oktoberfest? Only retarded tourists still go there.
Interesting, most of the passed out and vomiting people are dressed in traditional German. Most are German women.
I'm not judging but Germans should shut the fuck up about the Brits.
>Europeans value a nice red wine and a good hearty steak dinner. We like civilized festivities and work.
British high culture was based entirely upon classical Greece & Rome. The lower orders went into unimaginably squalid industrialised cities 150 years ago. The effects of the latter seem to have outlasted the former
>are dressed in traditional German
Yeah, dumbfucks from abroad who buy those shitty outfits for retarded prices at stands there. Oktoberfest hasn't been fun for 15+ years.
One minute we're the mutts of Europe, the next we're small gene pool inbreds. Call it what you want tho, you play our sports from football to rugby, you speak our language and follow our culture. We've left our mark on you, you've left nothing on us, apart from a short period in the '80s when mullets were fashionable.
>dumbfucks from abroad who buy those shitty outfits for retarded prices at stands there
No one does that.
Modern 'British' culture isn't even British.
I don't know what the fuck it is but it sickens me.
Because India is an Asian country
Black slaves built the US, retard.
Go away Obama
True beer festivals are very civilized and comfy. Only the tourist ones with all the Anglos are degenerate.
Then how come they didn't build Africa?
Tennis was invented by the French and skiing in Scandinavia. That’s all I care about.
Football is for the degenerate plebs and I have no idea what “rugby” is.
shhh you should still be feeling generational shame
>you've left nothing on us
That's too arrogant. English is a Germanic Language.
How the fuck would you know
Snooker is the the patrician sport.
why are you so envious of my life?
>why do heretics and inbreds behave like degenerates?
>British culture
wtf balconing is culture now
No one is that retarded.
The only patrician sport is kanu driving. Maybe sailing on a wooden sail boat (yes, wood!) too.
Modern white people view themselves as anthropologists. Whites have been taught to believe that only other races/peoples have authentic cultures whereas whites are inauthentic and destroy other races culture. This is why it seems that whites sole goal on the modern world is to erase their peoples presence.
Whites are of a mindset that we are already post-historical or post-modern. I'm not sure anything can be done at this point that will overcome this feeling other than utter crisis...
Unfortunately this anthropological countenance is the culmination of the enlightenment..
Terrible bait
>why does [Social Problem] exist?
Every single problem is Jews. I'm not even kidding.
Brits are Jews now?
They're retarded enough to pay 12 euros for a liter of beer.
>playing dumb
>this is winning
we,ve been a vassal race longer than anyone, disgenics is much more advanced in our people.
nice d&c tactics
Fuck yes tall ships.
Well isn't that convenient
>Europeans value a nice red wine and a good hearty steak dinner. We like civilized festivities and work. How come Brits just like degeneracy, heavy liquor and weird accents?
My theory?
The Brits are Slavs in disguise, certainly a good 20% of them are truly Polacks nowadays.
The only difference is that Brits have indoor plumbing so their are not used to squat as much as Slavs.
I can guarantee the Netherlands has done more interbreeding than Britain. Us on the other hand....
I think all the norman genes left and now theyre left with the junk
>>Tennis was invented by the French
>Historians believe that the game's ancient origin lay in 12th century northern France, where a ball was struck with the palm of the hand
>It was not until the 16th century that rackets came into use and the game began to be called "tennis" ~ It was popular in England and France, although the game was only played indoors where the ball could be hit off the wall. Henry VIII of England was a big fan of this game, which is now known as real tennis.[7] During the 18th and early 19th centuries, as real tennis declined, new racket sports emerged in England.
>Between 1859 and 1865 Harry Gem, a solicitor and his friend Augurio Perera developed a game that combined elements of racquets and the Basque ball game pelota, which they played on Perera's croquet lawn in Birmingham in England.[In 1872, along with two local doctors, they founded the world's first tennis club on Avenue Road, Leamington Spa
>Tennis was invented by the French
Sure it was
Islanders... they literally live on a fucking island and people wonder why they are so removed from decency.
fastyr mie faggot
>Islanders... they literally live on a fucking island
Yeah but you could fit 6 netherlands on Britain, and anyway we've got a channel tunnel now so we're not even a proper island anymore
>Because you lost the war
You lost the war too you dumb fat cocksucker, your Jew Masters won it.
You shabbos goyim scored an own goal for the white race.
Thank God those times are over
At least we didn't change sides half way through
The jews own you
they are not white like us
What do you mean? He just played the Wimbledon final again.
where is the based greek poster? I want him to btfo british mutants with his banter posting!
Why do him have his hand on another man butt? that shit maked germans look really fucking gay man
>At least we didn't change sides half way through
Promise me you will tell that to your granddaughter when she comes crying to you with her half-nigger baby.
him is gone. like van gogh, him wasn't appreciated while him was here and now that him's gone, everybody misses him.
England is just America Jr. Most of their influence comes from the US.
>Europeans value a nice red wine and a good hearty steak dinner.
Quit talking like you live in a log cabin and chop your own firewood. You bought a cheap steak and some shitty wine from Lidl and ate it in an apartment you wank.
Because the anglo world is all like this. The anglos aren't even European, and that's coming from an American who lived in and loves Europe, especially France. I don't understand why the EU wants the UK in anyways. The contrast is stark, and I would consider myself more European acting than annoying/degenerate anglos.
Your culture is getting drunk
Shit I have some left over prime rib I need to eat. Thanks for reminding me. Ever since I switched to cast iron I haven't lit up the grill in like a month. Did some "Italian" sausage last night as I had a hankering for breakfast and sauerkraut, pretty good that. Thinking about getting some tomahawks soon tho, gonna fire up the grill for those ya can bet your ass.
Obviously itz cause we wuz taken away to wh*teboi land
>It never used to be like this
>literally LONDON
>go to work in the rain
>work in the rain
>go back home in the rain
>eat dinner its still raining
>go to pub in the rain
>get drunk to forget the rain
>looks outside it still rains
>drink some more
>White culture
Pick one
Yeah, on drugs. And he lost... against Djokobot.
As I said, thank God we are having a new era in tennis void of the 3 musketeers soon.
Yes, the dude is gay. Shit happens
>97% white
Yeah, no white culture here at all...
If the message hasn't sunk in yet Hans its that the British have never been and never will be European.
Heavy liquor and degeneracy are the cornerstones of their culture, what little there is of it.
well if him is from your town maybe you could talk to him and try to make him turn straight. people isnt supposed to be gay, specially men.
We were a violent and perpetually warring Island people who were invaded by equally violent and warring people (twice) and then invaded (twice) by a people who gave us complex civilization and dreams of conquest.
This from literally the gayest country in Europe
Bicycles aren't culture, Joost.
fuck off ewith that poncy ass shit