Why wont republicucks label antifa terrorists?

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It is the epitome of leftism and too useful for agitprop.

Same for the squad, give them a magaphone.

Because antifa hasn't committed any terrorism.

They literally do

Keep thinking that

It's the truth, cuck.

Whatever you say commie, Trump is riding your dumb ass to victory.

They're trying to, even though it's bullshit.
Antifa doesn't have a body count. Right-wing terrorists do.

Its because antifa sucks so bad at it. Lol. They have certainly tried.

Blm has a body count, and antifa has attempted murder many times, but failed because they fucking suck.

Rationalize away, faggot


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Meaningless noise.
The simple fact is that white reactionaries are an actual terrorist threat, whereas Antifa is not.

I don't know. is the KKK considered terrorist?

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Antifa is already ensnared in the spider web, you are fucked, no matter what.

That sword of Damacles !

In a civilized society, violence on either side makes you a faggot.

same reason they won't deport illegals or prevent guns from being banned, they are controlled opposition

Said an user who undoubtedly supports all kinds of state violence.

Because antifa aren't terrorists. There are a lot of reasons why but the first is that there is no need for white (and they ARE predominantly white getpocket.com/explore/item/americans-strongly-dislike-pc-culture?utm_source=pocket-newtab) Leftists to do the dirty work - they import others to do so.
The arrangement that Leftists have with their pets is an "I hold em, you punch" deal. Leftists only need to make it impossible for you to deal with pic related. As long as pic related keeps happening to you, there is no need for tremendous acts of political grandstanding. Leftist terrorism fades into background noise, it is the slow and steady foment of decomposition coupled by the infrastructural inability to do anything. There it can be swindled, doctored and perverted, in many cases re-imagined so adaptively that it even becomes your fault. As has posited, terrorism has been doctored to the point that the reality johngabourel.wordpress.com/2016/02/04/approximately-70-of-the-over-300-mass-shootings-in-the-united-states-for-the-year-2015-were-committed-by-young-black-men-with-ties-to-crime/ is now a distant memory.

The other reason, ultimately, is that Leftists cannot commit terrorism because they are the system. The 8% of the American population that roams around America to swarm localities does so with catering on billionaire dollar. Leftists could open fire into a crowd of white rightists today and it would not be terrorism because they would do so with the full approval of power. They would never actually get that approval, of course, for the same reason that the police never get that approval - the state can't just massacre its own people like that.
Terrorism, for better or worse, is an inherently revolutionary act, making it utterly and completely inaccessible to Leftists for all time.

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Your liberal allies will be the ones to stick the long knife in your back. Karma is a bitch, scumbags

This. It's hillarious how weak-wristed they are. They've been assaulting people on the heads with hammers and these people are just walking away with a bit of blood. If someone who actually ate beef hit you on the head with a hammer, it would be a fatal blow.

good post

Same reason why they dont label white supremacists/Nazis terrorists. You can only be a terrorist is your nonwhite. If your white your a lone wolf thats just a good boy that didnt know what he was doing

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They will, then they will start calling any group of people a terrorist organization. When will we understand what a slippery slope means?

didn't some old guy die at Berkeley or one of the milo university things

if the only reason they are a threat is reaction to antifa then antifa has got to go, for the children of course.

it serves the charade
it increases the divide and the agitation
the agitation leads to less fence riding
both sides love this conflict and are orchestrating it
you are the man in the box

>right wing terrorism
Gee user, I didn't know you were so islamophobic

*larps about the guilotine, the Wall, eating the rich, etc*
No bro we aren’t violent I swear...