Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

Why the communists had to destroy philosophers, painters, poets, singers, other artists and then teachers, professors and scientists etc PER QUOTA? Why did they decide that 75% of the poets have to swing?
>because without these people the nation is adrift. Without a compass. No clue what to think, what to do, where to go.

First thing the bolsheviks did, was that they introduced themselves as "the new moralists".

Attached: Raven1.jpg (1280x1024, 250K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Antonio Gramsci, while in prison, wrote his thesis that in order to shape the society, the revolutionaries must infiltrate the institutions from grassroots to ivory towers and THEN spread the communist venom. They thought that "the reality" is really just a construct based on whatever ideas that gets memed enough.

Well, they were wrong.
Dead wrong.

Communists, socialists, and ALL who thinks alike, have one thing in common. It really is a no brainer to ferret it out from what they say and what they do. A person, who is unable to respect someone's homeland and give respect to it, lacks also ALL the other normal human features and traits. In short, these people have a mind of a liar and a thief. That is what they all share and the limits to their "mutual respect" ends right there, where "what's in it for me" ends.
None of these people would do what they do in their spare time. They do it, because they are paid to do it. Like all the alphabet agencies here. They don't give rats ass about your opinions, they are just paid to monitor them and file reports, which nobody ever reads.

>*who is unable to recognize and give respect..

Come on /pol. Gimme your best.

Let your IQ shine, faggots.

I suppose I am shadow banned here and the bots aren't trained good enough to fool me.


Therefore everyone must go trough MY bot check. Personalized for each, individually.

Attached: blade-runner-1982-15-g.jpg (1200x813, 183K)

I'll be here until the sun dies.
>Well, I'm not in a hurry, no I ain't in a rush,
that rock is such a gift so make it last.
No, I'm not in a hurry, but that ride is such a blast.
I said, "Lord, take me downtown."
'Cause it's a rock against ass,

They are actual faggots in that band.
>why it isn't /pol's favorite?
>why o' why

They are actual faggots just like in /pol.
>straight, pretending to be homos because it's fun.

As deserted as my FB long time ago, while I still was der.

It's like, the internet is now controlled by an AI, that got it's instructions from some mom, who got advice's from her mom, then they read together what their moms before them said about things.
>men are bad, m'kay

Nigga why you talking to yourself.
Stop it.
Go get help.

I wanna see, can I get longest solo thread on /pol.
>what's the record?

FUCK. You ruined it.
My solo thread.
Eat shit faggot.

Just now verified, with another internet connection, that my thread is shadow banned and that only jannies can see this thread. Maybe some glowniggers too? :)
Well, I am not racist, nor biased.

Shall we have our own parties?
What do you say?
You just ask, I answer. I have nothing to hide.

Tell me, would you do this, if you we working somewhere else? Say, high paid code expert at some nerd office?
Do you have any ambition to this work, other than getting paid?
To whom?
HAH. Do you think they are loyal to you?

Loyal people are usually easy to find.
>they don't ask money for it.

So I scroll down with the other internet connection, my thread isn't there.
You are now busted. You have to come and kill me then. All in the days work, right? :D

"I wouldn't give a damn, but this pension in this career is great, better than plummer"..

So what do we do now?

What was it?
The Lucifer thing? The thread I was last time banned?
Oh, I got it sorted. She came to my dream and said "I AM LUCIFER, WHO ARE YOU". I told her, I am nobody. Chad Nobody.
I don't know shiiet. I just told her to fuck off then. There.

Or was it the thing when I stopped Obama's march to war against Russia? When I told we Finns would destroy our bases ourselves (the only thing neither would need from us).
Or was it something else in between, stopping the the civil war v2 in US last summer?

I don't know shieet.
But I know whom I work with.
The big daddyo.

And when I understood (vague) the plan, I was like "we nail those fuckers, they really don't have a chance".
The response was unexpected. It was sort of a sadness mixed with absolute sense of "the end". The message was:
"We are not here to destroy them. We are here to save them."

Take it, for what it's worth.

Here's what we are going to do.
>get some fresh air.
>think hard. What is important
>let's not judge our selves. We are not qualified.
>perfection is NOT required
>we want to find the source of ALL intellect and wisdom. We want to find our way back home.
>we want thins world, someday, reach the minimum standards, what every other world seems to get with ease. We are not that fucking dumb, autistic or retarded faggots.

>most importantly, we want to find ONE brief moment in our lives, after which we can say: yup, I am done now, may I go now please.


Imagine a nation. There's classes of people. From low to high. When you examine these people, they really don't have any measurable differences between skills, however, the lower cast people actually performs better in ALL tests. The higher ups are under the spell, that they "are as good as the dude who made their fortunes". Of course they are not. Engaging in intelligent debates in both groups the reactions are pretty much the same.

In short. The intelligentzias of this world should look for the actual intellectuals. They really come in all classes and are always as rejected and mistreated.

You're visible perfectly fine, stop spamming. Have a bump.

I have met them all.
From lowest to the highest.
I can't say I know them, but the impressions I get are usually more revealing than when "thinking I know someone".

I am exploring. I am not a judge nor jury.
If I shift things, and that they actually shift there, it's not from me, but from daddyo himself. No one else can do that, right.

so, what was wrong in the OP?

Tell me also, what's the record for solo threading!

Motherfucked. Suk MIn KUk.

The person who makes a thread can not bump it themselves for some reason. I think you got pretty close to a record here, if one exists.

Was I Bumbing my thread?
Or was I just speaking what this beautiful whisky mind was thinking?

I don't give rats ass about popularity. I like quality.

If I know scroll my other internet connection and find my thread,
Guess my face!


This thread is visible to only jannies and (presumably) glowniggers.

So.. If you know a tour manager known as Bobo, tell him to fuck off.

cool thread OP
the knowledge of communists being hostile blood suckers is pretty known here because their rhetoric is adopted by niggers in European build countries all around the world
a communist is a mindless rat, a consumer filled with envy and grudge
they were the best dog for jewish ambitions through out history because jews managed to take advantage of their horrible persona and use it against people who were happy or successful in their life


Oh, now my thread is showing up.

We had a nice conversation, about life, universe and everything.

Do you all agree, that the most loyal people are found when they don't ask money for their sacrifices?

If you want to serve.
Father provides.

Just be sure Father ASKED.

your topic pretty mundane if you want to attract people to your thread a figure of literature world in 19-20th century should have been the threads theme that talks about communism because they're the ones who truly experienced it

If this is now public... I am sure this is one of the funniest threads of this week.

Here's the deal. The world's o' so powerful muffin's.

To the original rebels.
- salvation trough mortality. NOT bad.

To the band.
- go to your bedroom, close the door, pray to daddyo and say you'
re sorry. But really mean it too.

At some point these things needs to be settled you know.

The issues what were raised, are taken into consideration.
Universe wants hers boys back home.
This is a good time to do that.

So, I am here, eyeballing you.

IF I could penetrate to the deepest of the deepest secrets.... what would I find?

>lazy bureaucrat
>doesn't want to work NOW live
>gets paid!

If I could ACTUALLY penetrate to deepgov.
I would as a first thing, I would teach them Sun Tzu.

It's about a young man falling in with a whore.

wow. I have never seen that.