An absolutely MASSIVE hole has formed in the upper atmosphere of our sun. Earth is set to align with that hole July 31st / August 1st.
This could be the big one bros
An absolutely MASSIVE hole has formed in the upper atmosphere of our sun. Earth is set to align with that hole July 31st / August 1st.
This could be the big one bros
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Christina P can get it.
sup Jeans
Could this wipe out techmology and bring us back to the stoned age?
imagine being paid to post this shit and telling your parents you work as a social media influencer.
>July 29, 2019 @ 22:10 UTC
Coronal Hole Faces Earth
Good evening. Coronal Hole #45 is now facing Earth. A solar wind stream flowing from this zone is predicted to reach our planet by August 1st and could lead to a geomagnetic enhancement at higher latitudes. More updates in the days ahead.
>Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
Space Weather Prediction Center
UPDATED 2019 July 30 0030 UTC
>.24 hr Summary...
Solar activity was very low. There were no sunspots, and there were no
Earth-directed CMEs observed in available coronagraph imagery.
>Solar activity is expected to remain very low on 30 Jul-01 Aug.
KpH of 4, maximum. Not even a G1 class event.
It's a nothing.
t. Ham
More like declass is coming and they wanna blame muh solar storm when Israel tries to shut down infrastructure to hide the revelations.
I'm looking for hot black guys who like to fuck and fuck good. I'm home here now. You get a lease and a key. Free food and free rent. All you gotta do is fuck me. Homeless, men from jail. Come over and fuck me. I want to be fucked real good. Bring your friends.
gonna be on a plane that is EPIC
Aw man...thats a shame