Anyone else here enjoy seeing female sports get destroyed by trannies?

Anyone else here enjoy seeing female sports get destroyed by trannies?

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Why don't they just make a third competition category for trannies? So there will be male events, female events, and tranny events?

>who we are
Figure the ACLU's is run by trannies

It'd be easier to just put a bullet through the freaks skulls and save everyone some time

And a few years from now the ACLU will post: "Let's make this loud and clear: Transage people have the right to have sex with people of the age consistent with who we are."

Separate but equal!

I for one celebrate our brave trans athletes, who have finally bring light to the physical disadvantages biological women have compared to biological men.

We need to go all the way and allow juicing again.

It's called the Special Olympics

You fucking bigot.

I support because it blows the fuck out females.

>live as our authentic selves

I don’t think they know what ‘authentic’ means.


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The only female sports anyone cares about are soccer and volleyball

Who gives a shit, soccer is already ruined (USA should have lost fuck rapinoe) and trans women will never do volleyball so fuck it.

Checkd and kekd

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oh wow, never thought i'd see so much bigotry on my 4chams

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This is what they wanted so now they need to shut up and let Chadette and his mental illness and girl penis btfo them in everything they try to do. Just imagine when we get artificial wombs? Hilarity

How long until the transabled are allowed to compete in the special Olympics?

Yeah, I fucking love it. In 5-10 years all female sports will be dominated by men, and they will either have to create a new league for natural women thus admitting that the two are not the same, or swallow their tears and leave sports forever.

No one watches female sports anyways.

I like it. It shows that we are not all equal. Just like how a relationship can never be equal. Unless both the man and woman confront the home invader for example, the one who does is the dominating one and the one not confronting is the submissive.