LMAO!!!! Based rat
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Black people running things will eventually turn anything into Haiti.
Didn't PBS literally run a documentary on the city's rat problem over the weekend?
Haiti is a beautiful country, remember? Conan went swimming there!
He took his life into his own hands then, rats can swim!
Kek, my city is gross af. Everybody saying baltimore isnt a shit hole isnt from here or has never been anywhere outside of the stadium areas.
I used to think that meme about Jews wrecking every country and then escaping to Israel was far-fetched, but it's like everything went in to overdrive. It seems like the most obvious outcome now.
>There ain't never been a rat problem in Baltimore, it's always been a people problem.
But, hey, it's only racist when Trump says it
lmfao bump
This always comes to mind when i think of baltimore.
They had to have planned this.... Right?
They will antagonize their host countries until backlash begins, then they will call the people that gave them Israel and fought their wars every bad name in the book while running away to, presumably, extort us into continuing the federal reserve system.. Or at least that seems to be the plan.
I cannot help but imagine (((they))) themselves are a patsy for some unknown forces, but honestly, there is no evidence of that. We know who owns the federal reserve.
In the immortal words of a Senator Clay Davis
Really? Interesting. I've never seen blacks riding motorbikes...
Kek ++
I would do this all the time if I were a girl.
Actually watched the video... Not planned. Just gay.
Also...I'll just leave this here.
wtf I love rats now!
>Zooms in on corner of some walls with bags of garbage
>sees a rat
>The president was being literal! No dogs, only rats!
From what ive been told its quite painful, thats why they wear those tight sports bras while running.
Rats are a symbol of the black man's struggle against the racist Drumph.
A small group of them do. Black Biker week is an actual thing, too.
Girls probably think the same thing about our dicks. In America, we call dick-spinning 'the helicopter.'
(My dick is only big enough to do it well at certain times.)
Here's some closure for the rest of you. I found the followup pic from that same exemplary (tit) girl.
In nog holestehy ride at and dirt bikes and can swarm and flee and the police can never catch em. Maybe a couple but in general it's like when they flash mob a store.
*Nog holes they
(Shit I posted this in the wrong thread)
>CNN: "Rat placed for sensational hit-piece on Xanadu Baltimore's sparkly streets."
a few died during police pursuits a few years ago and then the city hall told police not to chase them anymore
Based ted cruz
Made a webm for future generations.
the funny thing about this is that the reporter was criticizing Trump for the segment only to be BTFO at the end by the rat
Truly a paradise.
It needs the audio. It's too perfect
"...are saying that Trump should come down here.. *rat runs across screen" ..and see for himself"
based rat
Is there a full length video of the segment?
Made an alternative take but it came out looking shitty for some reason, can't place why.
Skip to 1:20
for 2 billion, I’ll sell them some cats to eat the rats