A recent survey of military towns has revealed that the French soldiers are voting overwhelmingly for the Far right party Rassemblement National.

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The nose tho

We need an EU army fast.

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Yeah, probably far right ISLAMISTS

Most armed forces are

In Britain the cultural revoltionaries are targeting them hard

They lwoered standards to the marines to let women join

they banned air force jets having women painted on them

and now they have forced senior officers into speaking out about how there are too many white men in leaderhip positions - yes really

they already destroyed the police and the armed forces are next

god i hate this fucking timeline, when is the backlash?

Quick. Start civil war!

US isn't outside of combat arms.

still cant believe France was fooled into voting macroni in instead of le pen, you guys are all idiots

I hope you guys succeed in saving your country and exporting the filth you have back to Africa.
I'll only root for you guys to take back your country if you also take out the kosher conservative elements and treat the Jewish menace how it deserves to be treated. But you deserved everything you got so far with how your fucked over the middle east, especially Palestine.

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You are a faggot if you're surprised by this. It's the same in Germany, Sweden and England, too.
The leftists will be exterminated in the first month of WW3.

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not really though

Gendarmerie nationale massively vote for Le Pen, correct


We can't let the right wing to have the nuclear codes, better to give these codes to our friend in the (((EU)))

>god i hate this fucking timeline, when is the backlash?
You were responsible for the backlash, user. It doesn't look like it's happening.

>people who are willing to submit to order and put their lives on the line for the country vote right
no shit sherlock, call me when something interesting like civil war starts

Right. you could land a B2 on that fucker

I am a Norwegian sergeant and if we have anyone voting other then right we bully them and give them the shit work.

The jews have no monopole on big noses

What's your name and can you post a pic of some form identification? You're so based I want a poster on my wall that's why silly tehe ~~

Front national is not far right. They have no problems with niggers is they raise a french flag.

Well gee, it would be a shame if the far left politicians took the bait for a shitty false flag, sending so many problematic voters to die for nothing. Two world wars started by leftists might not've been enough for them.

it's the same Marxist playbook they use on populations, with feminism, low school standards, mutliculti horseshit. we need a coup. France looks ready with their police literally killing their own patriotic population and propping up the Marxist globalist Macron.

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I remember how the socialists tried to infiltrate the army in my country when they were in power.

They would build pretty military academies to appease the officers.

Good thing they never fell for it, and the army is completely pro bolsonaro.

not a surprise that people that are going to fight the wars and sacrifice themselves will vote using their brains, unlike women and niggers who will vote like "FREE SHIT MOAR NIGGERS FOR NO REASON XDD MUH DIXXX"

US military is 80% non-white now.

most of the super militarily patriotic "Americans" nowadays are actually spawns of illegal Mexicans. It makes sense in a way though, this is their country now.

I knew this guy Juan, he would always talk about how great the US military is and how they would fuck up China and Russia because of how smart Mexicans were and all the technology they developed for the US. it was kinda funny to be honest. I wounder if "white" American patriots still exist though. Would be somewhat illogical to be one consider their country is being stolen right under their feet but hey retards exist.

My friend in the navy told me the US Navy f-35 fighter pilots who were training on our new British carrier asked to be transferred to the British Navy because they felt happy with the British crew (still 100% white)

Apparently the US navy is now less than 50% white & the ships are a nightmare to live on as a white person surrounded by spics & nigs!

shitskins are the majority in military

Filipinos are the racial mafia that keeps the Navy afloat.

bumping for a military coup before we are all fucked.

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Call me when they execute the whole lot of them as traitors to the French people.

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>spend 6 gorillions on the military to bully some sandniggers for jews instead of using it to improve education or health care
>war with someone who isn't goatfucking farmer with a bow happens
>high-tech shit drops like flies, all that money goes to waste because niggers and spics can't comprehend anything above the most basics tactics and going by manual consisting of only "aim with this and then press big red button"
It'll be Congo war all over again except communist niggers will be US and white mercenaries will be chinks or russkies

this is why tommy shekelstien was so keen on befriending the army.

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>Needs to fight islamists and africans
>Is surprised they vote far right

sounds like we are close to collapse

I wish
But truth is the army is massively muslim
I planned to join when I was young, but I gave up on the idea after hearing accounts of how rampant islamic communautarism (going as far as muslim soldiers refusing to fight jihadist) was ruining our armed forces

A draft will not work for the USA

last time the draft was established america was majority white. the country wasn't full of illegals who hated whited people and openly expressed their hatred. the young white males still believed the future was bright for america and their families, which meant they still believed in the American dream and would die fighting for it. Americans still believed politicians were actually good and for the American people. the economy was better, and people could afford to live off lower wages.

let's fast forward to today. America is full of illegals who burn flags and blame white people for everything. politicians are openly corrupt and vote against the American people every time. it's almost impossible to live comfortably off the wages 90% of people make. white demographics are in such a decline that it's obvious the country is lost to 3rd world niggers thanks to politicians. the stock market is in a steady decline, matching 2008. politicians openly call for the removal of white people's rights, the biggest being banning guns. most young white people do not trust the government and do not want to be apart of today's main stream society because it's overrun with niggers.

let's be honest guys. the majority of whites aren't going to enlist. we have nothing to fight for anymore. we would be fighting for the destruction of our country. we would rather fight a civil war than a war for the jews. the niggers and spics ARE NOT going to fight for this country period, that's obvious.

imo, the draft will never work. you can't draft a people that doesn't trust, or hates the country they live in. the jews will have to find another way to get goys to fight for them. the goys they have now are just the status quo of "stupid cattle", that doesn't mean they have enough cattle to fight a huge war.

Fascist French-EU War When ?

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former sergeant infantry here,
not really "far right"
i would say patriot / nationalist but cvcked

"france is great and we have a good army, i dont like macron but i could give my life for him and israel"

this is not far right, this is idiocracy

>WWII Socialist French government scared shitless of the based army engaging in a Coup d'état.
>Denies them a professional tank army.
>Loses WWII

Pic related, France will be based till the end of time if the army does its duty this time.

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Combat arms aren’t actually.

Your country has yet to throw off all the consequences of your post-war syndicalist experiment.

Your country is DEEPLY infected. Thatcher didn't do nearly enough. Listen to how entitled even your whites are about fucking gibs.

I say this because I love the idea of strong Britain, but when I hear men like Jacob-Rees Mogg parotting Democrat tier talking points, I want to pull my hair out.

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Politics is not the answer, that ship has sailed. Any political success is only slowing the inevitable. There are levels of retardation not thought possible in an English speaking nation but here we are.

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How? With no guns?

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the army started the Spanish civil war.

far right? great! it's time for you to die for israel.

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Well, hopefully we can convince congress to arm you all.

We'd have to win here though first.

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You know guys...
We dont actually have to win an election to seize power.
And the French populace is disarmed.........

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>France Populace Disarmed
Not as much as you think; and the good news is they'd all be on your side.

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Internationalists rarely serve any military or country. They serve themselves.

Ask yourself why these people are in charge of anything?

But thats my point user.
Whether they are on /our/side or off our side doesnt matter.
If the military is with us.
And the populace isnt armed like it is in america.
We are litterally a step away from having a country independent of jewish rule.
I mean france is nuclearly armed right?
So all we got to do is gain power over the government Mutally assuared destruction will end the kikes ability to controll france once and for all
It isnt 1945 anymore
They cant just send a horde or slavs and niggers to crush any country that ressists them
They got lucky last time
but we've only got to get lucky once.

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Front National Coup when?

im a quarter french. bonjour my fellow frogs.

Polish noses are not better