What's a fast way to kill yourself without suffering? Keep in mind there's no gun stores in my city(25K ppl living here,south brazil countryside) , no high bridges, high buildings are very difficult to acess, can't buy illegal gun cuz i don't know nobody. The best possibility i could come up with was rushing a bank van security guard with a knife and hoping he shoots me in the chest with a FN FAL 7.62mm Rifle or joining the Brazilian Army sergeant school next and use one of their rifles but i would probably not get accepted because i have a hunchback. The reason i'm doing this is because my grandfather on my mom's side is half black and i can't stand the fact that i have nigger blood in me (my family is mostly german on my dad's side and portuguese/mixed on my mom's side) and because the world is a piece of shit in general
What's a fast way to kill yourself without suffering? Keep in mind there's no gun stores in my city(25K ppl living here...
Other urls found in this thread:
Noble gas exit bag
Attack the police. They’ll do it for you.
enclosed space with car running
Tall building more stories the better
take a rope, spick it with razorblades and turn it into a noose.Then jump off a high building.
Don't kill yourself man. There is so much to experience and yada yada yada yada and think of your family they'll be yada yada yada yada yada yada. Man suicide is the coward's yada yada yada yada yada yada. Like dude killing yourself won't solve yada yada yada yada yada. How can you even be sure that it will help yada yada yada. What if you go to hell yada yada yada and suffer more?
Yada yada yada don't do it yada yada yada
I would tell you to man up but being a mutt is a good reason to kill yourself and cleanse the genetic pool, just do the good old exit bag trick.
There is something in the way he look at the camera
oxycontin full bottle
>Attack the police. They’ll do it for you.
they got no aim they on drugs
go to your local jeweler ask for cleaning solution which usually contains potassium cyanide. Drink and enjoy an hero.
Nigger blood or not, you're a human being and you have value.
Not all things in this world that are beautiful are parts of society and civilization. The world isn't shit, people and society are currently shit.
So instead of disconnecting from the world, disconnect from people.
Find a quiet place away from politics, away from cities, away from lots of people. Find hobbies, save your soul, heal your body and mind.
You'll feel better.
whilst the photo was taken he was apparently informed that the camera operator was a jew. so that is the reason for the stare
there was an image floating around where you could get it all on amazon for less than 80. essentially a tank of gas, and a mask to hook it up to and strap yourself in with. as with my post it was surely made with entirely ironic feelings.
I don't have any money
They would use non lethal take downs in this case, they got teasers and shit
You’re already dead this is hell lol how has nobody told you yet sorry man new management kinda fucked that up
No need to burn in hell too.
It's Brazil bro...Pay a bum ten bucks to put you in a rear naked choke. It's a totally painless way to go.
You don't belong here
Suicide attack on local drug dealers' place of work. If cops won't shoot you dead, gangsters certainly will.
don't do it, user. there is so much to live for.
Make this with no ice bath, make sure your head is close to mix.
Either poison or vaporizing of head will occur in minecraft
He's literally in Brazil
Oops wrong pic lol
Yeah this is the dangerous as fuck one Brazil user.
faithpilled and truly based! god bless!
You can run a hose from an exhaust pipe toa car window and add some pastic and duct tape to keep it airtight. Then find a secluded spot where nobody will find you for at least 12 hours, and I imagine it won't be hard for you to hide in the countryside. Finally, get some strong medication to knock you out for a good amount of that time. If you don't have access to any, you'll probably find at least one pharmacist in a big city that will sell you a box of Rivotril without a prescription if you cook up a good excuse.
See you on the other side, my fellow neguinho.
It's not without suffering but, since you may look the part. Try getting asylum in Germany, buy/steal a gun and shoot up a Mosque or something
Or just mix together alot of math heads and matchbox powder put it in tinfoil strap to head and hit foil with hammer
unironically based.
There's no drug dealers in south brazil only in the capital cities and of course Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Match heads*
Mix this up put it on your head in aluminum foil and strike with hammer.
Make about 4-5 grams.
Remember to fold foil. A fuze may also be used.
I don' look black i look like a male version of Brittany Venti only with brown eyes and ugly
I hear that Notre Dame will be looking for a multicultural hunchback after Quazi was killed in the fire.
Don't look black*
So you don't look like a nigger? Don't kys then, nigger
The resulting blast from Armstrong's mix with destroy your brain and spinal cord.
No pain.
Won't even feel the hammer.
Hey that's really funny dude u actually made me laugh in my current mental state, thanks a lot british person
Me too.
mano, me manda uma mensagem ou algo. não faz besteira, por favor.
If you place the rope right, under your chin and angled up going towards the back of your head it will kill you instantly. Tldr hang yourself, but do it right.
My skin tone is like this girl, but brown eyes and my hair is straight and not weird and nigger-ish like hers and i'm a man
read eckhart tolle, meditate , find god
use suffering for growth
>Help me kms
>Lmao I'm ok
It was sarcasm, i hate u british faggots
Quit attention whoring then and fuck off already, you have no reason to kill yourself nigger, you are just a weak faggot
Just do the toaster in the bathtub. It works.
I hate you non humans
Who knew? Apparently laughing once cures you instantly of suicidal depression. Better go tell the mental health professionals.
Then take a bus.
Kill all Jewish and israeli children
Oh no don't say that I can't take it
Save up and try and storm the next Bilderberg meeting. Start a Facebook event saying "they can't stop all of us!" Just to make sure they're ready to fire.
Don't do it, user. Suicide is for cowards.
>Nigger blood or not, you're a human
Do you understand what being human means, you stupid nigger? You should an hero as well.
Meaning you should join him.
You are one tough hombre Ssboi
That’s even worse. That means you can’t even be a nigger. You’re just some rootless creature with no people, no history, and no future hopefully.
Why do you wish to preserve a subhuman’s life? You’re unironically a bigger coward for not being able to do what needs to be done.
And you sound like you take cock. Stop queerposting and go back.
you live in brazil, just buy an expencive bike or restore one to such a stealable beaty and drive to the favellas, it should take around 5 minutes
Where are you from nigger ill fight you irl
Wow good joke bro
You’re not Romanian. That type of posting doesn’t work.
Oh my god you monumental faggot quit crying like a goddamn baby first of all. You have a roof? Shoes? Have you eaten in the last week? If you said yes to any of those you can go fuck yourself you weak piece of shit. Be a fucking man and move and change your life if you hate it so much. Or kill yourself, nobody cares but you.
That doesn't make me white what if i have kids with a white girl and he is born brown-ish, instead of helping cleaning the world i would just be fucking up even more, i mean what if the little nigga has 3 kids in the future?
Posta seu e-mail aqui, preciso de ajuda...
What difference does it make at this point?
Turn self into hot tranny sheboi and makes lot of money fucking rich tourists.
I had never seen it this way until Jow Forums, Brazilanon.
If you truly are ready to do it, then the world is your oyster. Go do something outrageous. You were facing a 100% chance of death anyways. I want to read about you in the papers user.
I was suicidal in my youth and here I am still taking up space at 50. Living on this planet is a rare gift, a blessing even. The world is beautiful and astonishing - it's human beings that are the pieces of shit in general. An important distinction to make.
Hang in there user. Don't you want to see how all this ends?
What u mean? I want to make the world better
Use your car sit in your garage and start the car but honestly I don’t think you should but what ever feels right user I’m with you
I don't have a car or money, i sit in my bed all day and my mom forced me to look for a job to help her financialy cause she has breast cancer but nobody wants to hire me cuz i never worked before and i can't get into public college cause i'm no smart i got 500 points out of the 600 needed and they qualify me as white and there's a lot of minority quotas so it gets harder and stuff
Not smart*
You should try to help your mom then, wait til she's gone before you do anything. If not, please tell me you aren't going to suicide in the house your mom lives in.
Nice did you that to your wife and kids
Why should i help her? She said i was an accident and screams at me the whole time and i blame her for this shit becase she fucked my dad who was 100% German (last names Zimmermann and Saueressig) if she didn't fuck him he would have married a german woman and i would have been born more white
>south brazil countryside
I also live there. Let's be friends.
>there's no gun stores in my city
Lol. There's at least 10 within a 15 minute drive from me.
What about professional help?
>The reason i'm doing this is because my grandfather on my mom's side is half black and i can't stand the fact that i have nigger blood in me
Dumbest thing ive read on here in a minute, and that's saying something.
God bless America i suppose
Fuck you Trudeau if ur so smart give me options or teach me something i don't know
head/neck on a railroad. its literally impossible for the train to stop to save you. the train will come so fast you wont feel a thing. if it helps, you can even get really drunk to give yourself some liquid courage.
whatever you do, dont just hop right of the train. you could potentially survive long enough to experience yourself slowly bleeding out in pure agony. nobody wants to die like that.
pic semi related. obviously dont put your whole body in the middle of the tracks
go back to africa and colonize the nigger
No active train tracks here, communist government deactivated them after the Military Dictatorship, i think Bolsonaro A.K.A. Israel's ball licker wants to activate them again but it takes time
go to the usa they will love you nigger
go to a zoo, fight a tiger dont forget to stream it
You didn't mention the bit about being called an accident. I'm sorry. My own father told me that I was 'born out of a bottle on a Saturday night'. Took me down a peg for sure. I'm not sure I'd tell my kid that. "You're proof that abortions aren't always 100% successful."
Oh that's ok, u seem like a good person i wish you luck in life
Also, you don't know that you would be you if your dad hadn't met your mom and met a German woman instead. God, fate, luck of the draw, who knows? You can't blame your mom or dad.
May I ask how old you are?