Why u dont spend some shekels on our lgbqt-razors ?

>why u dont spend some shekels on our lgbqt-razors ?

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Bic razors are better, always have been.

only on Jow Forums can people see a major corporation spend billions on advertising and they get mad about the content and not the fact corporations have billions of dollars to spend in the first place

they have billions to spend because of their successful-ness whats wrong with that in anyway you commie

Wtf, why? Putting some men in front of grills is the most expensive ad campaign ever? Did they put feminists in charge of accounting or something?

He has to distract from the message his allies are pushing. It's a newer tactic (((they))) have been using here.

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Holy kek

This epitomizes pol anymore...
Yeah, P&G wrote off 8bil, but no, not because of their fag ads. The shaving business is in the toilet, no pun intended.
Go Google it out.

Switched to one of the monthly subscription razor things after this. It's great and costs like literally 1/10th as much. Stop paying the razor jew.

Yeah, if you have a problem with leaving the flesh attached to your facial bone structure after you shave, you're gonna want to go BIC.

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taxing a corporation is objectively more useful to society than moaning about culture wars 24/7. you are a useful idiot

Fake news. The write-off is from 2018. The ad came out early 2019.

BIC sensitive 4 blade is a quarter of the price as Gillette’s and just as good if not better.

what are you talking about, autismo? are you black? because they have problems shaving

No because it lost them buisness.

Here's a free tip user because you are still getting jewed.

Dollar shave club just resells Dorco razors for a higher price. Google dorco razors and you will see the razor you pay $5/month for in a pack of 10 for $5

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>american "society"
>worth preserving
I'm guessing you are brown or a neet?

hollywood, vid games, mens products. why are the jews taking insane losses pushing this ideology niggers/faggots etc
>I thought jews loved sheckels

This is why I only buy Schick razors now.

It's been a while in the making, but their attempt at social engineering sure as hell didn't help.

They underestimated the gullibility of people to fall for the discount razors, even though Gillette and Shick premium products were always a better deal - better built, lasted much, much longer and therefore did not cost more than the discount ones - and that's not even accounting for the fact that Fusion and Hydro cartridges could frequently be had on sale for as little as $1.75.

For value, it was no contest. But DSC and others used Madison Avenue to bury that truism.

Their response was to little, too stupid and too late. I would have loved to be at the meeting where they decided that their salvation would be to go after the long overlooked demographic of hormonally haywire mentally broken suicides-in-waiting, and would be equally eager to know what the other options were.

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>not just using an electric razor
You fucking poorfags, it's only like $30.

nice numerals

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I don't think it's worth the 20 cents a week I save tearing up my face with recycled ship hulls, rabbi.

By the way - that time you got called "mercurial?" They were referring to the geography of your face.

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holy shit thanks

based digits

>Buy package of Bic razors
>Buy LGBT+ pride stickers
>Put stickers on razors
>Sell for 5x the price

That might just work...
Otherwise, the LGBT-community will notice that the Bic-Logo is a male Figurine and they will be reeeeeeeee'ing

I agree. Bic only good for thwarting facial recognition software.

What they want to say is that the ad was so bad it coated them 8$ billion of loss in revenues

how to replace gillette's shaving cream tho? It's pretty good. Makes my hair soft even with lukewarm water.

>not because of their fag ads.
it didn't help tho

only gay faggots who dilate don't shave with a safety razor

>he's never seen the ad

the power of the white man money is strong...too bad you fucker pissing in an ocean...they will once try another trick to put you back to sleep

Ya, how dare they have money!



>>why u dont spend some shekels on our lgbqt-razors ?

You ever tried shaving with a bent razor? Razors, like people are best when they're straight.

dont buy nike either. the kraperdick kneeling sponsorship was obscene

Use soap and warm water, and let it sit on your face for at least 60 seconds. I used to think the same as you, but that was because I didn't leave it nearly long enough.

Use a drop of conditioner, the same kind you'd use in your hair. Works wonders and is basically free because it takes a TINY amount to do your whole face.

i draw the line at my nike...kys or else

You can literally get shaving soap. It's just a bar of soap that lathers well. Cost less than $1 each and last for ages, probably well over 100 shaves.

Go in dry, be a man

interesting idea

>The govt who pushes this very agenda should get the money, they'll spend it wisely