The goverment should do something about it !!!!1!1!1!1
The goverment should do something about it !!!!1!1!1!1
Other urls found in this thread:
I see no problem with that statement you faggot retard slave ass muncher
seriously how much is insulan actually? every one of these posts has it at a different price. Is it fucking 300 dollars or is it 1800 dollars or what?
Stop being an obese nigger and you won't need insulin.
>The goverment should do something about it !!!!1!1!1!1
This tweet is factually incorrect. What is the cost per volume of Insulin?
Nobody actually knows
do you work in the industry or something? fucking chewleys gum rep
it is incorrect because we are subsidizing Canada the issue is they need to pay a real share.
>seriously how much is insulan actually?
After insurance pays its part, I pay $30/month for 3x constant meters, the insulin, alcohol wipes....Everything needed for my son who has Type 1. In addition, we also were given medicare because of the type.
Seems rather reasonable
>it is incorrect because we are subsidizing Canada the issue is they need to pay a real share.
No, it is incorrect because it presents an abstract without any facts. X cost Y....But X is measured in fluid volume, which is not included. How much does insulin cost per volume?
Seething diabetic little man.
>Seems rather reasonable
It is 100% reasonable, and since it is ILLEGAL to not have insurance in the USA, the only people complaining are criminals. From what the doctors told us, EVERYONE who has type 1 also has access to medicare in addition to your primary insurance. Type 2 is a whole other monster, and generally effects people who have not taken care of themselves, and have done damage from a mix of poor diet and exercise. Thankfully Type 1 is very manageable.
What is the punishment for not being insured?
>we should let Jews charge exorbitant prices for things, because fuck statists XD
Cuckitalists pls
>and since it is ILLEGAL to not have insurance in the USA,
I mean the individual mandate is gone, but yea
Used to be a big ass tax, thanks Obama, literally. Trump got rid of it though
ours cost more so the rest of the world can get it cheaper
we do everything for the rest of the fucking world and when we ask for one blowjob we get nagging all night
Americans are dying because we so fat
>we should let the jews in the government have even more control over the population
kike pls
>What is the punishment for not being insured?
Paying full price for medication, and/or looking like a beggar.
its funny cause all the resources needed to make medicine belong to china. maybe fix this first
Why doesnt he go to Canada? They have open borders and universal health care, a plane tickets cheap
The government did something, it received bribes from lobbyists to guarantee huge prices and shitty service.
Anyone ever consider ending the greed of the 400lb fatsoes stuffing food down their gullet nonstop and giving themselves diabetes ?
If you don't like it
heres how i can fix this easy problem
insulin cost a lot its necessary for FAT FUCKS
i will take away ebt and solve FAT FUCKS and the need for insulin
We pay so much for medicine here because we foot the bill for essentially the entire planet's pharmaceutical R&D. We could sell if for cheap if everyone else pulled their weight.
You people (you being the rest of the entire world) sound like the kid that copied someone's homework and then talked about how easy the assignment was.
Unironically there absolutely should be maximum profit margins on essential goods. And every effort made at encouraging distribution of the means of production.
So why is the solution here for the government to raise my taxes and take total control over the whole industry rather than just passing limits on how much these shits can charge for their stuff?
Wow stop being a bigot
>we're living in a dystopian nightmare where theres medical care
Insulin should be cheap for type I diabetics. Type II's can die for all I care.
>retards unironically defending big pharma kikery
>Insulin should be cheap for type I diabetics.
It is, and it is covered under medicare.
Holy shit how do you make insulin, I'm about to make some serious dough!
>jew unironically defending big government kikery
If companies want to circumvent the people by spending billions to lobby congress let them reap what they sow.
Good goy, the free market will drive down prices any moment just you wait
>ha! Yea such it big corp
>wtf why are my taxes so high
Good goy, the government will magically fix everything any moment now just you wait
obvious main problems the twitter fag doesn't understand:
Medical companies need to be profitable to fund more medical research. medical research is incredibly expensive and most drugs never become safe to use on humans, so they need to recoup those losses somehow. If they did not create these drugs, they would never be available to the public at any price
Other countries sell generics and are profiting off of someone else's work, which in the long run means that american companies will produce less new lifesaving drugs
It's reasonable on insurance until you realize the off insurance price exists to force people to have insurance. He's basically paying $300+ a month for the ability to spend >$4000 a year out of pocket before the insurance actually covers anything medically necessary.
Now what was the cost of off insurance inulin again...
Aren't you just mommy govt's special little boy.
Produced via a process validated by trained engineers in a controlled environment by trained personnel using serialized materials on qualified equipment installed by trained mechanics using calibrated instruments. Packaged in approved packaging, Labeled with FDA approved language and identification to a matching unique identifier within an FDA database by qualified printers on approved adhesive strips purchased from approved suppliers. To be shipped to qualified distributors where they will be stored in specified environmental conditions and sold to approved retailers within a tested and verified expiration period or recalled in a timely manner and destroyed via a documented process to ensure there is no resale of adulterated product through grey market channels.
EVERY step of this process will be thoroughly documented and those records maintained for the life of the product which may be surprise audited at any time by FDA.
There's a reason shit costs more in the US, and it ain't corporate greed.
>USA is the only country in the world with trained personnel and medical standards!
It has less to do with the pharmaceutical industry and more to do with the insurance companies.
you can buy insulin at walmart for 20 bucks
"Medical" companies don't research or make drugs, pharmaceutical companies do. I won't bother addressing the rest of the nonsense you posted, I'm just laughing at the sheer balls of you accusing someone of not understanding, when you don't even know the right word for the industry you're talking about.
this is what happens when you let the markets dictate
there are areas where gubnit should hold a monopoly, and areas that should be open to competition
the issue, as always, is the corrupt and lazy nature of gubnit v the corrupt profit drive of corps
With insurance? fucking copay of under 30$. Fuck these faggots that don't work/don't just get insurance.
It's not the training itself. It's maintenance of record requirements to meet FDA scrutiny.
Show me the training records of the personnel who ran the machine for this batch of insulin. Please also show me the documentation showing they were trained to that process. How was that process designed? What controls do you have on the design process?
Who trained the person who made this batch? Are they qualified to train people? When was the last time they got re-certified to be able to train someone? How do you maintain your training records? Was there ever a period where this person was out of compliance with their training? What batch#s were produced during this time frame? Are you sure this person wasn't using the machine while they were out of their training period? Please show me the manufacturing records to prove that ALL batches produced in this time window were produced by other personnel. I'd like to see their training records for this time window as well please.
ALL valid questions during an FDA audit. ALL records you MUST be able to produce on demand (usually within 48 hours).
Fuck them. We pay for all these grants to research this shit out of our taxes and should have public ownership of the drug patents that come out of it.
Type 2 diabetics are more likely to be put on Metaformin and a change in diet, you have to be pretty far gone to get insulin. Type 2 sufferers don't have a lack of insulin, their bodies don't react to it correctly, google "insulin resistance". Fatties who lower their blood sugar levels don't need insulin, and current research is indicating insulin for Type 2 isn't the right path. (Berberine, an herbal supplement that's cheap and has very few side effects, is surprisinging good at lower blood sugar for type 2 diabetics, but it couldn't be patented, so we have metaformin.)
The majority of people who use insulin are not fatties, they're people who are born without the ability to make insulin, and injecting it is the most effective treatment. The reasons for it's high cost is 100% financial, 3 companies make it, and have filed patents on every step of the process, to control their monopolies, and pay other companies to NOT make it. It's filthy, despicable and immoral, but they make enough to pay off legislators to never even bring up changing the rules and laws to prevent it. Big Pharma is fucking evil.
But hey, it's Jow Forums, ranting about something without knowing anything about it is more fun and easy than learning, right? The cost of insulin is a real issue, but it's not the fatties with type 2 who need it.
My wife's son died today while waiting in the McDonald's drive-thru because he couldn't get his insulin. Somebody needs to do something and quick.
>look her buddy... Think of the research!! Who cares if this medicine was $30 7 years ago before Obamacare! That’s the cost of research! Can’t possibly be anything else! Whatayougunnado?! NOT RESEARCH?!
Nope. In this case, it's not the regulations and hoops companies have to jump through that prevents them from making it. Merck was going to make it, they got sued by one of the big 3 that make it already, they settled, because that company pays Merck to not make it.
The scarcity and cost of insulin is 100% artificial.
>The government doesn't have the responsibility of maintaining the welfare and livelihood of the nation
>It's perfectly okay for large corporations to fleece the people because muh capitalism
The state has a duty to protect it's people, and that's not only from warfare.
Good population control. America is full of useless eaters.
>What is supply and demand
Demand is a lot higher in America because of all the fatasses with diabetes.
How about don’t weigh 300 pounds?
American drug prices are high because America is the only place funding the rnd of new drugs.
>Raise the cost of insulin
>Everyone with insurance gets it as a normal cost
>Insurance companies foot the bill
>People without insurance can still get it because the health system isn't allowed to let you die even if you can't afford coverage
>Use the cash to develop cool new shit instead of cutting costs for adults with type 2 diabetes
If you have anything but type 1 or gestational diabetes, I have no sympathy for you.
it's sold at walmart for 25dollardoos stop spamming these threads you fucking memeflaggot kikes
Do you understand english?
Lmao imagine dying because you’re too fat haha
Natural selection is a bitch you genetic trash lmao
Lowering the cost of medicine in America is a logical thing to do, profits over nation is bootlicker mindset especially if you aren't a billionaire.
People can be born with diabetes, there isn't just 1 type of diabetes you fucking moron.
Just make your own insulin. That's what they say about youtube et al
How much did the hospital make, how about the Dr?
>American drug prices are high because America is the only place funding the rnd of new drugs.
Gotta keep curing diseases in Africa
A monetary penalty incurred when you file your income taxes. It affected me for the last 4 years.
Diabetes isn't just exclusive to fat people ffs, people are born with type 1
Enjoy your insulin when you need it Burgeb. Sadly you will have to sell your daughters into slavery to afford it. having said that, at least you can still pound your chest and chant USA USA USA.
How much of a penalty did you have to pay?
post in-pharmacy prices and there will be an end to the horror
I mean we COULD put some street rules on this bitch.
But i bet those ceos and boardroom execs etc.. dont want to have to fear for their life at every waking moment.
and as nice civilized people we want to give these dastardly fucks a chance to do right and save their skin.
My dads type 2 shit cost literally $2 a month. Poor people are disgusting
>cant process any more sugar
>keeps eating sugar
type 2 diabetics should be gassed
The Ebola Chan memes are only funny because there is a cure and vaccination that is available in the West. If only the Congolese would stop killing the doctors and rubbing the blood of the dead in their mouths.
But given how many Africans we ship in, you better be glad things like malaria pills and HIV suppressors are a thing. Your local crush the burns coal on the side could kill a small village otherwise.
>American drug prices are high because America is the only place funding the rnd of new drugs.
3 companies make insulin:
Eli Lilly - US based
Ordo Novo - Danish
Sanofi - French
Greed in Big Pharma is not restricted to US companies. But hey, what do I know, other than facts?
Ended this year.
I know some people don't have insurance but I get 7 bottles of insulin for 20 bucks. Thats less than 3 bucks a bottle I don't think anyone in the world can beat that. If you don't have insurance walmart has a generic bottle for like 20 or something. Also a bottle is more around 200 than 300 so even that is misleading. Not that 200 is cheap but 100 bucks is a bit too misleading.
everyone with diabeetus should die
It's $35 otc at Walmart, faggot.
>insulin demand is enormous because people are literal planets of flubber in the US
>there isn't just 1 type of diabetes
But T1DM is the only acceptable form. People with Type 2 should just be left to rot since they're going to rot away regardless, it'll just take a lot longer. They could literally cure themselves if they put down the fucking twinkie, but we know they won't do that, so they deserve to die, one amputation at a time.
>But given how many Africans we ship in, you better be glad things like malaria pills and HIV suppressors are a thing
Or just stop shipping them in. Whites are ruining the world by curing africans and feeding them so they can overpopulate and then invade the west.
Fucking sauce
t. diabeetus sufferer
There's also the fact that if you contact the companies, they'll often give you drugs, or at a steep discount, as a PR program. And, there are programs in every state to help get access to drugs. Some you can't get, because they're just really expensive to make - my mom needed a blood cell booster when she was getting chemo, and you can only buy a bottle that has multiple doses, and it runs around $1500-3000. But the chemo suite she went to had a program the nurses ran, that we could buy into a bottle, which was more affordable. (Don't get me started on cancer "treatment" for stage 4 patients, that's where Big Pharma is the most evil)
Yeah most people here would agree with that, also blacks with diabetes should get no treatment. It's hilarious watching them hop down the street.
Doesn't change the fact that those companies Jack up the price on frequently purchased drugs to fund the research into other drugs and place that cost on Americans because all of the other countries have socialized medicine and just provide genetics.
it's what your imagination tell you
90-95% of all diabetes cases are type 2. i do not give a fuck if fatties have to pay for being fat. next slide.
My friends mom is going through Cancer treatment though it's not working as well as everyone had hoped and it's fucking ruining them financially. They know people will sell their souls to save loved ones though.
Doesn't change the fact that they could make back their research costs AND a very significant profit, without charging the prices they do. You're "proving" an irrelevant point. Nobody is claiming that drugs are cheap to design/research. But their pricing isn't in line with that.
Can't have that now. Diversity is our strength :^)