New poll up on Drudge

Williamson is the craziest person up there right now. She got my vote on that poll. She wants $500 billion for reparations, she had all the white people at a church apologize for being white. She is an unhinged lunatic. Would be the perfect candidate to have no chance.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's the black pilled candidate. My sweet queen.

Every time she speaks my cock swells up.

Imagine this:
>Election 2020
>the Final Debate
>Trump vs Marianne.
How does it end?

Attached: Marianne2020.jpg (966x550, 67K)

imagine a marianne williamson vs donald trump debate/timeline

just imagine it

Her screaming and crying like a crazy person with Trump sipping his Monster laughing.

She’s jewish too

Tulsi is the best choice

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it ends with Trump grabbing her by the pussy and overcoming his dark physic force that beholds him to the jews

Honestly she's very articulate and has strong presence.
And she makes totally insane things sound less insane.
She'd be great.

Crystal Lasers vs. Dragon Energy

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yeah i can't wait to pay a trillion dollars to niggers

gif file name has actual name of this old time actress. They are throwing everything up at the wall to see what sticks.

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Its beautiful



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This might have a chance of happening if the process was natural, but we all know the DNC has already decided Marianne will not be the nominee

Their job now is just to convince you that you think that too, and you came to the conclusion yourself

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Black people are a tiny portion of our country and a huge percentage of then arent even allowed to vote.

Fuck niggers

In that timeline. Williamson life would be threaten multiple times by the corporate "OVERLORDS" to stop her. The debates would cause Trump to be calmer and business-man like. I would love to see that debate.



>DNC has already decided Marianne will not be the nominee
i really don't think they got together to make that decision.
not that the primary isn't rigged - i just think everyone knew what the decision was going to be without talking about it

link the poll I cant find it on drudge

Well yeah, I'm not saying they all sat around a shadowy table and signed it in writing, but they all know what the game is

feel like ive heard this before

didn't they continually shut off her mic in the first debates?

Crazy Aunt Marianne, she's got my nomination

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>ITT: incels with oedipus complexes


She's going to usher forth Human Instrumentality

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Bruh. Im starting to get that 07 shitposting feel. This is gonna be a fun 18 months.

Was she the one that thought America enslaved niggers for longer than the US has existed, by over a hundred years?


Serious question, does anyone know what the fuck is wrong with her voice? Does she have a genuine speech impediment, or is she just attempting to do that weird fake accent Jewish female celebrities did in the 20th century to try to sound sophisticated?

The Colonel
Gun Grabbet Gabbard
Cosmic Cougar

Ranked choice.

Who is "The Colonel"?

Sanders. Colonel Sanders.

>she had all the white people at a church apologize for being white
What? When was this?

>black pandering "muh reparation cash"
>white guilt
>redpilled about the JQ
what's her endgame? best candidate to accelerate the day of the rope?

>Redpilled about the JQ

Oh yeah, the meme from that one shitbucket restaurant. Appreciate the clarification.

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Aware of the dark psychic powers, and preffers Asuka over Rei.

I want to vibrate her on a high level.

>Satan tribs
I want my fucking third impact and blood stained oceans!

Hey now, that's quite brainist, and by design, racist.

A porno, as Trump and Williamson fuck like monkeys on live television. Generations will remember this as the beginning of how only pornstars win presidential elections.

Sasha Grey future UN ambassador?

I assume the fabric of reality being rent asunder and this stupid Clown World finally collapsing into darkness

>Clown World finally collapsing into darkness
Clown World is the last cycle user, the darkest time before dawn. No matter what happens we will se the light. Her evangelion references hint a very enjoyable ride.

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Another woman the Cheetoqueef mod would be jealous of.

More women the Cheetoqueef mod would be jealous of. Better not lust after them, she'll call you a pedo. ;)

This transkike would be perfect for the role of presidential foil. But use the proper pronoun. It's a fucking male.

It ends with Trump nominating her to


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>Trump the archetypal male
>Williamson the archetypal female
The sexual tension would suffocate us all to death.

The Department of Being Present.

Plebbit is onto you

and so it is decided

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>jew vs jew
Seems boring.

She is literally the only candidate the Democrats have that stands a chance against Trump. She can play his politics and beat him at his own game. Trump will destroy every other candidate. They don't know how to harness the meme energy like Marianne.


> I will beat you with love Mr Trump

Marianne is the only one that can fix the incel problem.

Another actual quote

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The asuka memes and "dark psychic powers" is what turned me in.

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Hmm, I'm curious to see how that would work. Please explain.

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Witchy gmilf. Would bang.

I’m interested in this now

Here's how it will work: she goes around and we get to suck her pussy like a good boy


the primary is rigged so that the top people (biden, warren, sanders, possibly a +1) will be in a fake "deadlock" and then they will all team up and settle for the compromise candidate, michael obama at the DNC that's their candidate

I would hope you are all registered Democrat so that if your state has a closed primary you will be able to vote for mommy


So like government mandated sex? Maybe you're on to something

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She's not bonkers, she's stopping wonk... ers

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Holy shit

Lmao alright we need to start backing her asap before they try forcing her off the stage. I'm a registered dem for the sake of subversion and not getting my drinks spat in by minorities, so I'll vote for her in the primaries.

Thanks a mil, Brazil!

marianne will unironically listen to peoples complaints. she won't ignore people crying out for help. she will listen to the incels and gently tell the whores to change their ways. she will put the boomer in check and make the man pay up to make the commoners happier. she will make all the fat poltards go on a diet and she will crack down on steroids and who knows maybe even ban trannies. i don't even care if she can't, i just know mommy wants to help and its our only hope, everyone else just wants to suck the man's cock and keep the bourgeoisie happy and use all the women as whores and feed the rest cake.

I would love for her to be the nominee. She has a paper trail of quotes that are solid gold. For example...

...Just spent time in silence showering the President of Syria with a love so great that his insanity could not stand in its presence

She is the only one able to shitpost at Trump's level.

Ha, she's not even close to Trump when it comes to shitposting. What are you smoking dude?

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Is this the mommyposting thread?

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This is the place, girlfriend.

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Oh, it happened.

This will surely trigger siege faggots if she reaches office.


holy shit. this is kino

Fuck everyone, this is now a mommyposting thread.

Have you dilated that pus-filled tranny-hole in your crotch today?

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Guys I know that Biden is a strawman, and Bernie and Pocahontas have been planning to run together since the beginning and making it look like they won't. Then Pocahontas was given the talking po in not "I dont care who wins as long as Trump is gone"

LOL nearly 47 percent now!

Holy shit, man. She's legit insane. I wish Trump would pick a fight with her -essentially just poking the weirdo with a stick - so that we could use the fairly predictable (but fucking hilarious) outcome against all the otherwise front runners.

bump for racial awareness

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Hmmm. Is this a large enough coalition?

top kek

everyone in this thread needs to take the time to watch this, even just part of it.

seriously, just do it. this is exactly what you'd expect a caricature hollywood scene of a cult to look like, if not worse

Comee here for the best nudes! Hot femaless and traps

discord gg/dmB39ty