Racist or Serial Killer?

Why do I have more sympathy for a serial killer than a white supremacist?

I am a true crime guy, so I know a bit about the environments that spawn a serial killer. Usually the worst kinds of abuse, from being dressed in drag for years of their childhood, to hyper abusive, to sexually abusive. I see that and can muster some sympathy for these people. I see them as products of the worst environments.

Why can’t I do the same for white supremacists? I am sure they are also products of their environments, but they garner zero sympathy from me.

Should I attempt to “correct” this?

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no one cares go write your blog post on facebook

healthy environments help prevent serial killers.

I need honest replies, not virtue signaling. Help me out of shut the fuck up, moron.

>from being dressed in drag for years of their childhood,

Gonna se a lot more then.

wonder what the actual headcount of white supremacists actually is,

impossible to get a good statistic because of pic related, would say its relatively low compared with what people think it is

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Absolute legend. I admire him and own books of his. He was extremely intelligent and made something of himself coming from a horrifically bad child hood. His mom once sold him for beer and his uncle has to go get him

>t.resea reareaw rirrer

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"At least I was not a bigot" will be last thoughts of so many liberal parents when their fucked up forcibly tranny offspring murders them.

Because you mistakenly think that environment is the main factor in determining a person's character when science has proven time and time again that nature>nurture dominantly.

You think violent dysfunctional people are that way because they grew up in violent dysfunctional families. This is true but not for the reason you think. Their families were violent and dysfunctional because that's in their genes.

That's not a nice thing to say. It's actually a very depressing, divisive and deterministic thing to realize about the world. That's why mainstream culture will always reject the nature outcome despite the overwhelming amounts of scientific peer-reviewed evidence.

It is however the truth. Nurture has its effects, but they are completely neglegible compared to nature.

This is why the childen of a rich black person still performs worse than those of a white or Asian person. And why children of crazy people tend to be crazy.

Meh. They will probably just have to join the dickless dude support group to hug it out.

The Tate Murders were a False Flag


checked for truth

You must be retarded to have more sympathy for psychopaths than from people who are simply defending themselves.
I don't like niggers because 90% of my interactions with them throughout my life have been negative. The same with most foreigners. I've been around niggers my whole life so it's not for lack of interaction.
I've had even fewer positive interactions with spics.
Why wouldn't I want fewer of these interactions in my life? Why would I want foreign culture ruling over my life?
You're naive if you think equality is going to happen. Revenge is too appealing. We're justified to resist.

That doesn’t change the underlying issue though. I can still find sympathy for the serial killer as he was screwed by genetics. I can’t find the same sympathy for a racist even if he is similarly screwed by geneitics.

Manson's father was a mulatto nigger. It's always funny when people pull the white racist card.

White supremacists are just normal people who have the decency to admit the obvious truth. Serial killers are warped in the mind but they killed innocent people. They should be put down.

It is because you are a psychopath. If you sympathize more with broken people who murder than you can be tolerant of simple people who prefer to have a society with people similar to them then it is you who has the problem.

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Manson crashed on Brian Wilson's couch. Niel Young tried to get Manson a record deal and told people he was the greatest songwriter he ever heard.


It might be easier to just call me retarded, but I’m afraid it isn’t the truth.

And I’m not arguing that racists are wrong. I don’t care about that aspect at the moment.

I’m talking about my bias. A bias I share with a TON of people. Like most of the Democratic Party.

But why is it there? White guilt? I think that might be it. But how was it hammered into so many people so easily without anyone noticing until it was WAY too late. I’m nearly 40, man. This anti white sentiment started in the fucking 80s. No one said anything about it loud enough to be heard until the last 5 years tops.

How do you define a racist or supremacist?

Also, someone's genes are literally what define him as a person completely. It's his code. Saying that something is not someone's fault but their genes' fault doesn't make sense because without genes the concept of "someone" is irrelevant.

By that nihilistic argument, you can literally justify all behavior. Just because someone has the genes to be a raper, doesn't justify legalizing rape. Just because someone has the genes to be lazy doesn't mean we should stop mocking laziness as a society.

Yeah. Good job, fuckin’ master debater. I admitted the problem was with me in my first post.

If our code controls us, why are we responsible for anything then? We didn’t choose our code?

And I dunno. A racist is someone who judges people based on their race with no other input?

A supremacist is someone who believes their race is superior to others? Especially when confronted with evidence of the contrary?

Like others said, serial killers are mentally fucked they aren't going to sympathize with you.

Racist people are people with actual feelings that hate others

You are jewish, fuck yourself kike

I wish, man. I might have more money or a good job.

I’m just a regular white guy. Mostly Irish, Scottish, and German.

You are not seperate from your code. You ARE your code. You aren't "justified" to do anything in life. The society you live in decides which behaviors are acceptable. If you cross a huge line you get removed from the gene pool. If it's small you are sort of just peer pressured into not giving in into your reflexes.

I mean that's a very unrealistic view of a racial supremacist. There is no real universally objective criteria to rank races on. That being said, it's extremely natural to prefer your own tribe (people genetically similar to you) over external tribes. That's such a basic engrained evolutionary universal trait that you are sort of broken as a living organism if you don't have that. What sort of evidence do you see supremisists ignoring?

Manson was an actor and the murders were staged as a psychological operation.

Charley never killed anyone. Also go fuck yourself.


>If you cross a huge line you get removed from the gene pool.

Retarded since you can have kids before you cross the line like a lot of felons and killers. Tons of kids with daddies in prison.

In just the most generic and non-direct terms, if someone thinks whites are strictly better than blacks despite the fact that some whites are criminals and some blacks are successful professionals, that seems pretty silly.

There are good folks in every group. And while white folks may be preferable to you, thinking they are strictly superior is just... racist.

That is an extreme version which I am sure is flimsy, but lesser versions are pretty abundant. Like my mom who insists all the Armenians are clogging up the general aid offices with their BMWs and commiting welfare fraud while also completely ignoring her own family doing the same elsewhere.

>psychological operation
they're still operating

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His story is really sad, his mom was a hooker, he likely was abused a lot then ended up doing 10 years for trying to pass a bad federal check for 26 bucks, raped in prison

A large prison population is the number one way to increase homosexuality in your society

He never murdered anyone


>thinking they are strictly superior

why is this such a huge point of contention. we are all inequal to each other.
blacks are superior at putting a ball in a net. whites are superior at building civilizations.
what's the problem, exactly?

I have never in my life met a single person who thinks all people of race X are strictly all better than people of race Y.

When people say "men are taller than women", everybody and their dog understands that averages/medians are implied. Why must we always play this semantic game when talking about controversial topics?

When people say whites and asians have higher IQs than blacks, it should be obvious that people are talking about means and averages. Pointing out outliers is utterly anecdotal. It doesn't disprove their point at all.

Don't correct it. Just KYS race traitorous nitwit asshole !

Heheh. We kinda got off on a tangent. I don’t care about defining racism, or if racism is bad, or how many crimes certain groups commit.

I am laying out my anti white bias, the same bias that I believe has seriously affected American politics and the left, and trying to figure out where it came from.

I really want a silver bullet, man. That one thing that makes it click in my head so that I can show it to others when I see their anti white bias so that maybe we can actually correct it? Or at least use it to make some green haired sjw type to pause and think about where is ideas came from.

Because the media and educational systems have programmed you to hate whites.

well said

You may very well be correct. But how? And why didn’t anyone notice for so long?

Why can't we be both?

Phil is that you man?

>Why do I have more sympathy for a serial killer than a white supremacist?

Because serial killers aren't driven by racism or politics or hatred. They're usually just mentally broken somehow.

I agree. And I think we are both wrong. Why isn’t the white supremacist also “mentally broken somehow”?

1) He didn't kill anyone.
2) He understood race better than you do.
3) He was a product of a system that worked hard to destroy the family. He suffered terrible abuse when he was young.
4) He was the systems worst nightmare. A high IQ, charismatic sociopath that knew what was done to him and who did it.
5) He was based AF, whereas OP is a faggot.


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>But how? And why didn’t anyone notice for so long?

What is a foundation myth?


It fulfills three functions.

1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).

2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).

3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions.

1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

It’s probably because you’re a kike and you know we are right? Do you even know the difference between “ white supremacy”, and white nationalism? I guess because you’re a kike there’s not much difference to you? Also sage.

wtf is a white supremacist? youre talking about fictional 1-dimensional characatures from jewish films.

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You didn’t read past the title and picture, did you? Back to readit with you where they value that.

This ..fucking white guilt faggot

Incredibly interesting. Any suggested reading on the subject?

read this book. it will shake anyone to their core.

I understand it looks self centered and “Facebook” like, but I am only using my own beliefs as a microcosm of American politics in general. The left has an anti white bias. But exploring why that is through a person who can honestly admit their own anti white bias might be more useful than screaming shit at your TV.

Also, if you don’t like it, sage and move the fuck on, dildo licker.

>I am a true crime guy, so I know a bit about the environments that spawn a serial killer.
I had a wonderful childhood until the Jews ruined everything and now I just want to kill them all.

Shit, bro. I thought that was an amazon link or something before clicking. It’s the whole text? Thanks, man. I will read it.

This is why it pisses me off when so many WN's talk about how whites have been exploited because of their " pathological altruism" . You're not altruistic, you don't have white guilt, you have white self hatred. You weren't driven to this by your compassion for other but by your innate desire to adopt the attitude that will give you the most social status with as little effort as possible. In short, you're a fucking pleb, a peasant, adopting whichever ideology will gain you most favour from your overlords. It's not your love of others that made you this way, it was being a fucking worm.

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You say that you don't want to discuss whether racism is right or not, but then ask if "white supremacists" are mentally broken . Surely part of discerning that answer would be to ascertain whether there are merits and an internal logic to their ideology?

Where the fuck did I say any of that? I never once said anything about myself other than my ability to find sympathy for one detestable group while finding none for another.

The fucking premise of my original post was “I’m fucked up in this way, anyone have any ideas why?”

You just spent a paragraph yelling the thing I said back at me.

>I'm a true crime guy, so I know a bit about the environments that spawn a serial killer.

No you don't. Your some Netflix watching asshole who probably got a C in high school psych 101 10 years ago. You don't know shit about abnormal psychology. Even psych as a field has been backpedaling because none of their research is reproducible and there is no evidence that anything other than pills has any effect.

In the long run, sure. It is a topic I wouldn’t mind discussing at length. This just isn’t about that particularly.

I think the idea that racism isn’t WORSE than serial murder should be enough to figure out why someone has a bias regarding the two in this situation.

Strawman argument, ad hominem argument, unsubstantiated conjecture, anecdotal claims, unfair generalization, and false equivalency all in one post.

Does not make a good argument. Also your post has no point.

Would you rather be a racist or a pedophile?

I dropped out of high school in 10th grade and never took a psych class.

I meant I knew the details of their upbringing enough to find sympathy for what they went through at a young age.

Also, totally not pertinent to the conversation, twat.

>one detestable group
Why the fuck are people that want to live amongst their own people detestable? We want to live the way our people, all people, have lived for millennia. You're the aberration. This little multiracial cult that you adhere to is a modern experiment that we don't to be a part of. That doesn't make us "detestable".

Ask yourself this, why is it okay for everyone else to say they want to live in white countries with white people, except for white people?

You're the detestable ones for forcing an ideology and society on us that we don't want to live in. The thing is, you can go have your little liberal race mixing dystopia off by yourselves and just leave us to do our thing, no one's stopping you. But you stop us from breaking off and being with ourselves at every single fucking point. It's like being in a never ending arguments with a bipolar girlfriend in a disintegrating relationship, no matter how much we want to walk away from you screaming in our faces, you follow us and just won't let anything go.

Look at pic related, you have negative in group preference. No other race has a significant population of people with a negative in group preference. You're an anomaly created by 80 years of anti white agitprop

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>to figure out why someone
All you want to do is talk about yourself. That's the extent of this thread. It's an exercise in self indulgence. How about you try to figure out why white nationalists aren't "detestable"? We know modernity fucked you up, we talk about how media and education have made whites hate themselves all the time on this board. What the fuck do you want from us? To validate your feelings? You're not providing us with anything we have seen a million times before often in our own personal lives.

That exact graph is part of the reason I posted this. Again, another person railing at me about the thing I admitted to. Are you guys so fucking set in your ways that you have to defend you white nationalism no matter what? Even if someone grants you that victory straight away? You have no follow up? Just “you are anti white!!” “Yes, I am. But why?” “...you are anti white!!”

>I think the idea that racism isn’t WORSE than serial murder should be enough to figure out why someone has a bias regarding the two in this situation.
Every civilisation has like a hierarchy of taboos. It's been taught since the end of ww2 that the greatest sin that anyone can commit is "racism". What is racism? Well, whatever the fuck liberals don't like. At first it was lynchings and slavery, then whites segregating themselves, then just whites liking their own people or even wanting to exist as a race. That now all falls under the umbrella of "racism", and it's the cultural taboo that's broadcast to you through indoctrination in media and education since you were a child. That's how you end up with people that can show more sympathy for serial killers or rapists than white people that just want to live with each other, you've been indoctrinated to believe it's at the top of the totem pole of cultural sin. Does that answer your question?

Your shit's all fucked up and you talk like a fag.

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I use myself because I know I have a bias. I can’t PROVE anyone else has a bias, though we all suspect it. Why is it wrong to explore the idea on a personal level? I don’t want a bunch of Jow Forums regulars posting infographics at me about race mixing and shit. I was hoping the less seen, but very real, intelligent side of Jow Forums could help me understand my bias so we might better understand the lefts bias as a whole. And to be honest, the best I got came from a fucking maple syrup sucking moose fucker. And you all should probably be ashamed of that.

It’s a good start, man. I’m going. To have to research more. Read that book posted earlier. It’s a tough topic to get at outside of Jow Forums. Even admitting you have an anti white bias would likely get you in trouble with the sjw crowd and maybe fired from your job, or get cps called on your kids or some shit.

Dude, at this point he's basically straight up asking for examples of anti white propaganda and zeitgeist. He's not even arguing the point just asking for examples to explain him where his self admitted bias comes from.

OP is not arguing or fighting with you. He's not "your enemy' in this context. He is completely open. How is that so hard to understand?

>“Yes, I am. But why?”

>You weren't driven to this by your compassion for other but by your innate desire to adopt the attitude that will give you the most social status with as little effort as possible. In short, you're a fucking pleb, a peasant, adopting whichever ideology will gain you most favour from your overlords.
>You're an anomaly created by 80 years of anti white agitprop

You've been answered, what more are you looking for? Look at every form of media in the mainstream you've been exposed to since you were a child. Whites are evil, whites did slavery, whites did segregation, whites did apartheid, whites did holocaust.

Well, whites ended slavery, the only race in history to ever kill their own people to end the enslavement of another race. At the height of slavery in the USA there were more white slaves from western Europe in the middle east and north africa. Do they ever show that whites were the victims of slavery? Often times more than blacks? Or how about that we ended it in the west?

Or that every race practices segregation. You can find cities of a million people or more of every other race on the planet, except whites. In America there are no cities with more than 100k people that is 90% white.

Whites also ended the holocaust, and suffered far, far more deaths.

The reason i'm itemising these counterpoints in this list is to try to show you you have been indoctrinated since you were a child to see white is the aggressors, oppressors, instigators of evil since you were a child. You've swallowed the message so wholeheartedly you now see whites that want to continue to exist or live with themselves as equally or comparably evil to murderers. You're brainwashed.

>Even admitting you have an anti white bias
oh fuck off, what horseshit. Society is filled with anti white bias. Whites are the only people you're allowed to hate and broadcast it to the world.

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>or get cps called on your kids

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No. YOU fuck off. Admitting you have an anti white bias openly calls into question a lot of things sjw types don’t want questioned. They want that anti white bias there because to them it is deserved. And questioning their truths is what gets people me too’d and shit these days.


How about you put that into practice. Go to some leftist forums and say that you just don't like white people, even though you're white. That you prefer other races, and consider whites that want to form their own nations on par with murderers. Take screenshots, make a thread. It'll be entirely predictable that you won't get more than POSSIBLY a few voices of dissent while most will cheer you on. I know this, i've seen it a million times.

You're repeating the orthodox opinion of the modern leftist and liberal culture , you're not saying something taboo. You'll be supported.

The only way to win is not to play meme flag pos.

Since kikes are vying to co op White America does that mean that all kikes are fucked too.... Even though they aren't really beautiful White..... They try to lump themselves in with Whites... Even further... If this "getting rid of beautiful White folks" thing is ever gonna happen someone is gonna have to start with the KIKE that wrote that article in this pic.... Emily Goldstein.......


Fucking lopsided fucks.....

There is some good stuff here. I’ll have to keep digging into specifics, but it’s a start. I realize this totally goes against Jow Forums norms, but I really do appreciate the help.

Look at Dahmer's upbringing. Bundy was a law student. It's not always environmental. White Supremacists are usually clueless idiots.

Charles Manson was an actual white supremacist unlike the white nationalists you call white supremacists. He thought there was going to be a race war and wanted to take the niggers side so he could rule over a nog army.

What does mean?

>Since kikes are vying to co op White America does that mean that all kikes are fucked too
No it doesn't. They did that to infiltrate and subvert white America. Now that America is becoming non white Jews are in a new mode of talking about how non white they are. They control the media, which means they control the cultural narrative. And now they're promoting like they always have how Jews were always the biggest victims of whites, and they've never been white.

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While I would likely have to agree with you, the presentation is the issue.

I see it as a problem and seek to correct it. I don’t think THAT would go over well.

Nope. Manson detested blacks. He just wanted a war period. He was pissed because he couldn't be a rock star.

>repeat mainstream media memes
>think it's not you that's the clueless idiot
Ever notice how no one around here self describes as a white supremacist?

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White People are so cool.... As a Black man.... I mean DARK BLACK... I totally like white folks and respect them 100%. Always been kind to me and my family. As a former leftist and illegal from Africa who finally gained his citizenship I must state....

White Americans Are the kindest folks around. Good people that will help if you are stuck on the roadside. Fix your car say God bless you... Buy you food. Show your culture respect....

I love them. I converted from the wrong racist satan party of democrat social Communist. I had to.... Gay is bad because you cant make baby inside buttholes.... Its just wrong it stems from abuse and lust.

Children are being abused by the homosexual community teach them to fuck the butt hole..... Childs dont know any sexual doings..... Satanists in the hollywood teach many on earth gaygay ass grease love.....

This is an abomination in Gods eyes. Sounds like UK satanist Crowley teachings.....

I am so proud of President Trump. He's a REAL man with a nice family good policies and wants to keep America safe in the futures. Don't be destroying your nice home. Keep dems out of office.

TRUMP2020 100%

>I am a true crime guy

Posts pic of man never convicted of murder, while insinuating he is a serial killer

Cuz you are a brainwashed nigger lover kike

Wanna google that or some shit and get back to me, sport?

are you stupid? serial killer means a fetishist/psychopath who engages alone in a series of targeted kills in a methodical fashion for entertainment or what they deem "satisfying"

"racist" yeah he want to lead the blacks to kill all whites and Christians
>that is a fact look it up

also you dumb fucking idiot the official story on manson is cult leader who ordered his subs to kill a group of people for various reasons....also he was heavily connected to mkultra and Pam Cafritz of DC mega zionism as well as the jews of hollywood

church of satan bitch and etc. Polanski should have been there
he said they were producing child porn

Those are the many stories what I believ is what Dave Mcgowan wrote...

now fuck off.

Because you have been brainwashed by an anti-white society that sees an absence of white guilt/shame as a sin worse than murder

Being a law student, especially at his age means literally nothing. Anyone could be a law student. He wasn't smart at all. Stop idolizing serial killers, idiot.

Also, those Aryan Brotherhood guys you see in prison documentaries aren't actual White Supremacists. They are a straight up money gang that kills more white people than anything. They are allied with Southern Mexicans. I'm not a neonazi, but those people, despite their tattoos, are NOT actual neo nazis either. They have fucking Mexican wives and shit. Their first rule is literally "money over any ideology". They are scum.