Why do snowniggers take so much pride in their pagan ancestors...

Why do snowniggers take so much pride in their pagan ancestors, if the Nordics could never progress without Christianity? Even the native peoples of America managed to build better civilizations than they?

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Go back and stay there

One of these societies is still alive today the other is not.

Not for long, Nords going down faster than any other Euro population. It doesn't help that there's like 20 million of them left, 25 if you count Finns.

Even some nigger civilizations (Kush, Axum, Mali) were more advanced than Scandinavia.

pretty much this
except it's pathetic to take pride in someone else's accomplishments

Did the crops that advanced Europe come from Africa too?

By your logic mosquitoes are good cause libed so long

It's not pathetic to respect people dude.

Nobody said that Africa was ever advanced. It's that Scandinavia was so unadvanced it was behind parts of Africa.

I was insulting Scandinavia, not complimenting niggers. 1,000 years ago, Scandinavians were a bunch of barbarians who lived in mud huts and attacked the civilized part of Europe.

Something weird its that native and nigger civilizations disapeared with cristianity, but nordic societies developed until the arrival of Christianity in northern europe

There is absolutely nothing to respect about the Vikings or medieval Scandinavia. In fact, I think it's awful that people seriously respect them.

aliens n sheeit

This board literally uses the accomplishments of their ancestors for bragging rights.
>heh, i'm a white. we built western civilization.
>Us whites built it
>that means ME personally
>I did that!

>This board literally uses the accomplishments of their ancestors for bragging rights.
And what's wrong with that, Chaim?

thought I was sleeping eh? get fucked with your memeflag OP. you wish you had a beautiful and colorful flag with a cross in it. marvel upon one of the most beautiful flags there are.

Nordic areas really started to progress only after tech advanced enough to properly deal with winter and shortages of food. To use Finland as example there were under million Finns until 1800s and even then we had a serious famines if harvests failed.

Nords were connected to nature. I'd rather live like they did instead of some Aztec stone arena.

It's pathetic. You didn't do it, they did. The fact that i have to explain it to you means you're probably a fucking loser.

That wasn´t us, it was the Aliens

>There is absolutely nothing to respect about the Vikings or medieval Scandinavia. In fact, I think it's awful that people seriously respect them.

>built sea-faring ships that could reach north America
>discovered how to navigate effectively
>discovered how to travel long distance by ship in bad weather
>discovered north America 1000 years ago
>formed settlements in Iceland, Greenland, Canada
>kidnapped women from british isles to take as their wives
>laid waste to everybody they met
>extorted weak British kings for land, food, money, etc

nobody names their sports team "the mayans"; no kid wants to be a mayan for Halloween. Nobody shows up to see mayan re-enactors, mayan battles, etc.

The Vikings were the real deal.

No one claims that they did it personally. You are full of shit,pilpullin, being subversive and you know it. That's like saying that you can't be happy about a friend of yours doing well.

nords didnt sacrifice their citizens
nords didnt bury alive 100 virgins when a chief died
indians(feather) are niggers and savages that repeatedly abandon agriculture only to starve to death in winter because hunting and killing innocent animals was more fun than growing carrots and corn.
they have NO right to larp as being in one with nature
indians(feather) regularly scared entire herds of bison off of cliffs killing them all for only a few choice cuts of meat and leaving the rest to rot.
fuck you and your ignorant views.

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They took British women as sex slaves, and spread their mud hut culture all the way to North America.


In case you didn't know, the only reason why they went a viking was because back home there was plenty. It wasn't "mud hut culture", in fact it was quite the opposite.

>Jesus was Jewish and Christianity is a Jewish religion

How will kikes ever recover?

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Africa was pretty advanced though.

That doesn't change what I said. You're not talking about people but of retarded shitposters.

>mud hut culture

>build ocean going wooden ships
>can't into wood houses

Pick one.

There are wooden Viking long houses and stave churches that are _still standing_

Jesús was Judean, not jewish. Talmud was wrote centuries after his death.

>mesoamericans 500 years ago
>nords 5000 years ago

>have great civilization
>build bigass pyramids
>calculate the date of the end of the world (wrongly)

>disband civilization a thousand years ahead of time

what the fuck man

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Ships? The wheel? Domestication of animals? Not sacrificing children? Fucking spanish rape baby indians



read a fucking book edomite nigger

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This remind me african niggers stealing a house.

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The fucking abrahamic religions are not meant for europeans only niggers, arabs, and jews

I wasn't talking about Vikings, but that's a bunch of bullshit regardless.

You should learn more about them you loser. Heck there isn't a tribe on earth that isn't respectable, except yours. "The idiots".

>he doesn't know Jesus went over there when he was done in Israel to bring mormonism to the aztecs

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Nords built castles you fucking moron

>the greatest Sea Faring People to ever Grace the Earth

Nordic Niggers are of the Tribe of Dan


and dgaf about the land or cities they just colonized the World though they Love the Sea

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Quetzalcoatl is Thoth / Hermes / Enoch / Metatron

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No pride, no roots, no meritocracy, no property , no future...you lose self loathing trash

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>muh pyramids
try building that shit in the snow beaner

>native peoples of America
The pyramids in your infographic were build by aryans and predate the people you think built them.

>mexican high school mascots ie sports teams are mayans
>white americans go to mayan ruins to gaze in awe and watch mayans recreate traditional dress
>dia de los muertos mexicans dress as mayans

Also you can whine and cry how mayans were savages but the aztecs and mayans were the only successful real ethnostates until the europeans came. Those sacrifices were of the enemy tribes who were considered subhuman to instill fear in the smaller tribes on the outside of their civilization and cull slave rebellions.

>tfw shill thread backfires

The tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu was, until the discovery of Tutankhamun's, one of the most spectacular ever found in the Valley of the Kings despite Yuya not even being a pharaoh

>Taking into account his unusual name and features, some Egyptologists believe that Yuya was of foreign origin, although this is far from certain.

The Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt suggests that foreign origin. "it is conceivable that he had some Mitannian ancestry, since it is known that knowledge of horses and chariotry was introduced into Egypt from the northern lands and Yuya was the king's 'Master of the Horse'.

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Lol where are the nords and there huts? Last i checked those pyramids are still standing. If were talking population were not dwindleing. We have whole continents the only difference is that the CIA doesent sabotage nordic countries like they do the spanish ones through propaganda and economic policies legal and illegal. You bitches got it made and you still suck were seen as possible userpers for a reason.

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>being this retarded

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LONDON (Reuters) - Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said.

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III, based on a film that was made for the Discovery Channel.

The results showed that King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 percent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.

Among modern-day Egyptians this haplogroup contingent is below 1 percent, according to iGENEA.

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>read a book
Ironic posts right here. It's like believing the Egyptians made pyramids as tombs.

oxford was founded 200 years before the aztec empire


All blue-eyed people have one ancestor in common, born around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are caused by a gene mutation. For years, researchers had searched for it on the OCA2 gene. The OCA2 gene determines how much brown pigment is in our eyes. But what they were looking for wasn't there at all.

The mutation was found on an entirely different gene called HERC2. HERC2 turns off OCA2, meaning it turns off the brown and reveals the blue. Every blue-eyed person has this exact same mutation.

How did this mutation get its start? Possibly when humans migrated from Africa to Europe. This would explain why only people of European descent have blue eyes. It would also suggest that all blue-eyed people share a single European ancestor.

Now, that's an impressive family tree!
All blue-eyed people have one ancestor in common, born around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are caused by a gene mutation. For years, researchers had searched for it on the OCA2 gene. The OCA2 gene determines how much brown pigment is in our eyes. But what they were looking for wasn't there at all.

The mutation was found on an entirely different gene called HERC2. HERC2 turns off OCA2, meaning it turns off the brown and reveals the blue. Every blue-eyed person has this exact same mutation.

How did this mutation get its start? Possibly when humans migrated from Africa to Europe. This would explain why only people of European descent have blue eyes. It would also suggest that all blue-eyed people share a single European ancestor.

Now, that's an impressive family tree!

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Aztecs had ships, who gives a fuck about seafaring. Vikings showed up snd got btfo by natives.

They had wheels, but not wagons because no beasts of burden.

Aztecs and mayans had indoor plumbing and knew to bathe everyday to prevent sickness and disease. Even peasanst had communal baths and running water.

Aztec doctors knew how disease were spread, by coughing, sneezing anf being unsanitary. Sure they didn’t have understanding of microbals but they knew to wash their fucling hands and that coughing amd sneezing launched “invisible darts” that cause sickness unlike the stupid fucking europeans who threw their shit in front of their homes to rot.

who said anything about tombs you fucktard


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Do you have scientific proof that some white guy named QUETZALCOATL came over and build pyramids? Fucking dumbass, get off the crack pipe or KYS

You do Know we Got Nuked Right?

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visigoths conquered spain, spain conquered mesoamerica, therefore nords > mesoamerica

enoch is Hermes?

actually if you consider the biogenetic aspect of competition between living organisms Mosquitoes are among the most successful creatures

Based, Brother. Ancap

Snowniggers had it easy. The polynesians sailed across the entire pacific ocean. Probably reached South America since they had Sweet Potato.

no i dont but the people who built these pyramids say that is exactly what happened and that is the narrative fuck your faggoty as muh science the cohesive mythos of the world is a story im sorry if your a brainlet who cannot extrapolate and analyze data and come to independent conclusions outside the norm

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Explain and source plz


are you faggots really tracking swastikas around

so there were gingers in china 3000 years ago, whats the big deal

>pic related, a turk

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Smallpox conquered america

IDK is there any similarities between the two?

i would look into it i do believe so there are quite startling parallels

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One city had more population than one Nordic country at the time.

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this has something wrong with it this is actually i nightly cycle as well as seasonal

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>Be snownigger
>For thousands of years just snowniggin and wanting to lead a peaceful life
>Romans come and want to grab our land
>Be like you wut maid
>Fuck up Romans so much that their empire collapses
>Even fuck up christianity which has to incorporate so much paganism that it doesnt even resemble the original anymore
>Not done yet
>Continue to fuck up everything in our way
>Bring forth technological advances in a thousand years that nobody in the 10.000years before even came close to
>Just to fuck up shit even more
>After fucking up every human race on this planet continue into space to fuck up aliens

In contrast:
>Be nignog
>Nignogging for thousands of years
>Fuck up eachouther
>Get fucked up by others
>Nothing changes

Yeah totally the same bruh.

They’re booth dead fucktard. Last I checked Scandinavia is filled with more sandniggers raping you’re women than there are pagans worshipping Odin in mud huts

So what? Powerful Pharaoh's bleached their genes fucking slave white women, nothing new, the same happend to the Ottoman royalty. Egyptians werent white or black, they we're north african levantine people.



>a college team literally called Aztecs
Poor example, user.

I'm just saying your knowledge of ancient history is retarded and based on lies.

The blonde mummies for instance. Their hair was white and the embalming fluid turned it blonde. There's no scientific study proving this otherwise. The South American mummies might be the same but there's little information about the blonde ones. The red ones are real however.

The rest of your theories make absolutely no sense because the dates don't even match up and most of it is based on hearsay with no physical evidence. You and people like you pretend you have it all figured out but you don't know anything, and you don't try to learn everything because of your clear bias supported by cherry pickings.

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can't wait until you reach the roman part of history. :3

You're really really dumb if you think the meso's built that. It was someone/thing else with machinery and advanced understanding of math. The meso's and Egyptians were secondary occupants of those structures, they didn't build them, and it's proven. As with the other civilizations in the middle east and everywhere else with these old block, machine cut, "pixel perfect" structures. OP grow a brain.


>One city had more population than one Nordic country at the time

You say that like piling people on top of each other in giant cities is a good thing.

Big cities are a recent aberration in white countries. We like the land. And in the biggest cities in all western nations, whites are the minority. Foreigners like our cities but we tend to like our countrysides.

read a book

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hermes is the god of commerce and medicine

enoch was a prophet that got swept away in a flying flaming chariot and has a major role in ancient ayy conspiracies

i'm not seeing the syncretism

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>all those half truths
nice true distortion field

>Viking long houses
what about the insides? layout, services provided

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yeah not even close fuckwit nice try bean nigger and a Non Egyptian Non Pharaoh was buried in the Valley of the Kings think about it........


>implying we have not done it before


Yanger Dryas meteorite

Graham Hancock in Magician of Gods speculated that the Younger Dryas meteorite 12 900 years ago destroyed civilization. He mentioned several up to 2 km fragments of comet and 10 million megatons explosion. The fire and heat were devastating, but perhaps the impact also produced equally destructive flood. He speculated that the heat melted huge amount of ice, and the meltwater, for instance, shaped the landscape of Channeled Scablands. This is an interesting idea and it should be study further with calculations.



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I'm explaining the reason for the differences in urban development. Not sure what's so confusing about it to OP.

They did build it. They have walls of their own skulls, mummies, statues, releifs, and frescos showing that.

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Real shit take on history. Go take a nap

A lack of tools doesn't mean they didn't build them. It means we haven't found the tools, the tools were destroyed, or later civillizations confiscated the tools.

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That head start, and look what happened. Sad.

They were distinctly black.

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sure thing




Surprising Results
From the samples, only the mitochondrial DNA (DNA from the mother’s side) could be extracted. Out of four hair samples, one of them couldn’t be sequences. The remaining three hair samples all showed a Haplogroup (genetic population group) of H2A, which is found most frequently in Eastern Europe, and at a low frequency in Western Europe. The bone powder from the most elongated skull tested came back as T2B, which originates in Mesopotamia and what is now Syria, essentially the heart of the fertile crescent. “It rewrites history as we know it,” said Marzulli

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shoo shoo shill

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The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[1] or Europid)[2] is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, which, depending on which of the historical race classifications is used, has usually included some or all of the ancient and modern populations of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia,
>North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.[3]


GTFO out of here faggot

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this is so goddamned stupid.

Lel, I remember the previous amerindian threads. Seems like Jow Forums is getting redpilled about the mesoamericans.
Check the Huetares, these guys built perfect stone spheres alligned with the stars, confirmed free trade with the rest of the world, elaborate tinkering, sailors and created a proto Groyper statue.