ITT post times Jow Forums was wrong

ITT post times Jow Forums was wrong

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-30 at 8.28.38 PM.png (643x771, 795K)

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oh boy this thread again

So is that why protshits like Germans, brits, americans and Swedes are BTFO culturally wise and catholic poles and italians are still going on strong?

Switch pitbull for nigger. You'll see how stupid that image is.


I have all the examples saved in pic related.

gotta get my pits in here so we can all lol at nerds

>85 pit bulls are euthanized per minute
Doubt it!

Still, the number that do have to be euthanized is a testament to nigger irresponsibility.

Is this a seethe or a cope? You can't argue with numbers, stupid

> Bringing up an arbitrary score
> Not attempting to disprove the sheer number of bulldog maulings and bites vs other breeds

Big think emoji

but where is the S O U R C E?
this claim requires corroboration

>what is abuse
>what is being brought up in violent environments

>Did you know?
>Niggers are just about the nicest people there are?
>They score an 84% on the American Temperment Test, beating out common races like whites, jews, and mexicans.
>Niggers are the targets of abuse more than any other race
>Niggers excel at sports and agricultural work due to their natural love and admiration of people.
>More than 85 niggers are not given enough gibs every minute.
look i can make up unsourced bullshit too

>They aren't violent, I saw it on a flyer

Attached: 1542847311253.png (703x911, 19K)

>hurrr I bet being bit by a pibul is like being bit by a weenie dog huurrrr

That one time everyone on here said a meteor would hit Earth back in February.

its no wonder pitbull rhymes with pilpul
fuck off kike

Kek. It's always fun to call them retarded and say that nothing will happen for shit like that. I wonder if the people who fall for it ever realize how retarded they were for believing it.

my favorite part is the day after and all schizoposting stopped for a brief hour, what a time to be alive.

>Targets if abuse
Guess the race

70 squillion people say I can
Are YOU going to argue with those numbers?

>targets of abuise more than any other breed
Because mostly niggers own pitbulls. Author probably redpilled a lot of people with this propaganda.

44,676,000 pitbulls euthanized per year... yeah can you try to shill better. At that rate they could be better as a food group....

Pretty decent nigger if there ever was one in the second to last video.

>pitbulls aren't violent
>because there's a compelling REASON they're violent

Attached: black girl wut.jpg (599x626, 33K)

Trillions of flies can't be wrong either...

Only 85 Pit-bulls are euthanized every minute? I WANT MORE!!!

the irresponsibility is in how niggers breed so many

pitbulls suck

Abused puppies become highly unpredictable dogs then add in large size and novice dog owners and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Get a small dog if you never owned one before, you'll be able to get away with your piss poor raising because if it attacks someone they'll punt the bitch across the room.

85 a minute? They must have some Holocaust tier ovens.

85x60x24hrx365=44 676 000/annum.

>Abused puppies become highly unpredictable dogs
same with all breeds
>add in large size
plenty of dogs larger than PBs
>novice dog owners
novice dog owners own every breed

The difference between some "piss poor" owner raising a husky or mastiff rather than a pit bull? Those dogs are significantly, overwhelmingly, less likely to kill anyone. It isn't about "raising," it's not about "never owning a dog before," it's about a breed that CAN kill people and WILL once it has its psychotic break characteristic of the breed.