Q user is Jared Kushner

Go to the Qanon archives and search for Jared Kushner.
He has not typed that name ONCE, EVER.
Why would he mention every random politician to exist but never mentioned Jared Kushner who is one of the most powerful people on the planet?
Because Q is either run or operated by Jared Kushner.

Attached: jared-kushner.jpg (2048x1536, 204K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thehypertexts.com/Donald Trump 666 Mark of the Beast.htm

any day now


I could believe this

You caught me. Know you know q is real. Trust the plan.

Qshner - trust the plan goy.

thats false

Why would he not mention himself?

The logic is undeniable.


Really? so the dozen + Q posts I started up, baited you faggots and your just gunna credit my contribution to a Jew?

Is Qanon a dual citizen?

Jared “OG” Kushner

Hmm good point.

Qikes are Kushnerfag boomers. Zionists til the end.

Jared was "5th Ave user" for a while just before "Q" popped up. They post in the EXACT same way. Retardedly cryptic. Research it.

Attached: 1529762147707.jpg (612x814, 128K)

Thought Jow Forums knew this

>Q doesn't know what SWIFT is.
> Likidnik line on Iran and Palestine
>Q is Zionist/neocon, Kush or no.

Stop stealing random user's thoughts, Q.

I'm not Jared Kushner.


It’s Baron Trump you dipshit

Imo yea ironically this
thehypertexts.com/Donald Trump 666 Mark of the Beast.htm


Are all the pedo feds and hollywood actors/directors going to be executed y/n
Also when

>saving Israel for last
>Iran regime change
yeah, fuck that Qike.

Come here for the best nudes! Hot ffemales and traps

discord gg/dmB39ty

This post sums up this thread perfectly

What Sherlock Holmes would refer to as "the dog that didn't bark".

It is a reasonable idea. It's also a reminder that when you are operating under a fake identity, to always shit post a little about yourself.

My shekels are on General Flynn or somebody close to him.

Captcha: Select All Chimneys

Of course everyone assumes Q is a man.

Attached: Ivanka.jpg (2500x1583, 471K)

she's certainly dumb enough to be Q

The madman signed this right next to his AIPAC handler's name

Attached: FB_IMG_1564534330295.jpg (480x621, 34K)

please let it be a white man

q predicted this

top kek

Whether or not Q is Jared Kushner (doubt it) , you still act like taking down pedophile murderers is a bad thing..

Neck yourself faggot

I'm not actually Q.

Q also never mentioned melons, by that logic...
Q confirmed melon, you heard it here first, folks.

You are joking right? This article is a joke. This is some libtard level garbage. Wow. Fucking zoomer.

You sound like (((purplefag)))

Kushner isn’t a final boss level jew, he’s a young guy who older kikes tell what to do. Is he even 30 years old? Your Kushner fetish is RETARDED.

Sorry that was meant for (((OP)))

Stephen Miller has never been mentioned either. Nor has Hope Hicks. Nor have many other people close to Trump. Jared is probably involved, but the argument is not very impressive. Also, anyone who believes that Q is one man is a fucking retard.

Q is Trump's SMM guy from 2016 that now runs his campaign, which is why the original posting all but stopped, since now he has to run the actual 2020 campaign. It was a marketing trick to lure in Boomer goyim that love conspiratard shit.

Holy digits in a previous thread tonight confirmed Lord Barron walks among us, blessed be his name.

I had a sweet get in there

Attached: PhotoEditor_20190731_020835165.jpg (667x640, 127K)

no one is denying that you dumb boomer faggot, that's like saying free stuff is good and being mad that we are telling you that it's not free nor good


Attached: FCCA9004-3946-4A2C-A723-93CE93E77FD1.jpg (757x793, 159K)

Redpill me on Kushner bros

I dunno, guessing he’s one faction of Jews trying to cut some deals with other Jews

As an aside he owns the 666 building in New York which is spoopy

>666 building
That's some anti-christ shit man

Or it’s a kike psyop- well yeah I guess that would be kushners doing

It’s a larp by the establishment to keep whites from collectivizing while the elites gain more ground and get more control until they no longer need a fake astroturf puppet like trump or Q and can fully kike the shit out of us

>1 post by this ID
You faggots don't ever get tired of letting discord trannies dictate the talking points of this chan don't you?

how bad is it that she's considered the most intelligent and competent of Trump's offspring

By your logic if it wasn't for Q you faggots would be out rioting already
You trannies pushed your hand on the Zion Don meme and now you have to try and discredit Q once again
Suck a fat dick faggot, declass docs are getting released tomorrow

Attached: Jewdar.gif (300x300, 185K)



Look at him. Typical slimy, sinister look of a Jew handler

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Q is mainly worth paying attention to given that it freaks out the shills so bad, so thanks for the intro guys

Kushner seems pretty smart so he's probably not Q.

But that is a movie, you stupid boomer faggot. Comparing someone to an actor in a movie is not evidence of the anti-christ. I swear to go you christian Zio boomers ...