Claim: Communism doesn't work

>Claim: Communism doesn't work
False. True Communism has never been attempted. In fact, the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, have the world's highest standards of living.
>Claim: Communism is totalitarian
False. True communism requires democratic participation and non-hierarchical systems of organization. The USSR, Venezuela, and others like them, are definitely not communistic, but more fascistic in their basic natures.
Claim: Fascism works
False. Fascism has failed in every instance it was tried: Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, among other examples. In fact, National Socialism, the most pure form of fascism, caused the collapse and destruction of Europe's greatest nation in less than 15 years.

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Why do these ugly cunts think that becoming MANLY and a parody of men they'll somehow accomplish anything?
Feminine women are actually way more dangerous for men than any of these feminists.

bitch be real

actual pure communism is in itself flawed

those countries are socio capitalistic countries heavily focused on the capitalistic ideals with decent bearable socio policies

Based off this poster.

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7/10 would decapitate

>Communism has never been tried
Yes it has, over 15 times

>Sweden, Norway...
Those are obviously not socialist countries, and the social policies enacted are currently hurting their countries.

Obvious slide thread is obvious.

If I knew where you were, I'd kill you with my bare hands, faggot.

Fuck you and your God damn disinformation campaigns

>In fact, the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, have the world's highest standards of living.
Scandinavian country are pure free market you absolute retard. You clearly dont know anything about communism, youre just a fucking larper like essencialy all americans

>National Socialism, the most pure form of fascism
No, its absolutly not. Quasi fascist state was just a way of creating volksist society

Real Americans don't larp.

We've been overrun by god-damned faggot retards

>the most pure form of fascism, caused the collapse and destruction of Europe's greatest nation in less than 15 years.
Yeah, that typically happens when almost all of Europe declares war on you.
Lazy slide thread.

Lies. Lenin tried it. It lasted about 4 weeks before they reintroduced money. It was downhill from then on. We have welfare because of extreme taxes. Not communism. And its slowly killing us.

>And its slowly killing us.
are you sure thats not the africans?

What a retard. Probably 15 years old and thinks he has all the answers.

fake and gay. here's the unshooped original.

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That as well. But the expenses just for pensions alone are massive. Even with all the oil we cant pay for it all.

the woman in that poster quit her job in one week, because it was too hard

yes, and all of this countries function when they are small communities of same race people in countries that were made rich before communism. Specially Sweeden that got rich by selling weapons and materials to all sides of both world wars. As soon as either get an influx of "refugees" the systems stop working.

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>becoming MANLY

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Based snackbar

It just hit me - leftists want communism AND open borders. In short they want GLOBAL communism.
Yeah, good luck with that.

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They’re winning lol.

that's an emcel. sad!

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Yeah but look at what the prize is. A global class of slaves traveling for work who own nothing and have no marketable skills.

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I like how every time I see her face on Jow Forums bait threads it looks like she's progressively hitting the wall

Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge is arguably the purest example. They killed 25% of the population in class purges and forced agrarianism.
What is the original model for all technical command-control polities?

>true communism has never been tried
I haven’t heard that here in at least 2 years, thanks for the good b8.

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You're fighting with 50 years of murican brainwashing propaganda, it's kind of hopeless at this point.

>Claim: Communism doesn't work
What all these morons are actually often trying to say is that "Planned economy" doesn't work, and while it actually helped Russia to re-born from miserable broken peace of trash invaded by literally everyone in 1917 to one of two superpowers in 1950, it wasn't able to compete with free market later and caused USSR to fall. Market happen to be much more complicated to just have a few dudes run it all properly. With modern day machine-learning AI technologies it may be different, but I doubt we'll ever know that.

>National Socialism, the most pure form of fascism, caused the collapse and destruction of Europe's greatest nation in less than 15 years.
Which nation is that? Germans are by far the strongest economy in Europe right now.

I lived in USSR actually and it was great, never have to worry what to do, never have to worry about your future, free education, free healthcare, free university, guaranteed job for life in your specialty field. Our family undoubtedly had less goods and luxury and now we're much richer for sure, but it costed a lot of nerves you didn't need in soviets.

Norway and communism. Eh no.

>the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
those aren't communist countries, nor are they socialist, they are social democratic (looking at Bernie Sanders, Americans are generally too retarded to understand the difference between (democratic) socialism and social democracy)
they are capitalist with a pretty close knit social safety net

communism is bad

only total ultra retard who never lived under oppresive communist regime can very naively believe communism is actually ok

only total retard would like waiting whole weekend in line to be able to buy meat

communism ruined us and we still did not recovered, 30years after the end of communist regime and we are still poor as fuck and all the excommunist countries are the same poor as fuck

Did you just fucking called scandinavian countries communist? You could get beaten up by more aggressive people for such claims.
E.g. Denmark is heavily capitalist country built on trade and educated labor and having high social securities.

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why do you cunts keep posting this gross slag?

Fuck sakes people are retarded

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it makes me fucking angry how idiotic and retarded american youth is, who the fuck can say in today modern age that communism is good

communism is retarded backward ideology

only good communist is dead communist!

Bait, next thread

>With modern day machine-learning AI technologies it may be different, but I doubt we'll ever know that.
No it won't, you need perfect information for that, omniscience. And even if you could you could use that AI for far more usefull stuff, like developing technologies. Instead of calculating how much peanutbutter someone wants to spread on what type of bread and if he'd like to addjelly on it. Free market economics already takes care of all those problems by having people decide with their wallet what should be produced in what quantity.

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>True communism requires democratic participation and non-hierarchical systems of organization.

This always makes me laugh. I have a unique perspective as a Paramedic for this idea, because I both serve in a hierarchical system and I also get to see briefly in to the lives of dozens of people every day, some of them over and over again (frequent flyers).

It boils down to two points.

1. My workplace would go to shit without hierarchy to keep people on mission. Im not talking about operational leadership, im talking just day to day shit. We tried this concept called 'self managed work teams' once and the work wound up being done by a select one or two individuals, and many other aspects of our agency fell apart. Then a few years later when our top leadership was garbage for a time, we had absolutely no direction and noone had motive to do anything.

We now have strong management. Progress is made, and actually morale is 100x better.

2. Half the people in this shithole country cant wipe their own ass. They are literally incapable of advanced cognitive tasks. They wouldnt become involved in decisions and if they did it would be detrimental to all of us.

Being a Paramedic is the ultimate societal black pill because suddenly you find yourself working in the zoo.

The closest solution to communism id be for is free market anarchism, because these people would either adapt and survive or disappear, or be upheld by genuine charity.

And I cant speak for other industries but you can kiss ambulance service and probably most ER staff goodbye in any communist society that doesnt force us to be there at gunpoint. We like the job but I sure as shit am not doing this crap without the promise of tangible material gain. I dont pull 24 hours of overtime to help my community, i pull it because I want a new mountain bike or an extra house payment made.

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>Free market economics already takes care of all those problems by having people decide with their wallet what should be produced in what quantity.
Well, that's just plain stupid, free market has no brain or will, it just bankrupts people who are not needed for the market anymore and create damaging shortages in others. If it's possible to avoid bankruptcy and shortages by some technology, then it's far superior than blind force of market which constantly losing money on such "bruteforce" regulation.
Reality though is that everyone who tried to do it instead of free market before - failed.

>In fact, the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, have the world's highest standards of living.
we have norwegians, danes and swedes here on Jow Forums. i wonder how they feel about your opinion. let me guess, it doesnt matter right?

>In fact, the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden,
Huh? Say it again.

Yeah pretty blonde girls getting raped twice in separate incidents on the same walk home sure is a high standard of living.

Fascism didn’t FAIL you faggot lowlife, all fascist nations were destroyed by late stage capitalist kike nations.
Fucking faggot loser gtfo

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Communism is an authoritarian ideology, brainlet. (not that this is a bad thing)

Why would you let subhumans have the right to vote and decide the future of the country? Democracy is a scam.

>True communism requires democratic participation and non-hierarchical systems of organization.

Human's create hierarchy. You cannot break out from them. We will always have hierarchies and we will always create them.

One question: How do you incentivizes production under communism? Do you have parades for thrash collectors and give medals to snow plowers who get up at 3 a.m. during winter?

I'll wait for an answer.

>Claim: OP is a faggot
True: 1 Post by this ID and shilling for the shittiest ideology ever conceived by Jews confirms that OP is indeed, a faggot.

By that argument, true absolute theocratic monarchism hasn't been tried because the person in charge always seems to die

>people decide with their wallet
Anyone seen Eddie Bernays recently?

> Selfishness and greed is bad
> Sacrificing your self interest is good

> Establishing a system that punishes production with higher demands and rewards abuse with more resource is morally good because you benefit marginally if at all from your own expertise and work ethics.


haha kid comes to /pol and doesn't understand political designations

Communism has failed in every country it's ever been tried in. All of the scandinavian countries you mentioned are mixed systems that lean more socialist than the US and other western Euro nations. They're closer to commies, but not commies.

Also, communism can "work." Every system can "work." It's about whether or not its ethical, or desirable. Communism is neither. The society from Brave New World seemed to "work" better than any of the ones we've come up with in human reality.

Also seems like it would suck big dick to live in

Been debunked many times, especially with places like denmark where they pay a lower corporate tax. Etc.

exhibit A, american idiot

Who is the ugly ass bitch so i can name her, and why does your retarded ass post her?

Reminder that any political system can and will work as long as the population is a MINIMUM of 90% white. Personally, I would prefer a social democratic ethnostate where only men are allowed to vote. Until the commies address the shitskin problem, they can go fuck themselves.

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They dont have an answer for this. Those all fall in the same category as EMS. Very few volunteers exist who will routinely get up at 2 AM from a dead ass sleep because some fuckwad across town pretended to fall down her stairs for the 8th time this week (true story) because of a seizure that she isnt having. As soon as call volume reaches more than a few runs a week those volunteer services turn in to paid ones.

Snow plow drivers do it for material gain.

Trash collectors do it for material gain.

Communists just assume that someone will do it out of passion for their community because they have degrees in fields or work in jobs that are not taxing or difficult and have intellectual interest for them.

Or they're workers who think their jobs will miraculously become easier as a result, or that they will somehow receive better compensation

>One question: How do you incentivizes production under communism? Do you have parades for thrash collectors and give medals to snow plowers who get up at 3 a.m. during winter?
>I'll wait for an answer.
Well, classic child of brainwashing propaganda right here. The serious answer is that "pure communism is only associated with the emergence on the scene of new generations, deprived of private ownership instincts". Any real-world people only fight for socialism which will became base for future communism. No one ever imply that everything in the world must be common and we should ban private property in our life-time.

Most Native American tribes were "true" communist, then the capitalists showed up with their superior technology and utterly subjugated and destroyed them all.

So yes, """true""" communism was tried and ultimately failed when pitted against capitalism.

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>how do you incentivize production under communism?

At gunpoint.

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Filtered, faggot shill

So you need people to go against their nature? Like childless women with baby-rabies nowadays? Such would actually be brainwashing and, news flash, denying reality brings only misery.

How would those generations set rewards? Supply / Demand? What about incentivizing work quality?

What's wrong with freedom?

>True communism
Very cringe. Unsubscribed.

I know but OP said:

>Claim: Communism is totalitarian
>False. True communism requires democratic participation and non-hierarchical systems of organization.

Because they are trying to become what they can't be. You see, since women are disabled men, the perfect woman is unironically a man.

>the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden,
u wot

try venezuela

>So you need people to go against their nature?
Every step humanity ever made further from ape is "against their nature". Not shitting on the street is "against their nature", not raping is "against their nature", not killing is "against their nature", science is "against their nature, medicine is "against their nature", books are "against their nature".
"Against the Nature" is a slogan for imbeciles, mate.

>What's wrong with freedom?
What freedom are you talking about? You are free to starve to death if you don't want to work, is that it? How it will be different in any other society?

okay but hear me out:
feminine men
ex. traps

>True Communism has never been attempted.
Yet each time it is implemented, it fails.

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Stop it man please it still hurts
Fuck actijew blizzard sjw

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You seem to be leaning towards transhumanism, and pure barbarity.
Ironically you are aiming to become part of what you hate and pet of what you want.

>communism requires democratic participation and non-hierarchical systems of organization.
>non-hierarchical systems of organization.
>gigantic sprawling government with no hierarchy

Jesus Christ, are there any pro-communism arguments that aren't utterly retarded and fundamentally flawed?

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Communism is about redistribution of resources.
Capitalism is about not doing that.
But where is the system that redestirbutes opportunity?
Libtards support socialism because they think opportunity comes from having money. However, that is because money funds schooling.
What the Norwegian countries do right is they make education equal for everyone. Then, you can't blame 'the wealthy' that you didn't do better in life.
Improving education and structuring it so less people feel obliged into a career job (US needs more trade school members) would be best.

stop posting the tracer tranny. its creepy. i think "her" ex was a friend before the sex change which makes that even creepier

and then there was the renaissance where the natural human was valued.
It's a balance.

Eat shit

>In fact, the most communistic countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
>all constitutional monarchies, with King or Queen being head of state
>all three countries have free-market economy, with citizens owning private property and means of production

>somehow Americans still think it's COMMUNISM

explain this shit
Is it because welfare programs? The US also has food stamps and other free shit. Is America a "most communist country" too?

>inb4 replying to b8

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This chick needs to stop, she used to be so cute when she looked like a real woman. Now she looks like a clown.

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low test b8

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Socialism works in northern europe because they have oil money to help subsidize everything, everyone is white, and, their entire population is half the size of New York City.

All medical staff would just fucking quit, some nerd didn't bust his ass and pull all nighters in uni or college for 8 years to be on the same level as a farmer and a factory worker.

>greek democracy works in southern europe because they have slave money to help subsidize everything, everyone is greek, and, their entire population is half the size of Egypt.

>Communism is about redistribution of resources

No, it's about ownership of private property/means of production and accumulation of capital. Countries mentioned in OP have all that, hence they aren't "communist".

>the Norwegian countries

oh my...


Kys faggot.

How bout I communise your asshole, how would you feel about that, faggot?