
F to pay respects

Attached: king-of-random-youtube-influencer-interview.jpg (1200x800, 360K)

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play a stupid game
win a stupid prize

What is the back story?

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paragliding accident

Died for an awesome instagram selfie

I like his channel, hard to believe desu.

of course it's real, it wouldn't be on Jow Forums if it was fake.

>of course it's real, it wouldn't be on Jow Forums if it was fake.

Exactly, what a new homosexual, am I Right wing or what?

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Dude, that's so random, lol.


Hope it was worth it.




Who is he? what is he done for Isreal?

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Watched a few of his videos, they're on par with that other dumb channel that cuts things in half with a waterjet. Or the countless others that cut things with a hot knife. Nothing of value really lost. F, I guess. He was still a person.

he had a kid. :/

>press f to desmond

>younger than me
Darwin award, thank you for existing! my genes now have slightly better chance to propagate :D

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he got an award from the NAACP so maybe you can count that.



I just remembered this video, I take back that F. Fucking idiot with shit content.

Guess channel died well before when it moved in to the kitchen.
RIP in peace

ecelebs dropping like flies this year

Piss off, hymie

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Some faggot youtube "content creator" aka marketer.

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Wow so sad or shit who fucking cares die faggot

Post the facts I'm not googling

I always knew this dumbass was gunna an hero some dumb way
Pls leak the go pro footage inside police canons lel

"killed" in "accident"

He just died in a paragliding accident. It's literally nothing.

>almost 8 million views
what is wrong with people

Shame. He had white kids before passing though.

>I just remembered this video, I take back that
His channel died when it moved into the kitchen.

This was his channel when he was more active.


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I cant believe it was just watching his videos i always got a vibe that he wasn't quite happy


wow, holy shit, genuinely surprising

>Jew posting mutt meme
Nice D&C kikel


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If you're into paragliding the spooks don't even have to try to kill you, they just encourage you to stay up for longer.

it's a funny coincidence that the last two videos on his channel were about floating, when he died from a paragliding accident.

This is what you get in Trump's America. baka

F cant believe it

Paragliding to the grave motherfuckers.hopefully he got a sick selfie.

Before his channel started uploading once a day, this guy was the shit. RIP Grant. Your aluminium furnace will always be a pleasant childhood memory.

>channel that cuts things in half with a waterjet.
those guys are funny though

damn bro...

>wonder if the other hosts will keep the channel alive.

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The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

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