
>get tons of ads for it on every website and billboard

>promoted as healthy, cool and everyone wants to legalize it


Wow it's almost as if smoking actually isn't bad for you, why else would the powers that be stop you from doing it, while promoting much more unhealthy and dangerous substances?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I love carbon monoxide now

Nonsmokers are manchildren

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The problem is the highly addictive nature of cigarettes. It's good to encourage people not to get addicted, of course liberals are retarded though I agree, and take it upon themselves to turn it into some moral crusade. Liberals should be put into ovens and turned into smoke.

wtf i like weed and alcohol literally destroying my brain
ih how nice a drunk ran over my family in his truck, at least he wasnt smoking


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Smoking cigarettes not only increases your testosterone it it also is proven to make you look cooler. Observe the attached image. On the left, the man is standing about awkwardly, like a beta, seemingly waiting for somebody to do something for him, like end his life. The man on the right however, appears to be on his own terms. A true chad, he makes the rules and doesn't follow them himself. He is not waiting for anything, see how he's got life by the balls

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If cigarettes were illegal you might have a point.

I think it's because the stench of smoke is actually annoying for non smokers. Maybe some elite illuminati overlord was annoyed by it and started pushing this agenda against it.

That's the fakest drunk I've ever seen

Thank you for more proof on the dangers of alcohol

The main difference between alcohol/weed and cigarettes is how fucked it gets you. Alcohol makes you do dangerous things and always ends in a hangover which can put your whole day off. Weed makes you extremely lethargic and impulsive, turning you into a neet in an instant. And that’s if you don’t have debilitating paranoia Because of it. It’s pretty obvious why (((they))) like you drinking and smoking pot instead of cigarettes.

look i smoke cigs, it's unhealthy for sure, but i always found it suspect that every degeneracy under the sun is encouraged except for smoking

i suspect it has something to do with all of the old American tobacco companies being under the control of old American wasp companies, and not jews

you don't have to smoke a pack a day. were you bullied?

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Smoking gives you cancer, this is a fact. Alcohol gives you liver disease. Weed gives you low T and can trigger schizophrenia. None of it is good for you.

Alcohol isn’t even fun. I mean, if I was already having fun, it’s cool to be drinking, but it just turns everything into extremes. You’re either having a great time or a terrible time
Weed on the other hand is fantastic and objectively no more dangerous than tobacco

Drunk driving is final redpill.

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It just depends on what you do more often. Sounds like you're just not used to being drunk and get high a lot. Someone would say the exact opposite if roles were reversed.

>Alcohol makes you do dangerous things and always ends in a hangover which can put your whole day off.
maybe if you're an idiot that always goes over his limit or doesn't eat and drink plenty of water while drinking

Since we're having this thread again, anyone actually talk to a habitual smoker? They sound NPC as fuck.
>why do you smoke?
>you get kind of a head rush, you know?
>no, I don't. Is it like you feel more alert, or is it a depressant like alcohol or some kinds of weed
>... It's just kind of a rush, bro
Actual conversation I had with a friend of mine

You might find this strange, but Portland was one of the few cities I lived in where smoking was accepted and even actively encouraged, with no bias against whether it be snus, cigs, or vaping or whatever. Smoking is horrible for you though, have you ever seen someone die of COPD? It's a bad way to go.

You don't feel anything really. It's more of a relief from your craving.

ive been smoking heavily for 10 years.
It does indeed affect your health.
OP is a literal brainlet.

Point still stays the same, it impairs you. That’s the way they want it

Why would you waste money on something with no tangible benefit?

The only time I get a headrush from smoking is when I go more than half a day without a cig
is much more accurate when you smoke all the time

I started smoking a little in college. Started with having a cigarette when I was drinking. Then I stsrted buying my own. I drink a lot so I started chain smoking when I drank which was a few times a week. Then I noticed when I was sober sometimes I wanted a cigarette too. It took months but I could finally see how it became a daily habit for people. I wouldnt start smoking if I were any of you, my pack a day friends say it's horrible and they cant quit. Now I dont think a cigarette once in a blue moon is anything bad, hell ill still have one every once in a while but if you get addicted to things easily it can be very bad. By the way I was smoking american spirits which are mostly just tobacco, which I think is marginally better anyways. Smae with weed sort of - once in a while isnt terrible but it can make you lazy and stupid real fast

They start because they want to be cool, they keep going because it's extremely addicting and it feels good to smoke because you're filling that craving. It's like an eating disorder.

You get a strong buzz if you have one first thing in the morning. Smoking just gives you short satisfactory buzzes

Did Indians even smoke every day?

I pity those so inured to smoking as to be merely staving off withdrawals
I feel relaxed and focused after a single cigarette some days

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>I'm just gonna drive after drinking, it's cool because I drink plenty of water
Lol fucking alcoholics.

that was in reference to the hangover, its mostly just dehydration. but ive been fucked up plenty of times and ive never decided to drive drunk

damn... you are right

going to buy my first pack of cigs now. wish me luck!

So it's not even like a pleasure thing? They literally just do it to stave off feeling shitty because they're addicted?

They still do. Where I live cigs on Indian reserves cost 1/3 what they do anywhere else

Tobacco industry gets shit on by the (((media))) because it's one of the few industries not controlled by Jews.

You get pleasure, endorphins, but it's only because you're already addicted. If you're not addicted yet you don't get that. If you smoke a lot you'll get light headed. I wouldn't call it a "rush" though. It's not like amphetamines or coke.

>stave off feeling shitty
Pleasure thing but twisted

Neat factoid

No. You get a high from the tabacco/nicotine and it does make you focus. They tell faggots who are transitioning into women to stop smoking because it increases your T levels.

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Are there any studies that link smoking to higher t levels fellow leaf?

I have but I forgot what he said because it wasn't worth remembering.

There is. I remember some faggot tranny posting on here that posted a legimate link to the high T levels. This was months ago and it was actually legit after looking at it thoroughly. Sometimes tranny faggots do have the answer

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And no. Unfortunately I did not save those links. Never thought i would need them

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Alcohol is a Jewish means of destruction, it’s just literal poison. It will not allow you to be at your 100% best that you could be. Might as well just slam some onions martinis you pussies. People respect those that don’t drink / much past the age of 30.

Onions martinis* but shove an onion up your ass while you’re at it

smoking is literally a jewish scam and Jow Forumsacks who support it are shills

>extremely hard to quit
>eventually kills you

Alcohol has been around far longer than kikes have. There is no kike destruction involved with alcohol. Its been around for a very very long time

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>Is actually healthy in moderation

>I know I'm going to sound like a pothead, but I've never smoked in my life. There are no known health risks with weed. You can't even overdose on it

>you're literally putting tar into your lungs

>drinking culture

>surprised they have to do illegal search checkpoints to stop people from drinking too much

This. At least alcohol doesn’t completely immaculate you like weed does but it is still a method of control

Everything kills you eventually. The difference is simply the quickness of the killing

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I watched this documentary yesterday.
>everyone is healthy
>the old people aren't completely retarded or fat
>everyone smokes, no filter
Yeah I think I'm gonna start smoking again today.

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What about the juul

You gotta remember this is before kikes started putting shit in with the tobacco

So says our history books, which never lie

On this note, anyone know any cig brands or drums that is pure tobacco?

Everyone knows that Jews can time travel

people are misunderstanding. nicotine is a potent aromatase inhibitor (anti-estrogen), which is why trannies are recommended not to ingest it.

I've been actually craving tobacco/cigarettes for about a month now. I've never smoked tobacco, I smoked weed but I quit that a while ago. Why am I craving tobacco? I have been thinking it's actually good for you like OP says.

Should I bite the bullet and start smoking? Im in my early 20s

Yeah maybe I'll stick to snus

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Wouldn’t recommend starting. However if you’re a weed smoker I’d replace weed with cigs because weed makes you a cuck

>not based Ettans

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i think chinese tobacco isnt tampered with and the cartons are much cheaper than local in bc you can get cartons of chinese brands for 60 bucks that people buy duty free when they visit family back in china. Pic related is a brand that i like. In China they are $3 a pack and they are mid tier.

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I quit weed months ago because yeah I realized it made me a cuck

>i think chinese tobacco isnt tampered with
You can't seriously believe that

No homo, but that reply made me love you

i trust their government and regulatory bodies more than i trust our own. They at least kill business executives that they catch selling unsafe products.

Finally, a real thread

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he's already been brainwashed and he doesn't realize it yet

Who's that man with the cig? Tell him he's hired. Starting salary, a solid mil per year with benefits
>rings becky front desk
Yeah can we fire that guy who doesn't smoke? We found a real man. Thanks.

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>smoking gives you cancer
I'll bet you are fun at parties

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