Jow Forums humour thread

Show yourself leaf

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lmao you lmao lmaos lmao lmao you lmao you lmao your "you lmao" lmaos.

lmao you, lmao lmao you lmao you lmao lmao you lmao you lmao lmao lmao you lmao you. You lmao lmao you lmao lmao you lmao, lmao you you lmaos.

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Now THIS is a funny and true post.
Based leafs are few and far between.

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What the fuck is this shit? I leave Jow Forums for one week and when I get back this is what the leaf is posting? Is this the new pasta? Please tell me this leaf had a seizure and that this isn't a new pasta. Ridiculous.

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Dude leafs are by far the worst posters on here. I don't understand it but everything they ever say is just unconscionable

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based sheboon

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Mate I straight hate you guys, good job well done

That is terrible. I cringed until I almost puked.

>Switching between white and sandnigger on the internet
>Galaxy brain Italy

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imagine being this mad you lost the shitposting war

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Under rated post
>duhble you duhble you duhble you daht

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You have never won a thing in your entire life, queer.

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Arin and Suzy look very happy.

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aaahh i no u pank colla foam stat madachod

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you lost vietnam

Attached: and 1812.jpg (700x432, 161K)

I never do those unless I accidentally surf in a private window. Use Firefox.

>lol I got one making this post, fucking kikes

ur American so you did as well

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Yeah well you're even smellier than a quebecois.

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America should just invade Canada and put them all into forced lumber camps and maple syrup mines

Every fuckin time

Attached: VenezuelaDontStarve.jpg (803x155, 20K)

What the fuck kind of pathetic loser is busy for a week and pretends that’s leaving. You next left. Maybe you should kill yourself and leave this world though. Nobody needs or wants absolute faggots like you


hardly ever have to verify on chrome, all other browsers take way too much bs to solve. chrome for Jow Forums, brave for everything else



Canadians aren't Amerimutts, please don't insult me like that

Why are aussies always sucking American dick?

khokol go away nobody likes you

Canada is a wet cold fart. Nobody needs or cares, best thing they are for is planned hunting trips cause no one wants to actually live there besides freaks

All four of those are objectively the right thing to do.

By the way, this is what the author looks like:

Attached: Barry Deutsch.jpg (1000x1234, 281K)

Shame what has become of some Germans

Bet you would give me a grant to watch that wouldn't you, you faggot cunt

>But I'm trans
How is this allowed

Oh I just realized why you're so mad
>emued and grilled, respectively

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>a child can have a sexual identity but I still go to jail for fucking them consensually
I don't get it. If you can consent to having invasive surgery and hormone therapy what's a little dicking?

the blue pill is seeing the progress of society

the red pill is seeing that this cartoon is the right view of history. That we have been degenerating over the generations. And it all started with letting the jews in

Is it weird I can understand this?

fucking hell, sauce?

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The comic is a a near perfect litmus test I think. I should send it to some friends and observe their reactions.

Australians call you a fag and get a laugh, Canadians call themselves faggots and pretend it's funny to be super gay.

You're showing that double digit Indian IQ in action.

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Also, learn how to fucking greentext you shit smeared loser.

That ape is genuinely more attractive

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Poor man confused a dog with a goat

>Australians call you a fag and get a laugh
nobody cares what mutts think deserves an upvote

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wow, that's so topical it's actually pathetic.

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It's too early in the morning for this. Explain please.

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Oh, okay then.

sounds like you're coping

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This image is hilarious and somewhat disturbing.

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well maybe someone SHOULD HAVE thought of the children. look at the fucking state of affairs today.

It amuses me how much lefties shoot themselves in the foot

Holy crap too tru