>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
First they make it impossible to own anything besides fiat money legally and then they will ban cash too.
Hudson Carter
Get armed asap fellow krautists With a hunting license you're allowed up to three handguns and as many rifles as you can store [safely] By becoming a sports shooter you are allowed to own guns of every caliber you are competing with You can publicly carry a Schreckschuss (which can kill if you pull the trigger when directly holding it to someone's head) with a kleiner Waffenschein Modern crossbows are very accurate up to 250m at wind still, no license needed there
yes, I know that they're connected with BDK and possibly (indirectly) VS run. But you know: content is content (uhuh framing is framing, context is context uhuh – if Gedankenverbrechen are readily used for accusations, then you are a criminal already by living the ideas of Enlightement).
More power to the central bank, and they can devalue everybody whenever people are disobedient. And they don't want people to hoard gold, that's their job. Just ask Gaddafi how the gold standard is doing.
Colton Torres
Got the last 2 but no money for Jagdschein. Will probably try some shooting at the local Schützenverein and see if I can join.
Lucas Jenkins
> this bump has been financed by Israelian shadow funds
Germany has a central bank that is part of the global banking cartel. It practices the same counterfeiting of it's nations fiat currency as all the rest.
Gold backed currency doesnt solve the problem. Gold backed currency has always, and would again, be fraudulently counterfeited through fractional reserve banking.
The real problem is debt based currency, but none of you probably even know what that means or why it matters.
To be fair, finding hot eligible basketball players to bang who haven't been connected to the Kardashians is no easy feat.
Jaxson Hughes
“She knows Jordyn knows what she’s doing," the source asserts.
Nathan Fisher
"But," the insider continues. "Why she’d go out of her way to be so hurtful, Khloe doesn’t get."
Cameron Thomas
"Kylie was so upset when she heard Jordyn was out with James Harden," the source reveals.
Luke Murphy
>Starts spamming as soon as i show up Stay mad cunt.
Asher Wilson
"So," the insider continues. "She decided to unfollow Jordyn on Instagram."
Kevin Gomez
"It was the final straw for her," the source explains.
Nicholas James
"She still followed Jordyn," the insider clarifies. "Because she still had just a little bit of hope."
Charles Rodriguez
Kylie's aspiration was "that with time, they could talk and try to rebuild something."
Austin Green
Perhaps Jordyn realized that rekindling a friendship with someone who tossed her out like leftovers wasn't worth bowing, scraping, and begging for scraps.
Wyatt Wood
Maybe Jordyn decided that she didn't feel like acting like she's on probation anymore.
Jace Lopez
It's awkward for anyone to see their ex hook up with someone, especially if it's someone whom they resent.
Juan Phillips
But maybe Khloe would be less confused by Jordyn's behavior if she tried seeing things from her perspective.
Kevin Rivera
Jordyn Woods: Boning James Harden Just to Hurt Khloe Kardashian?!
Nicholas Parker
It has been half a year since Jordyn Woods became entangled in Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal, but Khloe Kardashian still doesn't trust her.
Ryder Barnes
Now, it almost looks like Jordyn has given up. Apologies, humility, and silence haven't worked.
Jaxson Peterson
Jordyn was spotted this week hanging out with another famous ex of Khloe's. Is she after revenge?
Robert King
mfw I own one of these, an early 60's East German Makarov with no import marks (a so-called 'bring back' handgun). Each time I shoot it at the range I'm reminded that my side won the Cold War >inb4 muh dick grips