Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Gold Ban Edition

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>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>A f D W A V E


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First they make it impossible to own anything besides fiat money legally and then they will ban cash too.

Get armed asap fellow krautists
With a hunting license you're allowed up to three handguns and as many rifles as you can store [safely]
By becoming a sports shooter you are allowed to own guns of every caliber you are competing with
You can publicly carry a Schreckschuss (which can kill if you pull the trigger when directly holding it to someone's head) with a kleiner Waffenschein
Modern crossbows are very accurate up to 250m at wind still, no license needed there

> not mentioning aesthetics

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How do we fix the east?

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Good morning.

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If you want to some introduction to IBish thought also with reading recommendations you may want to watch this channel:

yes, I know that they're connected with BDK and possibly (indirectly) VS run. But you know: content is content (uhuh framing is framing, context is context uhuh – if Gedankenverbrechen are readily used for accusations, then you are a criminal already by living the ideas of Enlightement).

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hi fren, what you are up to today?

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More power to the central bank, and they can devalue everybody whenever people are disobedient. And they don't want people to hoard gold, that's their job. Just ask Gaddafi how the gold standard is doing.

Got the last 2 but no money for Jagdschein. Will probably try some shooting at the local Schützenverein and see if I can join.

> this bump has been financed by Israelian shadow funds

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Hello fren, I've just got a driving lesson in a few hours. What about you?

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having a coffee right now, going to do my workout and then go for a nice run afterwards, always great, have fun with your driving lesson fren

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I hate this moron

Germany has a central bank that is part of the global banking cartel. It practices the same counterfeiting of it's nations fiat currency as all the rest.

Gold backed currency doesnt solve the problem. Gold backed currency has always, and would again, be fraudulently counterfeited through fractional reserve banking.

The real problem is debt based currency, but none of you probably even know what that means or why it matters.

You must be pretty blue pilled to hate him

prepping for a paper I have to hand in two months

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>implying that dumb boomer is red-pilled

Do the test fags

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are there any laws in germany like in france? you cant pay in cash if its above 1000 euro

There's no limit but if you pay more than 9999€ in cash you need to show an ID to verify yourself

Not bad

I already own 250k in gold, accumulated over the years.

Checkmate, government!

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stop linking to welt, every click is money and they are main protector of Merkel policy. screenshot it or summarize

Based EU, Italy btfo.

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This is good for bitcoin

Remember to support and spread alt media like RedIceTv, Jared Taylor, Identitaire bewegung and others.

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Khloe Kardashian: Jordyn Woods Banged James Harden Just to Hurt Me!

Last week, reports said that Jordyn Woods was spotted hooking up with James Harden, another basketball-playing ex of Khloe Kardashian.

This seemed like a direct swipe at Khloe, but a report claimed that Jordyn bumping into James was pure coincidence.

Apparently Khloe isn't buying that for a second.

HollywoodLife reports that Khloe Kardashian knows in her heart that Jordyn's hookah bar meetup with James was deliberate.

"Khloe Kardashian is truly confused as to why Jordyn Woods was hanging out with James," the insider expresses.

"Khloe feels Jordyn is hanging out with her exes deliberately," the source adds.

According to the insider, Jordyn may be doing this simply "to get a reaction out of her."

"And," the source speculates, Jordyn "truly doesn’t care about her or her family’s feelings."

"She does not believe she accidentally ran into him at all," the insider emphasizes.

People coincidentally run into each other all of the time, but Khloe just can't see this particular meeting happening as a mere twist of fate.

"To Khloe," the source continues. "This was not a coincidence."

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It looks -- or at least feels -- like Jordyn is trying to hurt her.

"It’s really disheartening," the insider expresses. "And she wishes she would stop."

"She honestly thought after Tristan, she would never be seen with a Kardashian ex ever again," the source says.

"And," the insider continues, Khloe "feels this is really a low blow and not cool."

>Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
>Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
>Spread flyers and stickers.
Afternoon frens

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From Khloe's perspective, Jordyn has already done her enough harm by "ruining her family" (lol), so hooking up with an ex is uncalled for.

From Jordyn's perspective, she's been quiet and respectful for months without it getting her anywhere.

Maybe she was tired of being respectful and wanted to remind the Kardashians that she still exists.

"She just doesn’t understand why Jordyn is doing this, still," the source complains.

"And," the insider continues, Khloe "wishes she’d find someone not connected to the family to go hang out with."

>Remember to support and spread alt media like RedIceTv, Jared Taylor, Identitaire bewegung and others.

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To be fair, finding hot eligible basketball players to bang who haven't been connected to the Kardashians is no easy feat.

“She knows Jordyn knows what she’s doing," the source asserts.

"But," the insider continues. "Why she’d go out of her way to be so hurtful, Khloe doesn’t get."

"Kylie was so upset when she heard Jordyn was out with James Harden," the source reveals.

>Starts spamming as soon as i show up
Stay mad cunt.

"So," the insider continues. "She decided to unfollow Jordyn on Instagram."

"It was the final straw for her," the source explains.

"She still followed Jordyn," the insider clarifies. "Because she still had just a little bit of hope."

Kylie's aspiration was "that with time, they could talk and try to rebuild something."

Perhaps Jordyn realized that rekindling a friendship with someone who tossed her out like leftovers wasn't worth bowing, scraping, and begging for scraps.

Maybe Jordyn decided that she didn't feel like acting like she's on probation anymore.

It's awkward for anyone to see their ex hook up with someone, especially if it's someone whom they resent.

But maybe Khloe would be less confused by Jordyn's behavior if she tried seeing things from her perspective.

Jordyn Woods: Boning James Harden Just to Hurt Khloe Kardashian?!

It has been half a year since Jordyn Woods became entangled in Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal, but Khloe Kardashian still doesn't trust her.

Now, it almost looks like Jordyn has given up. Apologies, humility, and silence haven't worked.

Jordyn was spotted this week hanging out with another famous ex of Khloe's. Is she after revenge?

mfw I own one of these, an early 60's East German Makarov with no import marks (a so-called 'bring back' handgun).
Each time I shoot it at the range I'm reminded that my side won the Cold War
>inb4 muh dick grips

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TMZ spied Jordyn Woods in Houston on Wednesday night.

There, she was seen smoking a hookah and dancing, but she was not alone.

By her side was James Harden -- yet another of Khloe's exes.

Apparently, they were partying together at Belle Station, and were even doing so in the same booth.

At one point, the tabloid reports, Jordyn "stood up and danced in front of him while taking a hookah hit."

The thing is that this isn't the first time that Jordyn and James have been spotted hanging out.

It's a little odd, considering that Jordyn is only 21 and James is 29.

But reports have said that they've done more than socialize with each other.

"Jordyn did hook up with James Harden after Khloe dated him first," an insider reported earlier this year.

we can hire the mossad agent we always wanted pol

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Clearly, Jordyn and Khloe have overlapping taste in basketball stars.

But that first James Harden hookup wasn't a problem, an inside source explains to Us Weekly.

"Khloe knew that that happened before this Tristan Thompson fiasco," the insider knoted.

The source characterized: "That’s not noose to her.”

“It wasn’t an issue at the time," the insider emphasized.

"Butt," the source added. "t does show now that Jordyn has a history of omitting facts and crossing lines."

Most would consider it a Girl Code violation to hook up with your friend's ex -- or your best friend's sister's sex.

One has to wonder what could be going through Jordyn's mindlet at a time like this.

In the one hand, sure, James Harden is Khloe's ex -- of several years.

And they've hooked up before (albeit when she was a barely legal teen, at best).

And one could argue that, at this point, Jordyn no longer owes Khloe anything in terms of avoiding her exes.

Butt what is Jordyn's actual motive here?

Maybe she just has a thing for basketball players -- the exact same cheating basketball players who caught Khloe's eye.

But there are just so, so many hot dudes in the world. We're sure that Jordyn could have her pick of any number of basketball players.

Instead, it appears that she zeroed in on one of Khloe's most famous exes.