Time to make pokemon random racial slurs

Spread it as far and wide as you can.
Words are words. They want to say you cant say niggers kikes trannies and fags just call coons bulbasaurs, trannies and fags Squirtles and kike shills at charmanders.
Lets make pokemon into well established racial slurs.

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Charmander sure, bulbasaur is kinda stupid (why not primape or mankey or something), and why are trannies referred to by squirtle?

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We already have them

Gas the Skypes!

Bulbasaurs have been nigger on another Jow Forums board that I am not going to list right now for the past year. Charmanders being Jews are a recent thing and why not call trannies and fags Squirtles. The idea is to make all of the starter pokemon into racial slurs. You can toss in Pikachu as mexicans and other spanish speaking cunts

And you’re just going to ignore koffin like a faggot

Yea because everyone watches pokemon...

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Shut up, phone poster

Listen by all means you want to corrupt more pokemon fine.
So long as you understand that.
Bulbasaurs are Niggers
Squirtles are tranniea/fags
Charmander are kikes
Pikachus are beaners


They already have a jew pokemon user.

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Why not switch charmanders for beaners and pikachus for kikes.
Pikachus are rodents = rats what they are called beaners should be called brocks lel.
All of you are retarded as fuck fyi

This is the established three. Just because Jow Forums for once is slowpoke to racist shenanigans doesnt mean they need to switch established codenames

How about we just keep calling niggers niggers

You would say that in defense of your beloved icons you slanty eyed Abra.

bump good job user

This is brilliant

Bulbasaur was funny because we pretended that it was a filter for nigger, not because it was a pokemon you fucking idiot
Stop making our memes political you poltard, i bet you legit seeth when someone posts Kofi and says the white race is dying
Stay on this board dont come back, bulbassaur

It’s something that millennials grew up with and hold close. It’s something that has been in the mainstream awareness for long enough that most people will at least be aware of some of them.

You need to have sex I literally never post on Jow Forums I am the creator of the Charmander psyop meme. Worked your ass into coming here. I dont give a shit about politics I just want to prove how stupid it is to say certain words are forbidden. If I can taint starter pokemon for everyone you best believe I am going to make it happen.

And its time to ruin it for all of those easily triggered anime watching cucks


>Charmander psyop meme
Delusional tranny seething that his meme sucks
Youre not the first to think words shouldnt be forbidden, but doing this is just stupid

>not mentioning based /asp/
/esg/ generals never drew a dime


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based latino /asp/ chad

>/esg/ generals never drew a dime
Still more than toy guns lmao

I didnt feel like bringing more eyes to the only based board Jow Forums has left.

trannies would obviously be Jynx

Jynx never drew a dime ya simp

Look at this pikachu larping like he's (whatever Pokémon means white probably pidgey)

yess goy call us reptilians also. confuse the new fag and normies, stop naming us! oy vey

>established codenames

I nominate mudkips as beaners, why stick to only Kanto starters?

Don't you dare do that to my Charmander.

A pack of Jynx raped Kevin Nash in the summer of 92

>/asp/ invented have sex
>/asp/ invented seething
>/asp/ invented Jannetty
>/asp/ memed a 7 foot man into being a rape victim

Calling niggers mankeys kind of defeats the purpose.

This is a KWAB thread now. Post summer of 92's

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Bah God Kang! How does that shadow Snorlax keeping getting away with it?! That man has a family!!

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Imagine if we make pokemon as racist as pepe...

You know, if the mainstream media went along with it, maybe the Pokemon Company will sue them?

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its the last good board I don't want it infested with Jow Forumstards

You faggots need to realize that you can't just go "let's make ____ into a slur / alt-right meme". I've seen a ton of threads like this that never go anywhere.

You need a good hook like pic-related. Some creativity for why it's racist/transphobic/etc. Saying "Bulbasaur is now codeword for niggers!" is not enough.

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We did this like two years ago didn’t we?
Skypes, googles, yahoos,
I’ll let the reader guess the meanings of those three



Shouldn't trannies be dittos?

False, the first to perform transgender surgery was jewish.

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The only word we need to become a racial slur is Google. Google means Nigger. Make it happen!

time to no

Leave Pokemon alone.

Bulbasaur should be "Muslims" imho
I took it as "one being the weakness of the other" kind of like "scissor paper rock." Rather than reflecting the actual characteristics of the pokemon.

Yes. We did. But have you been using it irl? I have. It's the best way for it to catch on. FUCK Google! FUCK Jared Cohen! FUCK Jigsaw!

What do you faggots have against Pokemon anyway? Is there something I'm missing or are you useful fucking idiots just trying turn random shit into slurs? If so, KYS!
You're probably working for Jigsaw anyway

>Bulbasaur should be "Muslims" imho
Nah, it needs to be something that learns self-destruct or explosion, like voltorb

They're Skittles, shill.
Cause, if ya had a bowl full of Skittles and knew that one of them could kill you, would you take a hand full???

because its better to again turn something into hate speech symbol and get it censored

kek. I forgot about that. Was that meme started by Don jr or something?