A question for all the other germans

What does the Identitarian Movement think about half germans? I'm half german and half turkish, but I look completly german and only live the german culture. And I really hate islam. Can someone like me also support the Identitarian Movement? Or do they also hate me?

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they won't hate you, they're not even a far right movement
Also they are not redpilled about kikes

>I'm half german and half turkish, but I look completly german

I don't know, both my parents are albanian, but I'm german, and I only ever got dirty looks when I walked by one of their demonstrations once

Probably not but that dosent change the fact that you are a roach and your mother a racetraitor whore.

>What does the Identitarian Movement think about half germans?
Who gives a shit about nazi Idiotiarians?

I don't know how about yidentitarians, but I would really like to see you on a train back to Ankara, you disgusting shitskin.

>they're not even a far right movement

IB aren't redpilled on race of the jq
They are a nice entry point though
Also ein Döner ohne Tomaten bitte

being a patriot does not make you nazi/fascist/far right Hans

GI are cucks
"we disavow racist Millennial woes"
they must love half germans

löl they're a bunch of incompetent, filthy lying fascists

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t. Hans Heimberg

The average member is very aware and when the cameras are off they’ll openly deny the Holocaust

Turks are European in my eyes. Or atleast the most European.

I am curious, please let me know. What is german culture?

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your neighbor Ahmed will make sure to reward you handsomely for being such a good goy

Eisbein mit Sauerkraut, dazu Bier.

>incompetent, filthy lying fascists
show flag Shlomo

They're ineffectual cucks so I say go for it

Hateing yourself and sucking muslim/jew dick obviously.

>German flag
>has fascist flag
Ten thousand iq

Says the retarded memeflag, löl

Heh, you nazitoids and your gay fantasies every time

Hier kommt die Mehmet
ab nach Istanbul

Jow Forums doesn't have ikurriña

Schützenfest, Fussball and Cars?!

You die last.

Just use the Spanish flag then. Basque country is not a country.

If you identify as a proud Piefke, then yes, they will accept you.

i'm half german and I don't care about germany at all since they ruined their country forever especially few years ago, it will never recover, it will be worse and worse

my family line has 1000y history ruling one part of germany(in the east, dont want to talk about it more as I dont care),but fuck current germany, I dont even speak german and I dont want to ever learn it.

if you ever start to be proud about your country about your history, we can talk, but currently you just want germany destroyed, you want your own people in danger and you are doing everything to make it worse and worse.

I'm not spanish I'm basque, retard

Your family ruled a part of the HRE? Very tits.

Most Germans have a Russian Grandfather, so just don’t do illegal shit and you should be fine

Go die in a car bombing you and your "nation state" are irrelevant

>my family line has 1000y history ruling one part of germany
Pictured: one part of Germany your family ruled for a thousand years

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Italian tier.

I'm not one of these degenerated Leninist retards from the ETA, if our nation has to gain its freedom it has to be through economic independance, amerimutt piece of shit

if you truly are looking like atleast a Germanmutt (many roaches claim they are aryan, yet look like gypsies) it won't matter. The Identitarians only hate muslims and subhumans in general (niggers, gypsies, etc). They are also redpilled on jews, they just can't say it out loud because it's literally illegal to name the kike here in Germany and they would go to jail, so they dogwhistle it with "globalist", "cosmopolitan", "mainstream media" and so on.
If you don't look like a semite you will be fine, you don't have to be 100% bavarian phenotype. Besides, the 100% bavarian blondes I've met were all turbo-cucks anyway.

Face it faggot just use the Spanish flag rather then the memeflag embrace your geographic location stop being a shill

Time to pack up, Mehmet

I'm not using another race's flag, get over it

>beeing the world's best engineers
>getting all science nobel prizes
>having the strongest economy per capita in the world
>SAUERKAUTing french and polish women in every war

>our nation

Whatever that is, I've never heard of it, irrelevant fascist moron

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Okay here is my offer: You get the status of a tolerated individual. For every undesired person you remove in any way you see fit you gain one point. If you get 100 points you may call yourself german. rom that point on you have to take Nürnberg into account.

Accept or leave.

Thats because you aren't and will never be a german

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That picture is funny

>You get the status of a tolerated individual
..proclaimed the delusional nazi on pol, löl

Basque and Spanish are the same race. Diffrent nationalitys get it right nigger

>Turks are European in my eyes. Or atleast the most European.

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>1 Post

Denying the existence of your own culture as everything beautiful and irreplaceable about your people is committed to the past to make way for the negro consumerist future. Duh.

I'll have you know that pol is satire and if you don't get it you only have yourself to blame.

I've heard Identitarians and Sellner might be compromised and are a honeypot for dumb Germans full of German government agents..

Make your own movements with people that are loyal to your ideas.

>Denying the existence of your own culture
löl there is no unified "German culture"


3 words.

Second Vienna Award. Take that Romanian faggot.

No, halfies will be kicked out too. You could live in Turkey

>I'll have you know that pol is satire
löl sure

>I've heard
They're just a bunch of failed nazis and students who make a living by fleecing other nazi retards out of their money

classical music, art, /lit/, philosophy, /his/. Germany was the successor to the Roman Empire for god's sake. I am not even German, yet I know more about German culture. WTF Hans

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If you're larping here as a nazi unironically you should go see a doctor.

If you had lived in one of the innumerable mudmen shitholes of the world (including occupied areas in Germany) you would clearly see the that something exists which is "German", and which is being squandered and denied and pozzed by cosmopolite overfed little shits like you.

the only thing that really matters is intelligence. tribalism is insane.

Intelligence will show you that you let your nontribal countrymen by tribal consumers.

take a good look at your life

>occupied areas in Germany

>something exists which is "German"
Yeah, foremost our language but even that differs from region to region, you spastic nazitoid.

>["german culture"] is being squandered and denied and pozzed by cosmopolite
How? Really laughable you nazitoids, löl


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Nicht doch die gute Leberwurst!

You should get Charlie Hebdo'd for that image upload

This guy understands

And this post confirms it

I was bullied out when they figured I am half German/Italian each.

Don't get me wrong i like our dear adi.

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>Haplotype Ht15
>Facto V and XI inexistant in Basque DNA
>Type O- dominant
>Non indo-european language
>"Same race"
top kek

>t. delusional Ronni

What would you call far-right? I'd say the defining factor is being pro-white.
Northern Italian? If so that's ridiculous

Accurate, thank you anons, I feel alive again!

Heh, what else would they be anyway

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>I feel alive again!

Promoting a racial, nationalist and tradiotionnalist agenda

Fuck off turkroach

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>last vestige of old europa
>Pre indoeuropean farmers were mostly sweathy skinned-short cucks
>Workshipped boring earth deities compares to awesome sky gods
>Women controlled their lives and still mostly do today as i heard
>Ger btfo epically by Aryans and had to escape in a mountainous hellhole nobody else want

Probably Franco was doing a favor to you in trying to Hispanize you

study history

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If identitarians are a honey-pot, I'll gladly het my little fly feet stuck in it so that (((they))) have a harder time singling out the useful and the courageous.

To be allowed in the ethnostate you must have white skin.

You have to go back

My body is ready

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t. Kike faggot that worships 2nd Reich but hates 3rd Reich even though the 3rd Reich was better and based and redpilled.

Get a Dna test. Millions of roaches have no Turanid admix and maybe you are lucky. But your still not German. Turkish Cypriots , most of those are just islanders who were islamified by the British. Turkey has places like Dersim full of Crypto-Armenians. Question is what will you do against the Jew not can you pass as a German. And how many people have you liberated from the Holohoax? Try to be a Dieudonne there maybe?

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