Why do Jews hate Whites so much? Aren't we their greatest allies?
>Slavs hate them
>Arabs and Muslims hate them
>Niggers fucking HATE them
>Chinks hate them (like looking in a mirror)
>Latinxs hate them
>Indians probably don't care but they love Hitler so they probably hate them
>Thais hate them
Western Europeans are the ONLY RACE on EARTH whose societies openly defend Jews and do not have problems with them. Why then do Jews want to pump Western Europe full of third world breeder-killer savages who all undoubtedly HATE them? Shouldn't Jews be on us Whites' side?
Why do Jews hate Whites so much? Aren't we their greatest allies?
>waah waah waah I'm so oppressed by the evil jews waah waah waah
when are you going to start begging for reparations?
jews are demons who wear human skin. they serv their lord satan and since whites are gods creation they of course hates them
I remember a study in America showing Jews literally rating Muslims as more favorable than Christians
What can I say except lmao
If they hate the host culture they reside in then let them hate it. They can leave any time they want.
Correction: White is the only ethny in the world which have been subject to pro-jew propaganda over the last century and still today. Jews have a plan: wipe us out
>in America
What can be done about the American problem ?
Sunnis are good, violent cattle. Evangelicals will defend israel to the death but stand against everything the jews are trying to propogate.
We dont
There is nothing wrong with being jewish