Why do Jews hate Whites so much? Aren't we their greatest allies?

Why do Jews hate Whites so much? Aren't we their greatest allies?
>Slavs hate them
>Arabs and Muslims hate them
>Niggers fucking HATE them
>Chinks hate them (like looking in a mirror)
>Latinxs hate them
>Indians probably don't care but they love Hitler so they probably hate them
>Thais hate them
Western Europeans are the ONLY RACE on EARTH whose societies openly defend Jews and do not have problems with them. Why then do Jews want to pump Western Europe full of third world breeder-killer savages who all undoubtedly HATE them? Shouldn't Jews be on us Whites' side?

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>waah waah waah I'm so oppressed by the evil jews waah waah waah
when are you going to start begging for reparations?

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jews are demons who wear human skin. they serv their lord satan and since whites are gods creation they of course hates them

I remember a study in America showing Jews literally rating Muslims as more favorable than Christians

What can I say except lmao

If they hate the host culture they reside in then let them hate it. They can leave any time they want.

Correction: White is the only ethny in the world which have been subject to pro-jew propaganda over the last century and still today. Jews have a plan: wipe us out

>in America
What can be done about the American problem ?

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Sunnis are good, violent cattle. Evangelicals will defend israel to the death but stand against everything the jews are trying to propogate.

We dont
There is nothing wrong with being jewish

jews hate everyone

>Why do Jews hate Whites so much?

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Because The Jew believes he is Gods chosen one and the fact he has lived in diaspora capable of only living off its western host societies like a parasite drives them violently despise those who host them out of kindness.

Its pretty simple actually. When you have a person who has been told from a early childhood they will become the greatest and best but they turn out mediocre, they will turn bitter and angry towards those who are able to achieve something. Now extend this to whole of international Jewry.

They are the "Gods chosen people" yet they are unable to create civilization and instead have to leech of the civilization of others.

Germany before Hitler was the most tolerant country for Jews in Europe. Jews called Berlin new Jerusalem.

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It allows them to destroy the middle class because those are the ones who can attempt to usurp them. The goal of the elite will always be to create such a huge divide that no one will ever be able to compare to their hegemony.


>Western Europeans are the ONLY RACE on EARTH whose societies openly defend Jews and do not have problems with them.
American education.

Nice Freudian slip... apparently they want you to beg for something.

Jews hate the people they rule over. They must humiliate and insult.

For what purpose though? If Western Europe actually became Niggermuslim then Jews would be exterminated.

>Niggers fucking HATE them
really, yet niggers believe (((their))) lies!

>nothing wrong with being jewish

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Judaism is the most refinde and objectively true theology, pagans and sub judish cults will be punished by G

All I’m begging for is deportations

Mr. Kike I have bad news for you. By 2050 the false state of Israel will be no more.

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It makes a lot more sense when you look at this way

>Middle East receives (((freedom and democracy)))
>Spooked Muslims run away, others follow them fror gibs
>Chimpout in new host countries
>Spooked Jews make aliyah to Israel
>Israel has more Jews, Middle East has fewer Muslims

I have literally zero issues with Jews and love their food, I just don't get why they hate Whites so much- I have family who risked their lives smuggling Jews out of France & Holland and the descendants of those Jews now seem to want to get rid of the descendants of the people who saved them. I'm not particularly spiritual but something about that really pisses me off.

Is this Tommy's weird Arab looking friend?

Yup, fully convinced. I thought there was something up with the sudden influx of migrants, I knew that there was a Greater Israel plan to eventually conquer and annex surrounding states. Considering that, this makes sense. Muslims men mostly leave in droves and either displace Europeans or war is waged plunging Europe into chaos, which is a win win scenario for the kikes. It’ll make their wars in the coming decades easier, and the West won’t be able to stop them because we’ll be too busy culling mongrels.

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I don't want their shekels, I just want them to fuck off.


Imagine Paris becoming the new Syria. You ask your girlfriend, "wanna go to France for vacation?" and she says "no. Let's go to Tell Aviv instead. It's safer and so romantic!"

When the west becomes a giant fallout zone, tourism and property values in Israel will skyrocket. Everyone will want to visit the world's only ethnostate for vacation. Migrants will clamber to get in, but oops, your DNA test says you're not Jewish, so sorry, you can't live here with us, go back to your wonderfully diverse hellhole, goyim.

Until hitler found out how much Jews were charging for shoe repair

Among other things.

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Their religion teaches that whites are the ultimate evil.

Sounds good Chaim, you pay up first.

Its obvious why we have so many kikes but fucks sake, why is Sweden just as utterly pozzed

Not entirely sure how sold I am on the Greater Israel project to be desu with you, but this definitely sounds like the Yinon Plan of destsabilizing the Middle East for the sake of strengthening Israel. I can also easily buy the theory about the pipeline running through from Israel to Syria to Turkey (or something along those lines).

I don't have anything about that on hand, but there's this relevant picture. Friendly reminder to anyone who may be reading this: the Yinon Plan was suggested in 1982. This quote from (((Wesley Clark))) (as gentile as that may sound, he is definitrely chosenite) was from the 90's. While he wasn't perfect in his estimates, the plan is still obviously underway. Just a nice way of pointing out that our masters think decades ahead of us in their master plots.

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Jews hate everyone. They chose the best slaves of the other races. Only good goys like them because they are tricked by their favourite tv propaganda personallities.
Jewish tv was astoundingly effecting, Even now after decades of pushing a likeable Jewish tv character the west is still a good goy to the Jew.

That quote was actually from his chief of staff a month or so after 9/11 iirc. The Democracy now interview he said that in was from 07

Or you know eliminate them all for their treason. At least forcefully expel them.

The West can’t become a fallout zone, not if the Jews have anything to do about it. No, they have America on the books for ~11.6 trillion dollars until 2050. There is nothing we can do to stop them from robbing us but wage war, and we are not waging war, so what they will do is conquer the west through social and legislative means. They will destroy our history and culture. They will propagandize racemixing as some benevolent/sexy thing in order to create a mongrel, sickly, low IQ slave race they can use as their pawns. That’s all they want. They want our money and our labor. Presently the West is one big concentration camp. We have all the pleasures and distractions in the world to dull our sense of reality, and so long as Moshie gets his shekels, he will ensure this decadence is made to last as long as possible.

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Ok, fair enough. I wasn't perfect either. But the point stands, 9/11 is still way before Killary and friends took out Gaddafi or the failed attempts to remove Based Assad.

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It actually makes the quote of more relevance I think, given it’s recency.

Saying the extremely norveous """american""" for the last 50 years

Why do you think all those groups came to hate them? Could it possibly similar patterns of behavior to the ones currently turning White people against them?

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Because the only people who know what's good and beautiful without being told are white people. Not that whites are incorruptible but sin stings them a lot more. Other races can only be guided by whites in order to be blessed. When whites descend spiritually, everyone else does but they don't suffer as much. They become enemies with whites.

Jews think they're the real deal but they can't feel what whites can feel and do what whites can do. They don't understand it. So they make a mockery of it. They don't care about truth. They easily adapt to chaos but the abyss seems to be endless. I would feel sorry for them but I don't know if there's anything inside them that's salvagable.

>ruh oh, we got too much nonwhites commiting violent and sexual crimes? wat do?
>just stop reporting on them, lol
the utter state of kikes, Jesus Christ.

I won’t entertain you any longer, I’m sure you have foreskins to eat and organs to steal, but just remember Dan. There is no stopping what you kikes have wrought. You can’t eliminate us because it would destroy your money farm, and the lies have already been uncovered. You’re fucked. It’ll take a while, but we will kill you all.

You should’ve gone to Madagascar.

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they did this in Canada as well. It's very frustrating that we have to go by FBI crime stats to find conclusions.

>Indians probably don't care but they love Hitler so they probably hate them
They don't...

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>Jews literally rating Muslims as more favorable than Christians
Almost the same no pork diet.
Christians probably have the holier than thou attitude and tried to convert them. At least the Chinese Christians here in my country are that fucked up.

Jews hate allies, they want slaves.

Well in the new testament there's lots of hate towards jews("synagoge of satan" etc.) which on the basis of that christians prosecuted jews for thousands of years.
Also white germans presumably massacred millions of jews, so maybe that's why