Las Vegas

Daily reminder that the FBI's official story is that this guy murdered 58 people just 'cause.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump. it was a blood sacrifice.

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have another. I wish I had more relevant photos but its still pretty relevant

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it was a "Harvest" festival after all

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the devil was craving trump supporting white people that evening.

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if the official narrative is true these are the dumbest mother fucking cops on the planet, who fucked up in every single imaginable way, they are a three stooges sketch

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So whats the real story

Babylon occult symbolism. symbolism everywhere. there always is.

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Something fucky was going on with the Saudi prince that opened that floor the gunman was allegedly on.
He was assassinated days later.

Paddock was found to just have a bunch of money, no public investigation into how he got it.

His girlfriend was confirmed to be an intelligence advisor of some sort (CIA prostitute).
Just normal stuff, goy.

and Saudis own the top sever floor of mandaly bay. that's worth checking into.

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>this guy murdered 58 people just 'cause.

that, and he acted alone, and we basically know jack shit about him. Here's more Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

we got no fuckin idea, but you'd have to be a sped to believe their take

>work your whole life
>retire in Vegas
>happy-go-lucky old man who gambles, drinks, and socializes every day
>get wild hair and spray concert with machine gun fire
Makes sense.

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these guys are definitely telling the truth
and there have been no threats on their safety if they don't comply

it was mostly white people that died. and no one gave a single fuck about the largest mass shooting in us history after a week or so

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Anyone that still has faith in the media or any 3 letter agency after this shit is helpless.

Total coincidence that the Saudi's owned the floor above where it happened and a bunch of Saudi princes were arrested a week later

I mean country music sucks ass so it was justified to be quite honest with you famalamazamaram

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He did it for the lulz.

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Vegas was fake. No one was shot. The sounds of gunfire came through the concert speakers. There were actors in the crowd paid to fall down and use fake blood to act like they were shot. The only injuries occured from the panic as people literally impaled themselves on fences and shit trying to escape. There were local law enforcement there from all over the country who were not informed of the real situation. Their job was to bear witness to the chaos and report what they saw to their local newspapers/media in order to sell the story.

The entire thing was staged.

>Everyone is scared of guns
>Nobody is scared that all these mass shooters apparently have no reason for doing what they do.
I graduated HS the year of Columbine and watched it change the world. Now events like that are taken as a matter of course, nobody really bats an eye or really follows up. I'm not sure what happened to society since then, but things are fucking bad now.
Take this divisive slide shit back to

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Arms deal/assassination plot on mbs gone bad

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Nah it's easier to just really shoot people. For your theory to be correct every first responder would have to be in on it or else they would report not seeing anyone with gunshot wounds.

for what purpose? nothing came of it. people don't even talk about it hardly
swept under the rug.

If it won't fit into a "white extremist" mold, then the FBI purposely memory holes it.

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whether ironically or unironically it was still a blood sacrifice. like 9/11. explain how its not please. satan can be metaphorical and just the god of liberation and do as thou will philosophy. and of course mischief and cruelty


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>nothing came of it
Bump stock ban. I think they would have tried to go after guns even harder if they hadnt fucked the whole thing up.

This guy's problem to the FBI: ex-military
In reality: Black nationalist
Memory holed

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I never saw a single gunshot wound. First responders could have been told it was an exercise. A lot of witnesses who questioned the official narrative got suicided.

Yep. Ex military shoots up Dallas cops.

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Work for CIA to move guns for Philippines ISIS.
Get in love whit native
Cant fuck his country anymore
Can't do anything, he will be killed anyway
Brings the war against the evil murricans

>First responders could have been told it was an exercise
And when they learned it wasn't an exercise none of them said anything? You don't think many in the crowd happened to be police or medics? There were also videos where the gunfire was clearly coming from the Mandalay Bay.

A botched Saudi assassination attempt. Like, the guy who owned the upper floors of that tower got arrested just weeks after the shooting.

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>country music fans

No value was lost

blood sacrifice for who and why?

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For whom*

He was dead 7 hours before the shooting started

ATF did not open a single rifle or photograph a single rifle's internals. NOT ONE. They were not given any warrant to look at the internals, so the FBI and ATF can not state if it was full auto or bump stock. they just let the public assume it was bump stocks, and the fucking retard in charge helped usher in a ban on them

We know exactly why it happens. You should too.
You either stick your head in the sand or you're here to slide.
Ironically, one of the posts you labelled as a slide is spot-on accurate:
Columbine was MK Ultra. Paddock was a patsy for a much larger event.
Who owns the top floors of Mandalay Bay? What was going on in KSA at that time?
Who does the cabal serve? Who does the cabal hate?
Think. Wake up.

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Was an article on Campos and how they paid him out and that how he knew Paddock personally and knew he had guns and an abnormal amount of weapons but he was a high roller so he wasn't supposed to as questions etc..

They bought him 2 condos and paid him a lot of money for his silence.

>murdered 58 people just 'cause.
I could do that too.


One thing about the Batlacan Massacre. Concert full of people in the smartphone era. No video online.

omg wat are these bitches up to now tbhh famm i luv my new samsung ask your doctor if zxrexqaii (which causes heart failure, impotence, rectal prolapse, spontaneous eyeball explosion, and flatulence) is right for you.

Wrong. FBI's official story, is that the motive is unknown.

im glad ellen got to the bottom of this mystery

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(((Sirius XM)))

why is hose the handyman on the shooting floor, shot in leg, discharged from ER, goes to mexico despite being biggest material witness in the nation's largest mass murder by gunfire, and then on a tv show in LA run by some zionist/feminist/globalist dyke that is the biggest propagandist on daytime TV


I think (((the established Media narrative))) is that Paddock just wanted to get a high score. They always talk about how he booked some other hotel room somewhere else for some other concert (in Chicago, I think).
But unlike other mass-shooter obsessed people -according to the Media- he didn’t seem to have a serial/mass killer fixation, do lots of research on them, have a score chart, etc like David Hogg.....sorry, “Adam Lanza” did.
Also, whatever happened with the rich Saudi thrill-killer theory?


here is where i am at right now: the whole thing stinks of smelly mor_on undergarment and gefilte.

i am going with mor_on mafia/jew mafia ties to this one. if any of you know the scene in las vegastan and south nevada- you would begrudgingly admit this.

mgm ceo murren owns mandalay bay. that guy's wife was an obama board appointee. murren himself demanded his employees donate money to adl, splc, naacp, and cair. he was a never trumper...the business environment in las vegastan is just a bunch of lds and jews battling and sharing billions of dollars. (((adelson and wynn))) along with the (((goodman mayor dynasty))) duking it out with zio mormons like black eye reid and his gang of cult idiots. no doubt jews would love to push out some goyim of their property value and ownership.

the only company that didn't lose big money over the last two days due to this incident was (((wynn))). keep in mind they are pushing that raaaidderrrrrz stadium kibbutz dome bullshit- the largest tax payer ripoff in usa history. a scam in a city of scams? ...i'm shocked, shocked... there is big money and these properties are at stake. big fucking corrupt money. these people happily tank each others' businesses. the (((goodmans))) want their name on the kibbutz field...

the fbi in LV would need an office the size of LA and NYC combined to get after all the corruption in las vegastan...remember the mormon/jew/fbi teamup to get control of the city's cash from the italians...the grand bargain was an enormous infusion of mor_ons to take over the running of the resort financial operations, all because they were perceived as being more honest and good with money. that by default has resulted over the decades in LV fbi offices having a ridiculous and discriminatory relationship re: the amount of mor_on agents and other personnel.

basically, there is an appalling lack of federal law enforcement interest in las vegastan..understaffed and staffed with unwilling mor_ons that look the other way- and you get unresponsive and unproductive results. for the amount of human garbage the city attracts, the LV metro is shockingly bad, probably one of the worst for a bigger city. not a surprise they were undermanned, outgunned, and pretty much stood down outside the asshole's suite.

personally there is so much shit that does not add up. the whole isis thing being pushed hours after the shooting and into the morning was obviously jewish bullshit, and of course the media ran with it. the stories of the police eventually shooting the guy, but then we see photo of him with a bullet through his mouth and head ie: suicide...the scanner all night had multiple shooters. the bad guy has an odd background. claims he was a millionaire, but claims he was in debt. mor_on looking brother claims he didn't have guns, but we know he did. hell, he bought all his guns from mor_on gun dealers.

the biggest red flag is: what kind of person would shoot a crowd of beautiful all-american people? beautiful all-american women, and their kickass pro america men? a crowd of the most obvious trump supporters? . . . in las vegastan- i would say big gov deep shit state mor_ons and commie jews . . .

they are together an anti-american unholy duo and acted out on their satanic dna

this was posted live by a semi local boss lord an hour or two after it happened and was the best look into what actually happened. so much so that the zionist alt light blogs promptly deleted it and blamed muslims as well....

pretty accurate but didn’t tie in the vegas mormon jew freemason shit, which is why the MAGA people were sacrificed in front of the luxor pyramid

the (((fbi))) was founded by GAY EDGAR HOOVER aka (((freemasonry)))

and there you have it

>Vegas was fake. No one was shot. The sounds of gunfire came through the concert speakers. There were actors in the crowd paid to fall down and use fake blood to act like they were shot.

Personally I am very skeptical of these kind of theories. It just seems like it would be so much easier to actually kill people, but pic related corroborates what you're saying.

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$10,000 of sushi.....



not to mention his lobotomy scar and obvious extreme mental impairment post-incident

he was an international CIA backed illegal arms dealer, A la the film "Lord of War." Even the most goychow fed cumskin has to put 2 and 2 together and figure that one out.

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Paddock allegedly 'won' his money from gambling, but anyone with half a brain knows nobody ever consistently wins money in a casino, poker maybe, but not in a casino
He was an asset, he took huge amounts of money from questionable sources to a casino, converts to chips, loses some of it, then converts back to cash claiming he 'won' it.

Ah yes since someone going on a shooting spree for at random is very rare in America and definitely doesn't happen weekly, must be an Illuminati conspiracy that somehow nerds on the internet can solve.

>Daily reminder that the FBI's official story is that this guy murdered 58 people just 'cause
Because if the truth came out people would hang

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>He was an asset

Unironically this. Anyone else remember when "Paddock's brother" who happened to look exactly like him was arrested in California on child porn charges shortly after the shooting? Or has that been memory holed?

That some guy was fucking hammered drunk and acting like an idiot during a crisis in the middle of the Vegas strip? Have you been to the Vegas strip? That shit is schizo-tier, the amount of opportunities for a fake shooting to go catastrophically wrong is incredible, not to mention preventing leaks afterwards. It was fucking obviously a real shooting, the question is whether it was deliberately targeted or just because there was a giant crowd.

Beat me to it, I've yet to see a single refutation of any part of this

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Yeah, the Campos thing is fucked any way you look at it.

Vegas was proof that Americans are still asleep at the wheel. Nobody except the freaks that browse this site want a follow up. The whole country thought there was nothing wrong with a man making his living entirely off gambling. Even gunfags didn’t raise a stink when they pinned the blame on bump stocks when the Vegas shooter clearly wasn’t using one due to the fire rate being too consistent. Nobody thought the shit show interview with his brother was suspicious. Nobody gives a single fuck. Once the media stops talking about it and big data starts throttling conversation about it all the cows forget. I wish I was fucking dead. If I were stupider I wouldn’t notice this shit. Someone somewhere made a mistake and put me in the pen with all the animals or forgot to lobotomize me.

I understand your point of view perfectly. That being said, what else is one to do but move on? If we remain fixated on one event then we lose sight of other trends and happenings that are occurring in the present moment. The problem, of course, is the ever rapidly increasing rate of such occurrences. Its just too much for one person to analyze and look into, let alone a scattered group of individuals such as yourself who demand or seek accountability and answers.

Organization, in this case, is needed. An organized group of people getting together, doing the necessary foot work, and making the demands necessary to get what is desired (i.e. the “truth”).

However, it is unlikely that this will happen...

Court docs showed he was buying/selling weapons and it was totally ignored.

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So now i must ask,
Did any media outlet sift through the court documents and publish any articles based on the contents contained therein? If not, why? Is yes, then which media outlets? Any of the mainstream ones that were covering the incident around the clock when it initially occurred?

Does it even matter or is it enough to have played peoples emotions and fears like one does with the strings of puppets? Did we dance the dance the song called for?

In other words, was it enough that people reacted in accordance with the gun grab agenda?

Ive posted this before. But looks like George Soros and the CEO made huge sells and shorted the stock right before.. And of course the CEO's comments about the event is mostly about banning guns and typical shit like shit.

Personally i'm against owning guns but i have to admit it's kinda weird.

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>im glad ellen got to the bottom of this mystery
I'm sure we all are.

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Imagine ever talking to law enforcement ever for any reason after this event occured.
If I was a LEO in las vegas I would quit/retire.
The people here hate your guts and view you ass traitors.

You people stuck on the saudi arabia theory are just muddying the waters.
Jake Morphonios already proved with time and dates it was not physcially possible for the saudi prince to be there.
Was he a patsy? Yes. Are you spreading Jewtube Disinfo theories? Yes

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If there are 300 million americans, then 3million would be 1%. Do you think there are 3 million americans even in the know yet?
Realize the knowledge we are privy to puts us in a very small category of in the know people.
Its shocking how stupid this country is, no wonder Jews took control.

>I didn't see it therefore it didn't happen
I suppose you faggots also believe earth is flat and space is fake


cmon man


Damn, and I like Eric Church too.


I'm with you bro. I post shit like this on my social media all the time and no one gives a fuck. I post some keeping up with the jones shit and it gets 100000 likes.

I will never forget Vegas. It's the JFK conspiracry of our time.

sloppy job massad

If your pic is what you call proof, I have a bridge to sell you.
That fat load on the left could be any balding burger.
(pic related) is of interest, of course, and I point to the pic in That is one of the best timelines, with relevant collateral info, on this obfuscated topic.

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