The cost of blacking

Adjusted for inflation that's a loss of $235 million, not to mention the end of sequels. Does anybody really think if they blacked Sarah Conner in Terminator 2 the movie series would have continued? Answer: fuck no

Jow Forums we need to Operation Captain Fungus this new James Bond niggerbitch movie.

Attached: conan blacked.jpg (444x433, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Grace Jones is the superior casting choice so sacrificing good decisions for racism seems counter-intuitive

There was a teenager white girl in the main cast of Destroyer. Still, Destroyer was raped by that faggot producer.

Obviously people were not interested in watching a bush cannibal lesbian nigger.

dude all she does is sneer and grunt the whole movie, wtf you talking abkit?

The new Bond will be good. His code name is just being used by someone else. I’ll see anything by Carey Fukunaga.

To be fair, the 2nd movie was terrible and goofy as fuck.

>implying it's not about sending a message
Keep consuming product goy

I enjoyed how they incorporated more of the "A Witch Shall be Born" story, even if it wasn't executed to the fullest.

About that user, I got bad news for ya.

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still need to be a King Conan movie, it's basically all set out in the Conan the Usurper book, we could even give the new guy another shot after Aquaman apparently he needs a decent movie

Aren't they still trying to make King Conan into reality with Arnold, due to the failure of the movie that released around 2011?


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I genuinely hope so

Conan beats the shit out of Bombaata and takes the loli, user.

>still need to be a King Conan movie
No! They will just use The Rock or that sumoan aquaman faggot.

Just don't watch it, like everyone else isn't going to watch it.
No one goes to the (((movies))) anymore, just keep up this trend and starve the Hollywood Jews.

you have shown with pic that it will fail.
this is not your free pr departent.

the last thing we need is le ebil nazis dont want me to see the movie.

also it automaticly fails in asian countrys. nobody wants to see niggers there.

i hope he tooook her

>caring about popular culture in rising socialist country
you sir are the problem

fuck niggers fuck Jews but Grace Jones is fiiiine

Most sequels are lesser forms of the first. Moreover these are 2 b movies to begin with.

I would bet my internal organs that there will be multiple scenes of James Bond being shown up or saved by the strong black woman who took his position

>Grace Jones fine
Oh yeah. I would rather fuck some stringy nigger that looks like teriyaki beef jerkey than this.

Attached: sandahl-bergman-conan-the-barbarian-1982-BP6TBY.jpg (866x1390, 180K)

>Grace Jones is fiiiine
I wouldn't fuck that with a gun pointed at my head

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>all she does is sneer and grunt the whole movie
in every movie >:(
back then it was tollerable, but now these days.. can't even watch an epi of the ateam without saying ugh... grumpy grunts again

eh, imo all whites should boycott movies b/c of the anti-white jews involved and their over representation in media. And whites should be setting up their own exclusionary entertainment venues (white entertainment for whites involving only whites).
HOWEVER,never forget that
politics is downstream from culture.
You can't win at politics unless you win at the culture war.

The newest conan movie was garbage. I had to shut it off after the opening credits.
Conan the Barbarian worked so well because it was a low budget movie with a great story. There was a little bit of magic to keep it mystic, Conan was strong without nerfing the enemies, and he got support from his friends. Female role was bad ass but not over the top, she used cunning and finess to win fights.
Destroyer was awful. Magic all over, nerfed bad guys and a sheboon running around grunting (dont cast a woman to play a man), inexplicably overpowering much larger men.
Newest Conan: Pregnant woman on a battlefield fighting in a melee. No, just no.

Any modern day Conan is going to be shit.

the production cost are cheaper since blacks charge less

you mean wilt chamberlain banged the loli to raise his high score

>Any modern day Conan is going to be a tutty fruity

STFU kike. We are going to make that movie fail, as we have with many others. Witcher is also going down the toilet -- because we fucking say so

Please use the term "diversity spin-off" when referring to the blacking of media.
Thank you

Conan the Destroyer was shit in comparison to Barbarian. Grace Jones did just fine in her roll, and was not a love interest of Conan. There were many other issues with Destroyer. The comic relief theif with his annoying voice, in place of the Asian archer was a huge issue. The little white girl could not act her way out of a paper bag. The basketball villain also sucked dicks.
All in all it was a bad movie, but Grace Jones had nothing to do with it. Funny theif guy, dumb princess girl, basketball villain and crappy writing killed the franchise.

Don't forget Conan also looked way worse in Destroyer


Milius had the script done for Conan and the Crown of Iron in 2003. Then he got busy doing Rome for HBO and nearly died of a stroke.

Looks like a man

That girl is (((white)))
The producers are (((white)))

black panther was an incredible successful movie.

get out and us were the best horror films of the 5
years._-----> try harder racists

i use the therm "renog"
it's less confusing that way

In Barbarian, there was a real sense of danger and suspense, like "these people are going to get fucking killed holy shit" (Conan's party, I mean)

Destroyer was like dragonball z in comparison

>our nubile maiden princess must remain a virgin in this universe of bodybuilders with baby oil!
>conan! black guy implied to have the hots for her! protect her virginity at all costs!
>somehow she reaches the end of the movie a virgin in spite of conan + nigger

The cock teasing killed the movie.

but she wasn't conan's lover, she was just a token black character. to be entirely fair, conan 2 was a flop because it was a much crappier movie overall

Olivia d'Abo isn't Jewish.

Sandahl Bergman is from Kansas and probably not Jewish.

Grace Jones was fucking cool though.

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She looks better than mutt women.
African phenotypes are fascinating and their purity should also be preserved.

I still wonder who greenlighted it's script. The princess is saved in like ¨~30 minutes from departing to do so and then the cast just walks in random places doing things I don't even remember at all until they get home, there is a plot twist for 10 minutes and film ends.

>old white male takes black woman to bed

For the ebony, James.

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>The cost of blacking
Conan the Destroyer sucked ass though.
Grace Jones was the least of its problems.

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though I gotta admit, I have a soft spot for destroyer.

Conan the Barbarian on the other hand is a great fucking movie. it was directed by our guy, John Milius

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I wish they made that movie in the 90s/2000s

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Imagine all the “female empowerment” scenes they’re gonna throw in the movie.
They should do a realistic version of the movie where she gets randomly picked for every security check in every single airport she visits, then accidentally gets knocked up before her first mission and becomes a single mother instead.

With that one little snip it they confirmed nuked the franchise. Before it was just Jow Forums talking and speculating on how they wanted to brown it. Then that trailer came out and it turned out Jow Forums was wrong about most of it, no brown Triss etc. until that very scene. Where they tried to turn elves into fucking dirty hippies because its the only way to slide in a nappy hair nigger into white fantasy fiction.

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look at the pic and read the post again idiot

Actually those are their interpretation on Dryads if Im not mistaken.
Still an atrocity that should be burned to the ground though.

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Could be.

I don't doubt you because 90% of aesthetics are there BUT I would like to point out they have pointed ears and they specifically mention elves right at that scene as implied by the subtitles.

It could go both ways.

I know I won't watch it to find out.

Sandahl Bergman's bloodline was WORSE than was Swedish.

>it's another "Jow Forums Was Right Again" episode

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You and me both Sir.

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>Grace Jones is the superior casting choice
This guy just likes pausing the movie on that frame where you can see her pussy.


It's not even the woman part but the fact that it was forced means it's going to be double bad because instead of getting a bond that just happens to be a woman were getting the sassy™ need no man™ support israel goys™ version of it

Nilotic africans are the only niggers that look aesthetic. Maybe is the caucasoid facial features.

everybody in 1984
>why is manute bol in the new conan movie?

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Say her name biggot

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Sorry user it got shitcanned

>dryads losing their ability to lure in men with their enchanted, mostly naked beauty

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Bail Bond.

To be fair, grace Jones was a great casting as the wild Amazon.

twerkin not stirred

oh fuck I lost.

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Agent 187, reporting.

Looks like arsenio hall in coming to America when he was in drag

007: The Search for a Baby Daddy

Her name is NIGGER.

Yeah this just had tons of bad casting. The thief guy was not funny, bombatta was bad. The girl was a terrible actress. The wizard was cool and the Amazon was good. The battle with the wizard in the ice palace was shit. It was some random wrestler doing WWF shit. The final boss was also shit. The queen was hot though

>dude all she does is sneer and grunt the whole movie, wtf you talking abkit?
All the more reason to hire a nigger

The Nog Who Mugged Me (1977)

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desu, the sequel just sucked ass with the nigger or not.

>Grace Jones is the superior casting choice

Attached: grace-jones-brooklyn-afro-punk-festival-performs-topless-ftr1.jpg (600x873, 121K)

Coonraker (1979)

Oh shit didn't even notice the sheboon on the horse.

Now that is an extra spicy turd.

i thought for a moment he was fondling the ebony bedpost the first time i saw that bond

From Wakanda with love

fuck American media anyway

A weave to a Kill (1985)

Never Say Nigger Again (1983)

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A Job Interview to Kill (1985)

Unless those are remakes of something I missed, neither of those were "blacked."

This was more because Milius is a significantly better storyteller than (((Flescher))). Milius is Jewish but he has one of the most based and redpilled spirits of anyone who directed anything in Hollywood.

"well done bond, stealing the wheels from blofelds car was a stroke of genius"

the nogging daylights

the fuck im lookin at

haven't watched it yet only watched the first one, how bad was Conan the Destroyer?
>implying they won't find some way to fuck it up