Wish based Tulsi luck in calling out our (((regime change wars))) tonight.

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Good luck Tulsi. And to all Americans: please make your democrat/antiwar/libertarian buddies aware of her and her platform.

Don't you actually have to have a foothold on something to make a last stand...?

>he still believes (((polls)))

I’ve legitimately been rooting for her in this race. Because even if she is still cucked on guns and borders (they all are, let’s be real), she gets the left to talk about israel and their hold on us. Get em mommy.

>Implying anyone here has any democrat friends

Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960’s and the political divide is probably the worst its been since the last civil war.

I’ve seen boomers literally screaming at each other in an argument about Trump, everything is fucked

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People of Jow Forums, we have to raise our hands to the sky to provide energy for Mommy Tulsi and Papa Yang! The spirit bomb is not finished charging!

Good luck, Mommy!


Go to bed Tim


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MOMMY 2020

LMAO @ all the MOSSAD shills ITT

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I know most politicians are full of shit, but that speech was off the bull shit chart. Give everyone a thousand bucks and all the problems disappear.

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Prepare your chakras to do battle on the astral plane for mommy.

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You really think you have a voice in the party of the DNC, the party that cucked Bernie over Hillary, lul, you are a delusional fuck if you really think the DNC is going to pick anyone other than someone who is in their back pocket.


She's hot but man does she have bad skin. Even with a 1/4" layer of foundation, you can still see the pockmarks she's covering up.

She's already done. She'll drop out before September.

most everyone here has dem relatives at least

She's hard commie left.
No way. There are 3.500.000.000 other vagenes on this planet - no need to not discard this poison apple

Of course we fucking know that. That’s not the point. We need to put people like her on blast to redpill the left (and the conservatives she appeals to) on our (((greatest ally))).

Nice flag jidf

>ancuck flag

>Race relations are worse than they were in the 1960’s
Everything is going as planned

Based acceleration opinion
Not so based flag

You forgot to add the scarring acne on her face..

Fuck Gabbard, the RUssian clown.

God fucking dammit.
She is just so fucking hot.
I get a boner just thinking about her.
I would do incredible, unbelievable degenerate sex acts with her and i know she would love every minute of it.
I would so tap that pussy and i'd stretch that tight ass til Reich come.
Fuck it, i'd even rim her asshole and eat my own creampie out of her cootch.
I would do stuff to her that even her hindu kamasutra couldnt imagine.
I somehow have to become chancellor so i can meet her and seduce her with german humour.
Can some autist make some deepfakes of her? No blacked shit

Lemme guess, it was her turn?

Marianne is our mommy now, tulsifag

Will she even make it to the election or will she be DEEPSTATEDdotCOM'd?

All she has to do is outshine
which if she channels that kulawayah or spirit of the island.
She wont even need to talk about
defeating trump
becuase her platform and her machismo will carry her through.

She could try to go the controversial rroute and bring up isreal.
I dont know if she brought that up last debate.

Well see if shes a hickenlooper or that montana guy.


Oh ffs. No one listens to her. Or you for that matter you fucking retard. She's a laughing stock. As is your numbnut ideology.

Look at this stupid ass, logically fallacious nigger.

>hurr durr hyoor uh jyhooooo acuz hai sed zo

Kamala biden ticket is already fixed.

>crypto jew

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>tries to demoralize
>gets demoralized

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Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora
Tulsi Yang and Marianne will win! AAAAAAAAAA!

Preparing chakras and unleashing the memes of war. Kek, take all my energy for Mommy and Yang tonight! REEEEEEEEEEEE

>elizabeth warren during the debate
>only still most searched in oklahoma

Based af. Good job America. Finally. Far left economics aside, she's very Jow Forums approved.

Bois, he has the trips of truth! Kek has spoken!

It's over

I'd bet she's a really bitch like all the other diversity quota female military officers. they where all complete and utter cunts.

"I’m taking action because the unchecked power of Big Tech companies over our public discourse is a danger to our core American values of free speech and fair elections." - Abbess Gabbard:

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She’s not far left. Taking the money we spend on israel and putting it back into our economy to help the working class (which is mostly Whites), is based AF. NatSocs would do the same.

Lol. Fuck race baiting whores, and fuck establishment open borders constitution burners.

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Also, her policies would serve to hurt the (((1%))). Here’s what most of you aren’t getting. Yeah, Occupy Wall Street was a bunch of cucked commies BUT they weren’t wrong in who the target is. It got shut down by onigger because it came too close to naming the jew.

right.. so its personal for her. she didn't say shit about big tech until google cucked her during the first debate. I'd like a candidate that thinks of us first.

put it back into the economy.... bullshit.. how about not tax it from us in the first place.

>unironically caring

We are here for the mommyposting

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so hurting the 1% a little bit is more important than your own rights.. talk about voting against your own self interests.. lol

Nigger, please. Gabbard's polling at

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Can’t say I’ve ever met her. But I’m neighbors and friends with her nephew in Maryland. Family is woke and extremely friendly. Known them since grade school. Genuinely good people.

She’s always called out big tech.
>he can’t into NatSoc
You have a few redpills to take, lolberg boomer.

You know what Tulsi
fuck it.
do your best
I believe in you.

If you arent already in the race or holding a seat at HI office.
Then i suggest running as third party.
Just so you can steal votes from the democrats.

Seeing as how the 1% are all jews who run oligarchies that influence our political system in favor of israel, yeah. Also it’s all about the acceleration user. Think like a chess player.

Ya know, it’d be so much easier for anons to buy into your demoralization tactics if you weren’t hiding behind a memeflag. Also
>Hillary is polling at 99%
How does it feel knowing nothing you do works?

Kek, give us a sign! Show us you're here!

Oy vey this is problematic


Where can I vote for her? I hope she wins the primary and kicks trumps pedo adminstration the fuck out.

Isnt it weird how shes not getting ImWithHer'ed suddenly if its not hillary then it doesnt matter if you get a girl or not

Take the real redpill. Both communism and capitalism are both jew systems. Look at where capitalism has put us now

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Good luck Tulsi!

Nazis banned guns you dumb fuck

lmao no they fucking didn't. hitler literally re-armed germany you brainless fuck.

Nice psyop slc

Nuh uh

digits for Tulsi

>gun-grabbing democrat POG
>OP LARPs as an anti-zionist
Fuck yourself.

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Send them your eneruji.

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>Extremely anti gun
>Open borders
>Expanding government spending
No thank you

>I’ve seen boomers literally screaming at each other in an argument about Trump, everything is fucked
Everything is great.

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>She's a laughing stock
And yet you feel the need to attack her. While hiding behind a memeflag.

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Tulsi gives us free speech, criminalizes border crossing, and stops (((US))) bombing children so their parents will love us. Best Nazi in the world.

Keep trying
Keep trying.

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>can't into ID's
>uses >(1)
Go back to cripplechan, /leftypol/.

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>no argument about my post
Nice try lolberg

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Also this

Im voting trump but we really need ti keep meming her. If she actually goes far she may just be an insurance policy

>arguing with a retard
For what purpose?

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This is now a Tulsi meme thread

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>I won because I think so
Yeah, no.
So she isn't pro-gun control, hasn't supported israeli interests in the past, didn't raise her hand in support of open borders and free healthcare for illegals, and wasn't a POG?
Please provide evidence.

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>muh raised hand!
Nice talking point JIDF. They didn’t ask that question on her night. I watched it. Also pic related makes no sense. The demand hate her because she’s not an identity politician.

Money solves a lot of problems.


>The demand hate her
What kind of AIDS babble is this?
Fuck your shitskin skank. She'll never be the candidate anyway because dems won't allow it.
Poo goes in loo, along with you.

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Now address her gun control, open borders, free healthcare, previous support for jews, and welfare-queen status.

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>in Maryland
40% of Jow Forums for some reason. Must be all the niggers and Jews. And increasingly beaners

>y-you spelled something wrong! I WIN
I already did here Keep up. Look, I know she’s not perfect but we need people who call out israel, their war crimes and their control over us. And don’t you think the fact that the Dems hate her says something? If you don’t, I can’t help you. We have to accelerate the fall of this shitty system. It’s not like Trump is getting the job done. She’s literally never said anything about being open borders so stop being disingenuous.

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>cucked on guns
Yeah, no.

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Again, 2015. Opinions change