Dr. Morgan Reynolds - No Real Planes Used on 9/11
BREAKING: NY Fire Commissioners call for new investigation into 9/11 attacks citing overwhelming evidence of explosives

Attached: what plane?.gif (444x250, 879K)

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the gif has like 8 frames, the plane crashed inbetween them


we're starting up all the schizoid no plane stuff again huh? mossad must be nervous about the dancing israeli photos getting lots of ciruclation

Attached: OiVeyStopReadingTheDocuments.jpg (1939x2246, 1.66M)

pretend you are weak

when you are strong

The Art Of War


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That fucking music

bumping this. we getting de-class today? are we being prepped for something? wtf is with that gif? looks like it started burning on the outside? how is that possible? direct energy weapon? im excited

I think the biggest thing with the no planes theory is if youve ever been to an airport or live near one you know how loud a 747 jet is. All the footage you hear nothing, people dont even look up until the "impact". If that thing is reaming in at the supposed speed it was going it would be shattering windows of near by buildings and shaking the ground below.

This seems like an oversight that would be far too obvious. Like, of all the ways that such a vast conspiracy could be caught out, this seems almost too easy.

That's the backside of the building, you dolt.

I watched that plane fly into that building with my own two eyes

I dont think its a cartoon. I think if its fake they would have used a drone. Something nobody knew about back then.

Bottom line is that these buildings were rigged beforehand. Planes don't cut through steel like butter. And 100 floor sky scrapers don't turn to dust because of fire. Anyone claiming otherwise is either a retard or shill. Pick one.

You can see beyond your hooked nose?


Definitely. They started allowing some commercial aircraft at a small airport 20 minutes from my house. It rumbles the ground every night and its not exactly deafening, but close.

Not everything needs to be complicated.
Check out user's claims, hes punto something.

>skipped frames
>collor correction fail
Yeah, nah.

Snopes says otherwise.

Fuk you and fuk snopes shill

This, saw it 1st hand and something hit them, the thermite and controlled demo + put options do not help the goat herder theory also never forget lucky larry

This. Wrong side fuck heads

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t. Working on a rooftop in the brooklyn navy yard 9/11/01

>almost too easy
you mean like finding the passports of all the hijackers in the wreckage?

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Oh look, its nothing

They are banking on the population being stupid user, and most of the time they are not wrong.

Sometimes i swear, the 9/11 dancing israelis or the jews did 9/11 shilling, is done so people dont look at the other players involved in this event, and you hardly see them mentioned here.

it takes seconds for the sound to reach the ground you dumb fuck

id love to drive a plane right into your face, see if your head explodes

your hatred is blinding you from the obvious truth

Just stop posting. You look as retarded as the ones posting these conspiracy theories.

Is it so hard to comprehend that the jews set the whole situation up, including hiring some saudis to fly planes into the buildings? Why do you need to make everything some wacky CGI theory?

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>BREAKING: NY Fire Commissioners call for new investigation into 9/11 attacks citing overwhelming evidence of explosives
sauce on that? gargantuan if real.

Fact: the FBI caught the Mossad red handed and arrested lots of Mossad agents on 9/11

Facts: alternative theory LARPers don't have any

>an oversight

Attached: awkward.png (500x522, 126K)

Fact: You don't what schizoid even means.

>my own two eyes
>told it was real
>I saw it on fake news television
pic related

Attached: Judy 'Space Beams' Woods.jpg (500x500, 61K)

>so people dont look at the other players involved in this event
Don't forget the SEC
and the BRADY

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I wonder

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Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce. Added to my "make people commuting with me have to listen to" playlist.

The plane hit on the other side of the building you disingenuous fuckhead. Why lie on the internet?

>the biggest thing with the no planes theory is
actually webm related

Attached: Fox last frames.webm (480x360, 1.57M)






I wouldn't be surprised if those few Joos were let in, so that these Joos could be a cover for the actual perpetrators.

I mean come on, Lucky Larry buying it just a few weeks before it happens?
Who the fuck would be stupid enough to do this.
It's so blatant.
That's right, someone who is so money hungry, that he can't think straight.

Attached: LuckyLarry.jpg (544x408, 190K)

what this might be

Attached: whats this.jpg (600x424, 71K)

This is the end of Israel.

We should have a nap and think about this tomorrow

Attached: im sleepy.jpg (480x360, 20K)

The nose just went right through the STEEL BUILDING.

Attached: nose.png (1199x900, 464K)

You are full of shit

>The nose went right through the steel building
>The nose
What did he mean by this?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.png (238x220, 37K)

Were you this guy?


OP is a fucking idiot.

This here

>Who the fuck would be stupid enough to do this.

They don't think like us. Besides they have so much institutional power they can mock us with this shit and nothing will happen.

Wow Jet Fuel turns Steel into DUST


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You watched almost the entire fuel load go up in smoke in the first few seconds too. Where did all that extra energy come from? Are we to believe that the JP8 survived the fireball and just spent it's time slow cooking to the point it could make molten metal?

Attached: molten-metal-started-to-pour-from-the-side-ofthe-wtc-12947313.png (500x460, 136K)

Attached: 911S1.webm (920x613, 595K)

Attached: 911O1.webm (920x615, 425K)

that is ash/dust rising from the falling structure

Attached: Tulips.jpg (1024x768, 602K)

The idea that no planes were involved and nothing was hijacked is the misinformation conspiracy theory to make those who know the truth seem kooky.

There were planes and they were hijacked. The truth is who was actually behind it, who knew in advance it was going to happen, and who made money because it happened. Building 7. That's the real truth and you dumb faggots are all like 'wut if there were no planes'

>somehow debris is ejected shortly before the plane would have entered the frame
>explosion happened when the plane would still be visible by at the very least tail end
you're both fucking stupid. just say the video was edited instead of spouting retard shit that anyone can disprove by observation

did they just stop teaching physics in switzerland?

>magic weapons
>so it could have been anyone (not Bush, Jews, SA, etc.)
Got any proof on that?
>MAGIC fairy dust weapons
Ok, checks out.
Pro-tip: take less drugs.

>nothing was hijacked
No, at least 1 plane got hijacked by remote control/remote override.
Went to AFB.
Passengers forced to make their muh terrorism muh hijacking phone calls (fake)
Passengers executed

you know nothing of the news business and the chaos of that day

Wow. Imagine this to be true. What would the implications be? This is massive global deception if true. I don't want to believe this because it would mean you can't trust anyone.

"Oh wow, that just looks like my Road Runner cartoon"
"It must be real"




September 11th 2001 A 700ft Tall Steel Chunk Turns To Dust in 3 Seconds

Actors said their lines.
Fake News Media created psyop.
Without Fake News Media no one would have cared.
Actor lines were unrealistic.

Attached: Mark Walsh Fox freelancer.jpg (955x666, 182K)

regardless of how fast the jet fuel burned, what we all say was massive fires that resulted after impact and burned out of control, you could also see buckling on the outer columns.

Trust in The Lord

For Vengeance belongs to The Lord

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

>To Dust
Look at these dust particles.

Attached: 1535437920535.png (1236x927, 1.88M)

Because office furniture has the characteristics of thermite right? You don't get molten metal no matter how raging that inferno was.

96 fake phone calls? seems a bit excessive for a ruse wouldn't you say?

BBC somehow knew what's the truth.
Except for that "mistake" regarding WTC7.

btw. isn't it weird that there was no investigation into that?
I mean you know, if I would have shitposted on 4 back then going "muh WTC will collapse bc 'planes'" and then it happened right afterwards, someone would have knocked at my door and asked me out.

It's as if it was a script and WTC7 didn't go down as planned. It went down later than planned.

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>massive fires
>out of conrol
>somehow made steel go liquid
That's not how that works.

Attached: 2007-02-27 BBC Part of the conspiracy.png (741x1142, 160K)

The Planes don't exist in the aviation bureau record

that's an accurate assessment of what happened, what is unrealistic about it? and also what is realistic about having so many in on it including the news media and nobody ever saying anything in almost 20 years?

BBC: "we are not a part of any conspiracy whatsoever"
BBC: "we also do not spread conspiracy theories"
BBC 15 years later: "Trump Putin Russian collusion"

Attached: 2009-02-12 VERY BAD.jpg (713x711, 109K)

you realize that they cut the steel beams in the weeks before the event right?




Listen Schmuck DARPA pawn bot face prick

Fuck off before the Lord puts his hand upon you

actually you do, high heat, heavy pressures from the pancaking collapse, so much compressed steel in the debris pile leaving very little room for heat to dissipate, not surprising at all.

You could write this off in NYC due to the height of the towers and how high the impact was, but what really bakes my noodle is how nothing like this happened in DC. You know, along with why they would fly perfectly into the side of the pentagon instead of crashing somewhere in the middle, or going for something more iconic like the white house or congress first.

>"mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense"
Pack it up everyone.
Some BBC faggot and this Fox "freelancer" faggot somehow knew everything right on the day.
No need for a trillion dollar investigation.

p.s. do not think about these faggots in black saying that they can't say what role they are playing.
Nothing suspicious going on.
Move along.

Attached: Mark Walsh MiB.jpg (1239x916, 219K)

Find me the planes in the aviation bureau records


whoops they don't exist

There is no way that these black faggots were C_A agents.
Do think about Obama being a C_A asset.
C_A is not involved at all.
It was "the joos".

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All these Satanists


if your mind is confused about the events of september 11 than I invite you to visit metabunk where all these questions have been addressed. Steel was not the only metal in that building, those planes were aluminum, the liquid metal seen pouring out of the tower could well have been the melted aluminum skin of the aircraft.

Oh so now it pancaked 8 minutes before it pancaked and somehow "compressed" steel magically turns molted while piles of debris that would be oxygen starved due to being piles in the middle of a raging inferno somehow get hotter.

Looks like we got a Nobel class engineer in the thread.

i invite you to go fuck yourself

You know these terrorists were highly intelligent terrorists.
Firt they went to all sorts of places and acted as suspicious as possible.
Then they pretended to not have the brains to control a small air plane.
And then all of sudden they showed their true power level by flying a crazy 180° and then 10 meters above the ground right into the pentagon and even made it look as if all of that was impossible.

And they were even nice enough to do all of that to crash into the wall that was reinforced a few weeks earlier.

We wouldn't want Rumsfeld to die, wouldn't we?

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Directed Energy Weapons - Were Microwave Weapons Used in 911 and the California Wildfires?

So intelligent there passports don't burn at 451 degrees

oh boy

Attached: 451.jpg (182x277, 19K)


and its fake
and now fuck off

>looks just like what we saw on TV when liquified
You know it's funny, but one of us autists actually tried that.

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