How come white people can not into megaprojects anymore?

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Because you can not demonstrate how megaprojects would positively affect minorities and improve their condition.

The JEWSA does have a mega-project, it's called Israel.

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Because last time we did one, people got mad at us

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Because we are literally the virgin meme.

we invest in failures

PFFFF you should see there muslim resorts.

We are too busy trying to teach niggers to behave like humans and doing Israeli bidding.

Because we didn't mindlessly create 1.4 billion insects to support so theres no need.

Unironically private property focused system of law and individualism. In the US in particular we also have to deal with the proles screeching about their tax dollars being spent on anything that would improve our society and so we continue our downward spiral into an endless sea of featureless suburbs with the exact same strip mall copy pasted every half mile and the only public property in town is the small fraction of sidewalk that has yet to be bought by private interests.

Ancient Rome built the aqueducts, Egypt the pyramids, and the closest we have to great works to reflect our wealth and power to leave to the future to know us by is a global thin layer of plastic garbage sediment dumped by fat mouth breathers.

chimney and window bars look so out of place. man i fuckin hate kikes.

Imagine destroying the environment just to feed chinks.

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inb4 famine in other provinces from inadequate land surveys and climate study

Gee I wonder why.

> Brexit please!

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Nope. Sorry. Even the pollution is an achievement wrought by shitskinnicus-maximus.

Democracy causes short term gibsmedat promises and prevents long term projects from being proposed (as there is no gain in votes from this) or becoming sidelined by a new incoming government and becoming a money sink that eventually gets scrapped.

Also on a greater scale the west is its civilisational autumn/winter and doesn't have the vitality and energy to create new things.

we don't have enough migrants to do the work that white people don't want to do

Because only countries who believe in their future take on big projects.

If you wanted too build anything grand in America, you'd have fewer problems from taxpayers and homeowners and more from environmentalists and other random political protesters.
With a four trillion dollar budget and all-purpose eminent-domain, "private interests" are hardly the problem.


It's literally because democrats gave up being the party pursuing such endeavors. Instead they focus on giving shit away to the poor and opposing anything that might impact the environment.

The west functions similarily to the stock market where only the perception of success and good standing will lead to increasing profits and wealth, literally the cart before the horse Mega projects of this type aren't feasible because it would entail people knowing how to create anything, same goes for how industries have now been put aside and (((services))) is all that matters now.

too many people of gibsmedats

>i can just play with the delicate balance of life and environment as i please
only retards think these things can be done and expect no consequences in such complex system

yeah, china takes the water while white people enjoy the droughts

Health and safety. Procurement rules for project financing. Trade unions. Minimum wage legislation. Planning requirements. Local authorities. Rights of light. Environmental legislation. Interest groups.

I can go on. Now how many of these does China have to deal with?

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Bro if American taxes went to infrastructure projects like this I don't think there would be too many people who would have a problem with it.
Our taxes don't, though. It goes to places like Baltimore, or into the 'bullet train' in California, supporting useless leaches in the inner cities and into the pockets of rich elites with dual citizenship.

they usually are low ROI or negative ROI

they will have a war with India over water, because they plant to redirect it.

I can't wait for another (((Chinese megaproject))) to absolutely blow up all over their faces.

why would we spend the money improving our society when we could spend it on gibs for brown people who have never worked a day in history?


If someone tried to irrigate the Mohave, for instance (assuming there was a source of water somewhere...) an army of lawyers would emerge supposedly representing conservancy groups to protect the turtles, snails, warblers, beetles, etc. and bury the whole thing in injunctions.

China doesn't have that problem. People that interfere with policy in China get reeducated.

Private property rights

Because it's racist to make this world a better place, if it doesnt revolve around feeding and giving money to a poor refugee for the newest iPhone.


environmentalism is right wing.

Because political parties argue instead of getting things done. China doesn't have that.

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Muh private land.

we're too busy paying for niggers

Because everything is valued in teachers and incubators. You have no idea how much flak our government got for building the millennium dome.
>think how many hospitals could have been built for the price
>All the homeless could be given free homes with that money

Bitch, fuck off. I want things that make me go "wow".