Be Intellectually Honest With Yourself Trump Is A Jewish Puppet

He is praising the lowering of the interest rates even though he knows that this will be bad for the United States in the long run, The Illegal Immigration rates under his term have been at the highest rates ever. Deportation rates are lower than Obama's term, pushing for war with Iran the past 3 years, etc...

If you guys don't criticize him on his policies he will continue to fuck you over because if it's one thing Donald Trump cares about more than his Jew handlers it is the public perception

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I stopped backing him after the Syrian attacks and realized there’s no reason to vote.

he's dividing the democratic party and using israel as a media shield. also go dilate

No, I think if he feels pressure from his base to change he will do what he promised during the campaign remember before the mid-terms he was talking about birthright citzenship and was talking about sending the military to the border and right when he was about to bomb Iran he was watching Tucker Carlson on television at the time and called off the strikes because he reminded him his base didn't vote for him for that, trust me he feels the pressure its just a matter of not falling for his bait and holding his feet to the fire.

>t. MIGApede

please go away we only want high IQ people on this board, people on this board you would be more suited for T_D.

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No one wants more for Trump to succeed than me I was his biggest supporter during the 2016 elections.

I challenge anyone to see this video and deny tbat Trump is a jewish puppet.
The only reason to vote for him (other than no voting) is because the democratic party is worse. You at least get some salt.
Other than that supporting Trump outs you as a shill no matter how much you scream discord tranny.

Sure mr.bergstein, that's a very convincing argument

you didnt even make a counterargument shill

>I stopped backing him after the Syrian attacks

Are you retarded? Those "attacks" only exploded some empty tarmac. Meanwhile, Syria and Assad are still doing fine

you are literally from Sweden fix your own problems first before you involve yourself in American politics you cuck.

Rhetoric doesn't matter all that matters is that he signed the bill for that 38$ Billion to Israel.

Well American politics effect our politics too, alot more than you think.

It's hilarious to me that you guys get paid to just talk to each other on here.

The left literally cant meme

If you stop your cult programming for a while and search about his past, you will see he is more jewish than fractional reserve banking.

Did you look in the mirror when deciding where to paint the cum?

yes good goy stop supporting Trump

please, you need to leave user

>dividing the dnc doesnt matter
shill of the year

well I guess you could be right but you haven't made an argument for why I am wrong only called me jew, remember when you could actually have a discussion on this board

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So you say daily and yet it will never change the fact that he's better for America than Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton or any modern Democrat.

The DNC isn't divided over Israel

>Pic Related

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Why the fuck should anybody argue with somebody who is as dishonest as you /ptg/ assholes? Just get the fuck on, loser. This board doesn't belong to you people.

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He arrested Jeffery Epstein. He can't be. Your move Spencer pede

Nice argument JIDF

Except he didn't

In what way? in my opinion he is the same as them his immigration numbers he has increased the military budget and aggression against Russia etc...

the only thing he is better at than them is rhetoric

This poster is unironically a redditfag.

Sven, our politics is completely fucked, our finances are even more fucked.
Prepare your pasty blonde ass. Dow tanked 333 points simply because they were expecting the FED to take a more dovish stance, cut 50 bps and poor a gallon of moonshine into the punch bowl. Fundamentals are horrible, PMI cratering, wealth gap exploding, 75% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, record debt on all levels, debt spending blowing out our ass despite the so called "recovery".
We're literally being bankrupted and politics is a reflection of that. We're being robbed leading up to the coming debt/dollar crisis and then politics is the final nail in the coffin when the D's win the WH. When this supernova bubble pops, It will eclipse the wealth transfer to the elitist class of 2008. We're being fucking setup

Why are people ITT so angry? What OP said factually correct, Trump hasn't accomplished anything so far.

shill thread

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>the debate yesterday didn't happen
they are divided

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It wasn't Trump's DOJ it was The Southern District Of New York Public Corruption Unit that arrested Epstein

One of those nights again

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I love how this video gets totally ignored
2020 is going to be fucking hilarious

Trump is still my man tho, love him. He got things under control

>democrats hate him because he's too much of a democrat
I guess that's why they support RINO's like McBrain that try to derail him.


Dummy it doesn't matter if they want are divided on if they want Medicare for all with a private option or to make it's without one what matters is the people in this country that have been here from the beginning (White People) are being replaced and no one is doing anything to stop it

He has nothing under control. Delusional /ptg/ retard

Boomer retard

Explain why I should vote Trump when illegal immigration has increased to its highest points since 2002. He’s been not just a failure he’s actively caused the OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO

Democrats don't hate him you don't seem to understand how politics work, Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the house because trump vouched for her, all Establishment Democrats and Establishment Republicans work together to undermine the White American Public.

much damage control because your MIGA shilling bots have been exposed?

Trump will stay president forever, deal with it

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I cant find any sources saying he did or didnt sign it, only that this 38 billion over 10 years to Israel was pushed through the house during the last months of Obama's term. Still very unclear if Trump signed it or not. He did sign the NDAA for 2018 giving them 5.5 billion or some shit though supposedly. Unless someone can provide me a link that clearly and concisely explains that Trump did in fact sign that 38 billion in aid for Israel, I am going to keep considering it a shill talking point.

Found it

>WASHINGTON — A new spending bill signed Friday by US President Donald Trump to prevent another government shutdown over border funding allocates a $200 million increase in defense assistance to Israel than compared to years prior.

>The provision tucked in the 1,159-page bill includes $3.3 billion in funds designated for security assistance to Israel under the 2016 memorandum of understanding between the Obama White House and Netanyahu government.

>his immigration numbers

We don't know the real illegal immigration numbers, you have to remember that those "highest in 12 years" immigration numbers are the number of people we CAUGHT or STOPPED, not the number of people actually getting through.

Additionally, Trump cannot be held responsible for a Mexican decides he wants to walk up to our border, that doesn't make any logical sense. If anything, he has tried many things to actively discourage people from crossing:

>family separation / kids in cages
>remain in mexico policy
>safe 3rd country agreement
>expand ICE deportations to entire country instead of just at border

>his immigration numbers

If you're talking about his LEGAL immigration numbers, those have all gone down anywhere from 10-20% through various policies like the travel ban, refugee ban, refugee program eliminations, DACA closure, H1B and Visa fuckery:

>Why U.S. Visa Numbers Are Down
>Well, according to recent data from the State Department, U.S. visas issued - that's temporary visas and immigrant visas - are significantly down.

>Wait Times for Citizenship Have Doubled in the Last Two Years
>The delays come as the Trump administration tightens scrutiny of applications, diverts staff from reviewing them and introduces proposals likely to make it more difficult, and cumbersome, for green-card holders to qualify and complete the process.

>Visa approvals for tech workers are on the decline
>President Trump’s immigration policies have made it harder for tech companies to bring highly skilled workers to the US, according to newly released immigration data [...] The absolute number of new and continuing H-1B approvals has declined as well.

So this isnt the 38 billion people constantly shill he gave to Israel. Figures ShareBlue would try to pose as Nazis disappointed with Trump. Its a tactic that nearly works too. I always had my suspicions.

>illegal immigration has increased to its highest points since 2002

Those are the number of people caught or stopped at the border, not how many made it into the country

>jews want america's economy fixed
>jews want pedophile rings to dissolve
>jews want to get rid of the crony capitalism plaguing a country that isn't theirs
Fuck they're sounding better and better. I unironically support Israel now.

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>Its a tactic that nearly works too. I always had my suspicions.
I pointed it out when it happened after the 2016 elections and from then on I think I got softbanned by every shill on here.

boring thread

Jews wants the USA flooded by beaner Trump let it happen.

Well, then these same numbers being produced are actually a higher number than the previous 4 administrations from this we can deduce that he is actually doing WORSE on immigration.

As for Legal Immigration, he has already said that he wants legal immigration in the highest numbers ever and just wait for HR 1044 to be passed by the senate.

What is your alternative ?

Yes, goy. Ignore the drug cartels paying Democrats to stonewall the president's border wall actions.

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I'm being intellectually honest here and saying Trump is just a president
and all presidents are kike puppets
if you disagree with that you're a stupid nigger or possibly a glow in the dark kike and hillary would not have been any different outside of the news not reporting on little illegal spics going days without water when they're in the detention facilities for 5 hours

>The Illegal Immigration rates under his term have been at the highest rates ever. Deportation rates are lower than Obama's term,
Because NGOs funded by people like George Soros have massively stepped up their efforts to facilitate the trafficking of illegals to delegitimize Trump in the eyes of his base, ICE manpower is too tied up detaining the new arrivals to seriously pursue existing illegals, and left-wing politicians and judges are doing everything in their power to blunt Trump's efforts to curb illegal immigration. Stop acting like this is happening in a vacuum, you know this the direct result of the actions of powerful interests who Trump cannot simply order the military to kill.

Well friend sounds like we have the info we need to counter-shill. A lot of people take that line as a given and it has turned many I know away from him. The 38 billion is a holdover deal from the Obama admin! Passed the house but was never signed by Trump.

>we can deduce that he is actually doing WORSE on immigration.
I don't think we can deduce this. The biggest piece of information we have is that a shit load of people were stopped and turned away at the border. This is both good and bad, but not enough information to deduce if Trump has allowed more or less illegals into the country.

>he wants legal immigration in the highest numbers
It doesn't really matter to me what he says, the actual numbers show that legal immigration has taken a hit.

read the second part of the post

Well Scotus just approved him to use 4.5 billion of Pentagon funds to build a wall. Fuck the Dems.

Still your president, bitch.
On god id rather elect an actual kike then give you fucking discord trannies an election. Id rather watch this whole motherfucker burn to the ground then see one of you franken faggots smile.

lot of people staying home which is good
which IS the BEST VOTE
voting only says YOU believe in THIS system
so it doesn't matter who you vote for
it says you agree with the people they offer
give them NO mandate

>allowing our opponents to control us is the best strategy!

fuck off retard

The main thing about these shills is they've desperately tried forcing identity and race politics on his base because, surprise-surprise, that's the left's forte. But just about everyone I know who voted for Trump only wanted the wall to help immigration enforcement do their job more easily so illegals could be deported and jobs could be freed up for citizens.

They've also tried destroying his economy since day one.

Even the ones that are caught are released into the U.S within months.

>Meanwhile, Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kevin McAleenan has admitted that his agency is merely acting as a checkpoint for illegal aliens, with all adult border crossers arriving with children getting released into the interior of the U.S.mere months’ time, these adult border crossers — now living freely in the country — are receiving work permits to take U.S. jobs.

>Kopits projects that for calendar year 2019, more than one million border apprehensions will be conducted at the U.S.-Mexico border — indicating that more than one million illegal aliens will be caught attempting to enter the country. This does not include the roughly 500,000 illegal aliens who are expected to successfully cross into the U.S. this year, undetected by Border Patrol.

>I was his biggest supporter during the 2016 elections.
incorrect, i was his biggest supporter

You shouldn't feel bad about it what was the alternative.

>On god id rather elect an actual kike
of course you would, also you sound like a nigger

Well, that's there is the remain in Mexico policy now

Appeals Court Rules Trump Administration Can Keep Sending Asylum-Seekers To Mexico
Aliens trying to game the system to get into our country illegally will no longer be able to disappear into the United States, where many skip their court dates. Instead, they will wait for an immigration court decision while they are in Mexico

These are only for Asylum Seekers that come through the port of entry the vast majority of illegal immigrants don't do this and even of those asylum seekers that are being told to stay in Mexico the vast majority of them are not, if you read the article only 11 of them were told to stay which brought up this court case.

Kike spotted

Let's be honest here the presidency as an office is a puppet by nature, unless they want to upset the status quo where they'll get assasinated like JFK, the only reason trump had any power in the first half of his presidency is because the republicans had control of the entire government, and the president NEEDS that kind of control to make any real systemic changes. otherwise the deepstate will keep chugging on.

You dont speak for me, all are welcome here, faggot.

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>potato trump
>38 billion
Because the left is unironically bad at memeing, their counterfeit memes are easily spotted because they are loveless and never mutate.

>Zion Don
Epstein is in custody thanks to Trump's DOJ, Israel are assmad over lack of wars, wall funding has been approved . . .
and you're still posting this failed fucking meme. Post a few mutts while you're at it, kike.

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It wasn't Trump's DOJ it was The Southern District Of New York Public Corruption Unit that arrested Epstein

here is a good video exposing it all

>The Southern District Of New York Public Corruption Unit
Which is still part of the federal court system which is part of the DoJ.

Who isn't?

know it isnt apart of the DOJ lmao
Okay retard.

he's a dumb narcissistic sociopath, what did you expect from him? Empathy? Being able to think about the bigger picture? Dude, Dotard cares only about himself.

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