Well Anti-Q people? Defend yourselves

He’s making a good point

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Other urls found in this thread:


No, he makes no point. The argument against Q is that nothing is happening.

>muh anti-Semitism

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what's the deal with Q anyway? I never really followed it. Is he supposed to be Trump undercover connecting with average folk or what?

You walk to the bar and order two drinks, glancing around the room and wondering which man is going home with your perfect wife tonight. As you grab the drinks and turn around, your heart skips a beat and your brain momentarily shuts down as you catch sight of the huge, muscular black man standing in front of your wife, chatting with her as she smiles.

You slowly make your way back to the table, your wife whispering in his ear as you approach. They both turn and look at you, smirks on their faces as you burn with embarrassment. You hand your wife one drink and turn to introduce yourself to the intimidating black man.

He grabs your drink out of your hand, and then places his palm on your chest, pushing you back from the table. A clear message to leave them alone. Your cock strains against its chastity cage, the key to which is hanging from a delicate chain around your wife’s neck.

You turn and walk away, listening to you wife laughing at your display of meekness. You head outside and wait in the car, thousands of different thoughts running through your brain. They take their time.

Eventually your wife and her new black friend emerge and walk towards your car holding hands. The ride back to your place is awkward as he runs his black hands all over your wife’s perfect white body. You and your wife make eye contact in the rear view mirror and she smirks at you.

Back at your house your wife goes to change into something special for her black lover and he approaches you in the living room, standing in front of you and towering at least a foot taller. He runs a hand through your hair, his eyes studying you. Suddenly he grabs hold of a handful and painfully pushed you on your knees. The message is clear as you unbuckle his belt and his pants drop around his ankles.

Anyone on the inside that would be giving out cryptic information like Q claims to, would most certainly understand the threat the jews pose.

tl;dr: there is a super secret plan where Trump and the military intelligence community are planning to take down all the traitors and "drain the swamp" of political corruption. It is geared toward boomers who have to do nothing but "trust the plan" and there is nothing they have to do but sit back and watch the show.

Change the story to the nig wearing a MAGA hat and send it to the boomer, he'll cum buckets.

Q was a larping namefag that made a few posts and then fucked off, and then you fucking boomer MAGA normies got carried away and randoms made other posts to goad you along and now it is this whole big thing. I can't believe how retarded you people are.

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Where the fuck is the "DELCAS" that Q-shills said was coming TODAY?

i believe q.
q isnt a larp
but dare ye not decent on a q thread least you be destroyed
fuck the jews, as q said saving them for last

>Blue check mark

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Der Boomer

>Dude stop being a fag, Q is a larp for boomers. He's been wrong hundreds of times and writes like a horoscope

Op is a fag

It wasnt Q that said that shit, it was Joe DiGenova

Could it be the same programs from 2016? I believe Q is a non self sufficient AI to keep the human race from destroying ourselves.

Yea he's trying to coopt it to take heat off Israel. Fucking Jews

How about we just ban anyone over 30 from accessing the internet in any fashion

Kushner shillbot psyop to keep Boomertards complacent while Trump MIGA's

i've noticed this over time, but in every field, there is a concerted effort by big tech companies to astroturf the interent.
there are literally houndreds of indian companies that do waht this bitch started.

Prove it, you cant.

My only political position is killing all boomers

3 of his children are married and have children with Jews
His cabinet is full of Jews
Jews handle his finances
Jews are at the top of the Trump businesses empire

Prove that I'M not Q. You can't. Dumb boomer cunt.

I'm with you

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I saw Q at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly

I miss micro

My favorite Q proof. If you're still following this garbage, please stop. You're being played.

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i bet you think alex jones is a good guy

I've been browsing for years now and I've never really cared about Q. Ever since 2016 it just looked like a big larp. Uninterested and unfazed I am still never going to look into Q because it all seems dumb and gay.

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Anyone who beliebs in Qanon Boomer Qtard Cultist Pizzagate Alex Jones Tin Foil Hat Bizarre conspiracy theory alt right boomer Qultist....and that's scary.

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I love in this article how they call Q's claims of pedophile rings crazy in the first paragraph, and then immediately report facts that prove the crazy claims.

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>Regular people: shut the fuck up


Manlets BTFO

>hilldawg faggots are normal

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Most of them - and most Trump supporters are either ignorant of Qanon, think nothing of it, or scoff at it.

Making them regular enough.

>Bill Mitchell

Go back, kike.

>cant discern between bait memes

>q isn't real
yes I'll believe a random user over physical proof I've verified with my own eyeballs. Like wut. There are so many instances where Q predicts shit that can't be predicted.

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A normie Trump supporter doesn't need a Q. In their view, Trump can do it all himself, and Q just takes some of the credit away from Trump.

That was really funny to hear Siri repeat

I haven't seen anything other than mockery and clam analysis on why it's a larp. Why talk in riddles if they have something meaningful to say?

They are desperate to discredit him because he is real.

A way to waste the last couple years of a woke boomers life. Kek

Go-to voat.co/v/qrv

Submit redpills on Jews or nigger tranny porn. It's all anonymous and you won't get banned. I'm a big user of voat and normally add non schizo content to various subs since I want it to succeed and it was gonna be something great before boomers and schizos took over. But still I try... But larping and shit posting on their user q board is almost as fun as shit posting and larping here

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He predicts shit right all the time you faggot. And nothing can happen because of the Russia investigation/Mueller report. Like the media has half the nation thinking Trump is a Russian asset and you expect him to be able to lock up household political names like Clinton or Bush or McCain without risking his 2020 nomination. Trump needs his second term, and the law and courts process takes fucking time. Now that he's cleared completely of all Russia shit he can actually get on with the plan.

keep up son

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This is really good writing, you should make something more out of it user.

>it was gonna be something great before boomers and schizos took over
It really never was. I went there a lot when it started out and tried to make it a normal enough place that also has free speech, but it just immediately became the anti-reddit with 99% circlejerking and echo chamber bullshit and no discussion that involved constructively disagreeing with people... At least Jow Forums has /sg/ and some other generals that spice things up away from muh black and white worldviews, but voat turned into literally only schizoposting very quickly, and with the stupid voting system it just encourages that, cause people will just use downvoats if they disagree so if you go against the mainstream you cant have a discussion at all.
That being said: I havent been there in like three years now, so maybe its changed a lot. Is Atko still running things? Always figured he'd also be interesting in not having another hugbox...

>Q posts on infinity chan
>retard boomer booming about the evil anti-semites
>ban the israel haters!!!!
lmao fuck boomers

I'm the cashier, can confirm

It's infuriating because it's the kikes pushing dumb conspiracyshit like hollow earth or gangstalking or alien abduction or Q and putting it in the same context as legit conspiracies like allied war crimes or the JQ just to discredit it as another crackpot theory.

wrong, because ppl only try to disprove Q with nothing Q even talks about lol

Never address the almost hundreds of proofs at this point lol

It's amazing. They do that all the time, but somehow never put two and two together.

I didn't realise this retarded boomer was still around.

>Anti-Q feels just like an HRC-paid psyop to me.

This statement tells you everything you need to know about Q supporters.
If Hillary farts, Q supporters smell a conspiracy.

Anybody who is watching even the MSM at this point, with half a brain is well aware of all the happenings taking place. There is simply no way to hide it any more.

Every major country is in the process of irreversible revolution ALREADY taking place before your eyes- the implications of which undoubtedly span the entire globe.

Consider just the complexity of the US 'politics alone- within the last 2 years, we've uncovered that Obama's GOP through clandestine operations, in junction with (foreign) MI6 intel agents, conspired to FRAME, and SPY on a US citizen- in an effort to overthrow the sitting president, all while framing it on Russia. Now as democrats continue to expose themselves with every step they take, the final nail in their metaphorical coffin was driven at the hearing by Mueller himself, where his tired bluff was finally laid bare for all to see.

With the oppositions last card played, Trump's administration has been legitimized with complete vindication. There is literally NOTHING stopping him from prosecuting every single one of the co-conspirators accountable for all the crimes they have been committing for the last several decades. And with the democrat's story quickly continuing to unravel as the election nears, he is not likely to lose any steam in this pursuit.

In fact, anybody who follows Q would know best that this is exactly what trump's administration has been positioning itself to do, from day one. With hundreds of firings in key strategic sectors, many corrupt players are continually being exposed and replaced, all while the DOJ through joint military operations & Barr's probe have been quietly penetrating every major apparatus of the global crime syndicate, arresting and indicting thousands, in preparation for the greatest tribunal case to EVER be witnessed in our lifetime.

The sheer significance of Epstein re entering the spotlight can't be understated, and is a complete testament to the nuance that underpins the entire socio-political context of the events taking place, including the Q movement.. There is literally 0% chance this case could even resurface if it wasn't for the hard fought effort of those who dedicate their entire lives (literally) to exposing these bad actors. The only way this happens is if there are contingencies in place to ensure victory is set. Epstein is the front door to the Clintons, the Royal family, and the entire cabal of rogue intelligence operators who ensnare every major institution across the globe.

All this can be verified with, or without Q, because Q doesn't actually "provide" any evidence. Q simply paints the picture. Question Q's motives as you will, but there is simply no way to deny the significance of what is taking place behind the scenes, and that Q plays a direct role.

Given your shit-tier shill script response, I'm sure you already knew all this though, don't you?

>nothing has happened
this meme is really getting played out

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Q is a fucking embarrassment and a well known, well understood con. If this faggot or group of faggots had any real information, then they would state it plainly and openly. Not hide behind some bizarre haiku style borg writing and dropping extremely vague hints that often do not even come close to telling you anything and then retards pick it up and try to find something that fits. Synchronicity is a real phenomena and this is simply exploiting it and for what purpose? I really don't know. maybe to make a fool out of republitards, so yeah, I'm very much against this shit and doubly so because it spawned here...a board for and by trolls.

>I really don't know
you could have summarized your blog post with this and gotten back to eating tide pods sooner

Endgame was pretty terrible and it made a trillion dollars. People are just happy to pay to watch a movie that isn't absolute shit and this is the only movie i guess that wasn't terrible.

I saw it about a month ago and I hardly remember anything that happened.

wow a qtard on here that didn't call me a jew.

Q exists, kikes terrified as they can't play time travel chess.

>what's the deal with Q anyway?
Even if something happened, Q is unreliable.
Even if Q were Trump himself, Q is unreliable.
All Q is, DESU, is a pressure-relief valve do that Trump's base doesn't hold his feet to the fire, a sort of "it's OK, good-guys are going to save you and you DON'T have to do ANYTHING... oh, but you're *SPECIAL* because you have special knowledge!"

TL;DR — Q is political gnosticism.

>The argument against Q is that nothing is happening.
This. (Also, that Q is inaction and "go back to sleep" manifest.)

Absolutly this.

>fuck the jews, as q said saving them for last
Means nothing, if there's never any getting to what's "in front" then "last" merely means never.

Q providing 'evidence' would actually be ILLEGAL. It's important that Q not actually 'provide' any evidence, but merely paint the picture using INFORMATION that is already publicly available, to create CONTEXT. The cryptic writing style allows to maintain plausible deniability.

This is what you retards don't get. There is no 'evidence' even required from Q, since the future proves the significance of past events. Q followers are vindicated time and time again, meanwhile all the shills here are cornered into denying that events are even taking place.

I predicted this

>randoms made other posts to goad you along and now it is this whole big thing
>randoms made other posts
A total lie. Literally not even possible. I can't believe how retarded you are.

>all the shills here are cornered into denying that events are even taking place.
And this is a major indicator of a shill. "Trump hasn't done anything" is how they out themselves.

>Why talk in riddles if they have something meaningful to say?

This, my revolutionary friend.

People just like to bitch. That is what being on the internet has taught me.

The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod’s legs.
With water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot.
A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendor; the God sits nearby.


>these boards
>anti semitic
Fucking Trump ruined Jow Forums fucking gigaboomers like this faggot are here. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>see a "Q proof" and laugh
>go to the trump tweet of the pic
>go to save file
>right click save picture as
>file name is DOITQ


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>>all the shills here are cornered into denying that events are even taking place.
>And this is a major indicator of a shill. "Trump hasn't done anything" is how they out themselves.
Trump's a bit of a nothing burger; some of it's good nothings like war with Russia/NK/Venezuela/Iran, and some of it's bad like mass deportations and actually using lethal force to secure the border.

Its one hell of a story and i hope its true.

As much I would love to see legal force used, it would cause an international shitstorm.


Imagine, for a moment: that the Navy were ordered to secure our waters, blockading entry and exit; that our Army were given not just authorization to use lethal force, but orders to do so; and that our Air Force were given instruction to kill anything that flies... and during all this --
signing an EO assigning all federal-reserve note based debts to the congresses that approved them (the Constitution prohibits questioning the validity of the public debt [amd 14], but also prohibits anything but Gold or Silver as tender), and reinstating the Silver [or Gold] standard.

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Because it shits up the board. Not with bait, emotional agitation, consensus cracking or slides but with lazy thinking. A fanatic thinking rooted in a uncontested assumption 'Q is real', there is no need to debate the next drop if the underlining assumption can't be challenged. Like a body fighting a fever it gets cullled by the board. It has been driven away and an immunity has developed. Those who return with the concept without adressing the underlining assumption are seen as invaders. It has a place, it is not here.

Boomers first cicada

>not believing "trust the plan" aka nu-politik bullshit
>must be from the opposing ZOG team
KYS faggot

Qdeniers are worse than boomers.

We will never know Q's identity

Q is another psyop. Don't be a stupid dickhead.

>I disagree
>Oy vey anti semite

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fake and gay. trump tweeted before that Q post. they are time stamping trump east coast, then proxy to west coast to time stamp Q

literally only below 100 IQ subhuman niggers that are still qtarded

>Hey guys look at how many law enforcement officials have been replaced since Trump took office
>Hey guys, look at this record level of sealed indictments
>Hey guys, look at all these international trafficking rings getting broken up the second Trump take's office.
>Hey guys, funny how many pedophiles are suddenly getting locked up, huh?
> Hey guys, check out this DOJ report that explains exactly what is going on
>Hey guys look at Epstein, one of the most well connected, and already convicted traffickers re surfacing in the news. Wonder how it's all fits together!

HURR DUUR, OhHhh yEs mUcH cRyptYcsm!
How ever will I crack the code!?

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their has nothing to prove with legit evidence that Q is behind anything other than spewing vague early 2000s psychic tv BS and claiming any event happening as his doing. it's unironically cult think.

Trust the plan

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Q is a cult
A bunch of people waiting with baited breath for the next Q drop regardless of whether it ends up being true or not(pro tip: it's usually not). Waiting for their info from on high so they can know what to think next. Pure cult

One day someone important will be held to account. And it's always after the 2016 election...err, no...the "declas" in 2018....no wait...the Mueller Report....no, not that...THE RE-ELECTION! Yes! After the re-election, things are really going to start rolling, guys.

it is actually worse than that

Q is an active measure by foreign subversives. it is trying to convince people that everyone is evil, corrupt beyond all hope, etc. now of course qtards would say "no no trump is saving us" but we all know that things will only be worse not better when trump has left office, and the qtards will have to concede he was one of the bad guys too.

all of this is an attempt to drive americans into civil war / domestic conflict from which they can't recover. only way to destroy the world's best chance, the only place with constitutional free speech and self-defense, is from within.

wow. police finally get to do their jobs after king nigger is gone and we have a pro police president for the first time in a decade. that doesn't mean CAG is about to come swooping in on blackhawks to black bag Hillary and televise her trial at gitmo livestream. q is probably full blown LARP. if it isn't full blown LARP then it's a LARP that got co-opted to keep people prone to self important thinking from doing anything fucking crazy and legit fucking everything up. every single thing i've seen that "proves" q is real is based on shit i've been doing since i was 15 to spoof steam in to letting me download games a day early.

The truth is in the evidence. Q is merely for context.

Q is literally spy fiction for people who've never read a book or researched anything at length.

Andrew McCabes texts with the head of MI5 were released, showing Peter Strozk went to London and met with Alexander Downer in August of 2016. That happened today, and it's kind of a big deal if you know already who those people are

Only thing that would prove is that q is somehow connected to trump. It does not in any way shape or form prove that anything that Q says is going to happen is actually going to happen.

pretending to have valuable insider information and "leaking" it indiscriminately would still be a felony dumbass. just because i found the nuclear codes and decided to tell everyone by smearing the numbers with shit on bathroom walls doesn't mean i "legally" found a way to leak high intel information. that' why Q is either a larp or deep state psyop

does'nt matter what any other country has to say or get mad at, isn't America not the most powerful country in the wrld? who gives a shit what others think.Use lethal force to defend your country all you want lol