Yugoslavia edition
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koji bi politicki pravac izabrala nova juga?
cek da se konsultujem sa bracom
ovo dbi
sve hercrgovce, cigane i siptare van odma, a ako nece onda gasom
niko te nije zvao
Apsolutna Monarhija
A oce li to moci tako
Karađorđević je pokušao prosvijetljeni apsolutizam pa je dobio metak u stomak od M*kedonaca.
treba da premestimo ex-yu ovde da nebojsha ne moze da manifestuje svoje persone
uspostavit cemo kolonije na svakoj ploci jednog dana
bio je preblag prema gamadi
I don't know anything about the now independent former Yugoslavia countries.
Enlighten me on the following (in a concise manner):
>who hates who?
>Are relationships improving?
>Is quality of life good or shit in the Balkans?
nema dudlanja
nek se zbune
I‘ve just returned from living in Serbia 2 months this evening and I will soon return because I liked it but my impression was that god help us all if these people ever get a say about anything political.
The Serbian dream is apparently big cars, silicone tits and vacation on the beach.
And having a house whose design is inspired by some bad porn movie with a jacuzzi in the bedroom and a freaking RGB disco illumination everywhere.
Democracy will destroy Serbia if it is not abolished.
Yugoslavia was great, too bad the Serbs ruined it.
ko podudla - cigan
>who hates whom*
Quality of life is shit for your because the Balkans hates foreigners and quality of life is shit for people in the Balkans because they all try their best to make life difficult for everyone else as good as they can.
Jow Forums is /balk/ board, go back to Jow Forumserracial faggot
Mpзим хoмoceкcyaлцe и дoмapкe
idem prekosutra da slusam Dr. Gorana Sarica u manastiru Miholjska prevlaka
bice 404 verovatno ali koga boli kurac
>pretend janny
dje vam prevlaka kek
>Jow Forums is /balk/ board, go back to Jow Forumserracial faggot
Da nema dijaspore jeli bi korijenje
tiho miroslave donesi taj macchiato
ajmo braco zivlje malo
Why do you guys believe that dijaspora is so bad off?
Many of us are here now for the 3rd generation and I know many, including myself, who are considered part of the elite in their country of birth.
That‘s a completely retarded and counter productive mentality to always try and find ways how to shit on your own people.
Austrians (the real ones) for example are absolutely not like that, quite the opposite.
Maybe we should instead learn and try to cooperate more.
t. gets buttfucked by Bulgarian BVLLS so much that he starts crying at home
I'm second generation American with an Austrian passport. My mother is Swiss so I'm not even a mutt.
I don't get some of the diaspora hate on this board. I make a six figure salary and live in Manhattan, but if I took over my grandparents' farm in Tyrol I'd just be a fucking peasant.
pa pazi istinu govori
apsolutno se slazem
Well, you obviously wont make much money with a farm in Austria if it‘s not at an industrial scale but Austrians would definitely not treat you badly here.
Just look at what shit they go through to integrate these hostile Muslims.
My argument wasn‘t about being poor or rich, it‘s more about how members of society treat each other and Austrians are more cooperative and constructive than say Balkan peoples.
I would very much like it if Serbia was like that since I want to live there. But it‘s not a deal breaker to me, I can put up with it.
Also I have never in my life seen an Austrian shit on Austrian diaspora anywhere for merely living in another country.
The typical responses to that is curiosity in the diasporas experience of living in a different society, never malevolence.
Madeline albright is a piece of shit