Will there be more Kowloon like cities within the future? Will anarchy thrive?
Will there be more Kowloon like cities within the future? Will anarchy thrive?
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No, no
Well, there are a few small anarchistic communities here and there. Christiania comes to mind. And there are some micronations which are ruled by self proclaimed leaders or kings who larp as sovereign states. But Kowloon had a special status because neither China nor the Brits could decide if it's their territory or something like that.
Imagine the smell?
It's literally an insect nest.
Of course. We're gonna need housing structures like in Dredd to house the new Americans after the Democrats open the floodgates.
I've watched a docu and they had surprisingly good dental and other medical services, doctors who lost their license for some reason moved there to practice. And it was easy to get drugs etc.
What a fattie. Do burgers really all look like that?
I think its possible. You can already see police being disrespected in some major cities and their mayors not backing them up. Soon they won't even bother patrolling some areas and drugs will flow freely
Most people who are in walmart do
comparing Christiania to Kowloon just proves what a low-IQ twat you are
Top fucking kek
We have Kreuzberg right in the middle of Berlin. Not really a no go zone, but police rarely go there because they instantly get attacked by leftists and anarchists.
Both were anarchist communities tolerated by the state, so they are similar. Other than that they were pretty different, so what?
If you mean will all cities look like shitholes because they are full of Africans then yes, yes it will.
Christiania is an amusement park for tourists, there is nothing "anarchical" about it. The 1980s are over, smoking weed in the public is not "anarchical".
Fat neckbeards exist all around the world. Don't tell me this brony ain't pushing 300lbs.
Their lifestyle gets tolerated by the city because they attract tourists, yeah.
not gonna lie, if you had one of those rooftop apartments with some natural light it would be incredibly comfy
mirin that hot sauce collection
Kowloon city is probably the best argument against the road predicament ancaps face.
> fleshlight in a plushie
typical /jp/ poster
exactly. The idea and the structure aren't awful at all.
All it needs is a little decoration and everyone will love it.
Kowloon city, but it's actually the inside of a mined out asteroid that has turned into a lawless hub between Mars and Jupiter. Since the travel time is so long, and the routes are hard to map out- you go out to the asteroid belt for a long time, or if you need to get away. This leads to low policing due to no centralized authority and two types of groups in the asteroid belt- the miners and the residents. The residents are the famers and scavengers and the people producing the food and oxygen. Very frequently overpopulation is a problem... but the ability for illegal activity draws in money from the outside. to keep the power on.
The inability for people to leave, or expand, leads to massive crowding in the limited space. Parts of the city get locked down if a plague breaks out. A lot of the money that the city gets come from manually processing the ore that the mining ships bring in. Poor, uneducated, orphans wander the sub-spaces of the asteroid- scrounging for food. There is no way to produce artifical gravity, leading to a population with significantly less muscle mass- which in some cases leads to earlier cardiac arrest, the upside being that less calories are consumed per person. Eventually the problem may get large enough that the Martiands decide to clean up the asteroid field.But then that's either mass deportation to Jupiter, or mass genocide.
if population growth isn't controlled then a lot more KWC's will rise. The first world has the right idea with low birth rates, India and China will be a serious issue (2.5 billion people between the two and China axed one child policy), and the third world wouldn't be a problem if they are quarantined by stopping all Immigration from the third world into the first world.
that sounds sick but i dont think you can establish an atmosphere on an asteroid
checks out
sauce on that book?
City of Darkness
Inside the asteroid- duh.
thanks user
It's sad that they destroyed it.
maybe used to be military base so its already decked out on oxygen and air
what's sad is the communists getting Hong Kong from Britain, and now trying to fully implement authoritarian control. Fuck China. Fuck China forever.
Ah, shit- yeah that's a good idea. Old military base moved into by scavengers after it was abandoned years ago. possibly an ever expanding space station where they slap together more and more mis-matching hubs to the central station. Giving it that jank look.
OH! Better yet, the oxygen system could be powered by a nuclear core- so oxygen isn't a problem, but possibly like the way the kowloon city people had to use umbrellas for the leaks- People are wearing leaded clothing to keep out trace radiation leaks.
I believe the word you’re looking for is “hive”, as in “hive city” or “hive world”.
For reals though, this place had the highest human population density of any place on Earth for a while. Not sure how the comfort level was for individuals though.
I feel the tiny house / downsizing movement wants to squeeze people into spaces like this.
We have a couple of slums that are similar but the buildings are not so tall.
More likely scenario for a new Kowloon Walled City is definitely an Asian place. Or Russia. But most likely you would have to have another place that was not sure who owned it, or was a contested zone or no go zone. Like after a war between some of the SEA countries or the two Chinas or whatever- there was a DMZ zone between a city split in half by the two forces- like a Berlin but with the middle being owned by no one. So peope get stuck there and don't have the credentials so can't go into either city while people from either city can go into that area but not the other city- making it an ideal spot for black market and espianoge. Maybe a new fight between Singapore and Malaysia could cause a zone like this.
interesting pics
Looks fucking comfy desu
Looks like living conditions are generally horrible but must've been equally as exciting. I know it's not usually subjectively perceived as excitement when it comes to surviving but I feel something is lost in the spirit, living these safe, domestic and mundane lives.
No, it will be like the pic related because people will homestead their kids and live with their local communities like a normal society is supposed to be. And the technology will be used to help you instead of enslave you.
Kowloon is what mega cities will be towards the 2050's. World governments have already done studies suggesting it's the trajectory were on. Law will be nearly impossible to uphold in them. It's going to be a dirty shit encrusted reality.
Other than your ankle monitoring device because you're an nigger on parole, how does technology enslave you?
There is a game in development where you at as a cat wandering a place like this, it looks pretty nice but it’s still early on.
Kek is that the battlefield 3 mascot on his shirt?
I dont know. Is this pic from a vidya?
That looks comfy.
It really wasn't. Tiny living spaces, many peple were slaving themselves away in sweatshops. There was no police control, but they had mobsters ruling the city. But it was good for dissidents, for example, because they were outside of the reach of the government.