Is this book based or is it Jew garbage? It’s like 1400 pages...

Is this book based or is it Jew garbage? It’s like 1400 pages. I don’t want to waste my one if it talks about masturbation machines or holocoasters.

Also, Jow Forums book general.

Next book I plan to read is George Lincoln Rockwell - White Power

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's fiction.
normie tier fiction.

It's pretty good, it's biased but he was actually there during the literal rise and fall so there are some good insights. Imo it's a good starting point for a comprehensive understanding of the Reich. I wouldn't read it as the only book on WWII, there are plenty of better books out there but it's a good starting point if you have absolutely no background and want an in-depth analysis of what was going on. 6/10

all of shirer's work is pretty great. I liked his "Berlin Diary," which contains firsthand accounts of all the Nazis worth studying.

no, the Nazis weren't super heroes. they were flawed people with a noble cause (the destruction of world jewry) but no idea how to run a government

I read it, used to like it because it has a lot of play by play of the early days. But it's jew garbage because it simply depicts Hitler as some deranged madman that was unexpectedly successful.

What else would you recommend?

He was a power hungry mass murderer who needed a scapegoat

Check this one out

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Go getcha some David Irving books, user. Hitler's War is better than The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, imo.

good answer.
Mein Kampf obviously. ton of books related to rise and fall. what interests you? if you're interested in the policy side of things then hitler's revolution.

I am in the middle of mein kampf now. Was gonna read rise and fall next, but I don’t want to read it if it is cuck meat

Hey I am in the middle of this one. Good read indeed.

it's a good read. you'll understand all the players and forces behind the NSDAP/others involved and how they obtained power.


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Has anyone read the biographies on Hitler by Ullrich by chance?

> needed a scapegoat
>The thief is not the robber
>The killer is not the murderer
>The rapist is not the violator

When there is a crime, there is a criminal.


Inside the Third Reich is very good. Albert Speer dindu nuffin and Goebbels was one of the few higher ups that truly loved Germany and wanted to save it

Cool. I’ll read it.

Criticize within reason. If it says he is a drug using homosexual who was half Jewish then I am not interested.

You are just an anti Semite. Have sex

>You are just an anti Semite. Have sex
This does not work on Spaniards.
I hope you're a Sephardi.

Agreed with Mein Kampf, though it is a tough read. It's very stream of conscious so just be aware that not only is the writing style very different but it is very deep. Meaning that it's not a casual read. You have to really think about what you're reading. It takes a while to get through is all. I have been reading the Iron Kingdom which is about the events leading up to the fall of the Prussians, so everything that leads up to both World Wars. Fantastic, talks in depth about German culture and political culture. Very good but another dense read. for books about the Reich there's also Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics which I really enjoy. It's a quick simple read talking about the cultural movement of the Reich, most specifically what Hitler really wanted to achieve post war. It's a good read talking about his goals and asking some really interesting questions about the intersection of Art and War and if he had one, what would he have built for his beloved pure race.

I will check this one out, thanks! I love when books talk more in depth about Goebbels, his importance was vastly over looked imo

I am in the middle of mein kampf and it is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. It is taking a while though.

Both of your recommendations sound amazing and I will add them to my list. I am especially interested in the Power of Aesthetics

>It's a good read talking about his goals and asking some really interesting questions about the intersection of Art and War and if he had one, what would he have built for his beloved pure race.

To add to my post:

This reminds me of Wagner and his concept of Gesamptkunstwerk, or total art. He wanted the composer to write the opera, libretto, design the sets, the costumes, and give the stage directions.

Knowing that Hitler loved Wagner makes me think that his concept of art and war intersecting was an outgrowth if this.

here you go user. have fun. just don't become a wignat.

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Is the Stalag version the least cucked translation?

>just don't become a wignat

Probably too late for that

no clue. i have the ford version. doesn't really matter IMO.

My understanding is that the stalag is the only translation that you should read

I've read it, it's not as garbage as most other WW2 books, but your only hope when it comes to WW2 history is David Irving
All of his books are available to download for free

I dunno man, Goering was an ace fighter pilot with over 140 IQ.

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I liked it, at least up until about 1940 or so. If you read it with the understanding that the author, like most people, does not like nazis it's good. His perspective and opinion is obvious, but there are still good facts presented and compared to books written today, it almost seems like hes praising Hitler.

Sounds reasonable enough. I’ll give it a shot, but I have to admit that other books in this thread are sounding better

Is good book. So is author John Toland. Read stuff from several authors from different countries.

It's the kind of garbage that a jew would give to a bugman who fucks chinks.

Me and the wife are gonna discuss the book over some fried eels

SPOILER: Chapter 23 is when they go into detail of how they created Red Skull

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I love that you guys do that, that's super cute. My gf and I do the same :)

A wild britkike

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Werhner Von Braun invented rocketry and composed the music behind Ace of Base's first two albums

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Ace of BASED

Spoiler alert: the sign was a swastika

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Nothing but Irving will do desu