Evolution: You are caveman and monkeys

Evolution: You are caveman and monkeys

Christianity: You are made in god's image, god made man a rational creature with heaven as his inheritance. You are higher then Animals.

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I keep a foot in both camps.

God made the universe, and we are his beautiful offspring. This is his womb. Gestation is another 300 billion years.

atheism was created specifically for gentiles. it proves who is and isnt a person instantly; even the most lost soul will still find dissonance trying to reconcile atheist bullshit with what they feel in their hearts.

only legitimate animal-brained goyniggers are assured and ardent atheists.

Imagine actually believing that of the tens of thousands of gods that have existed throughout human history, yours is the correct one.

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Then you're not Christian
You have to believe that only Catholicism is true or you're not a Christian

There are thousand of ways to live one's life, that doesn't mean one of them can't be qualified as the most efficient. Literally brainlet tier atheist reasoning.

Right and that commie faggot is the mouth piece of god.

> Over 100 years of scientific research and proofs, along with a sound and logical explanation for how evolution occurs
> But muh feelings in muh heart

>you have to believe what I believe to be a true ______
>no true scotsman

Yeah nah, fuck off.

Atheism isn't inherently tied to evolution or science, so your point is moot.

Much on the contrary, if you believe catholicism is true you are not a Christian.

>"For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast" Ephesians 2:8-9

"No one can merit the initial grace which is at the origin of conversion. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life, as well as necessary temporal goods." Canon 2027 Cathechism of Pagan Romanist Thomist Brothel, also known as catholic """church""".

>You have to believe that only Catholicism
Prote*tant heretic spotted, catholicism and orthodox curch are the only way

>it's another bible study episode

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OP's post was about evolution. Regardless, the theory of evolution is what leads to many no longer believing in a creator

>Man is a beast risen above his fellows not from something outside himself or some innate quality but sheer will to be better
>big daddy in the sky made us to be his toys and we are inherently by design broken
Even if you choose to define reality by what FEELS right Christianity is still wrong. It misanthropic to the extreme

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You have to believe what god says is true, and he says catholicism is the belief thats gonna save your butt.

Catholicism isn't my teachings but god's

Evolution is not scientific according to the scientific method, it cannot be falsified, and it can not be replicated.

Imre Lakatos, which remains the most authoritative scholar on methodology and the philosophy of science affirms precisely that.
Even Popper called it a "metaphysical program".

fascinating, & 'rare' concept u bring up OP
u're not a normal faggot r u ... =)?

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>conveniently leaves out that almost all scientists over the last 1000 years have believed in G*d
>only meme scientists in [current year] are edgy atheists

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The theory of evolution derives from the proof (by the scientific method) that genetic mutation occurs during reproduction. Therefore it is supported by the scientific method.

thats my point you unfeeling nigger

But Jow Forums told me that capitalism is survival of the fittest and as such we should continue to act like basic animals.

>God created in his image to continue his good works, we sinned and failed to do so, we must go back

I'm Catholic ;)

One of them is true and the other makes you feel warm inside.

>Literal caveman and monkey teachings
Normies are dumb

>Regardless, the theory of evolution is what leads to many no longer believing in a creator
Sure. That still doesn't mean atheism is tied to science.

>Hellenism and classical education : You are your mind and your body. You can fuck even with the gods if you are brave enough.
Yeah i am going with option 3 you cuck.

Atheism is a logical conclusion if you follow evolution and science.

> G_d
Gtfo, kike

>im gonna transfer my """consciousness""" into a robot and live forever!
t. soon-to-be-dead retard

Yeah and it's a dumbass point, retard.

Is there an argument in there?

You have to skip some steps to make evolution even possible.

That is not the scientific method, that is positivism, an epistemological school of thought that died decades ago for being contradictory in its esencial-most assertions.

Evolution cannot be falsified, ergo, it is not scientific, and it cannot be replicated, so even by mildly stringent positivist standards it would be pseudo-scientific as well.

Said the NPC studying the programming.

I love this idea that it's the atheists that are normies when 50% of people follow some semitic religion and 90% of people are religious.

no just stating the obvious

No, but OP conflated the theory evolution with not believing in a creator and thus I followed with this conflation.

Said the projecting copefag.

Like what?

>implying that God gives even the slightest shit about any of us.

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Most of those don't really believe in anything, they just hold that view due to tradition, and have never taken thought of the matter exhaustively.

Most people believe in evolution, and the fruit of atheism has been nihilism and leftist idiocy so far.

Okay, retard, it doesn't matter how much you prove that evolution isn't scientific, it still makes far better sense and has far more evidence to support it than any religion does.

Reading comprehension is important.

Niggers have made it pretty clear that mankind isn't higher than animals.

most normies today are "cultural christians" who think that legitimate belief in god and the bible is a mental illness

because you cant feel what human beings can feel?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
If you know full well his conflation is flawed, why follow suit with one that is equally bad?

90% of the world's politics govern by anti-Christian god-less beliefs, therefore the norm..

It's rare to see a modern government govern the masses by catholicism, that's why its not the norm.

This. OP btfo

Imagine feeling so insecure about your own importance that you need to have literally all of reality revolve around you to be satisfied. That's what happens when you replace personal responsibility with delusions to satisfy your cowardice and greed.

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>I will believe who flatters me, not who treats me like an adult

>You are made in god's image
>now chop off part of that boy's penis

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I cant recall, some user who studyed evolution said this, it was a while back.

>Imagine feeling so insecure about your own importance that you need to have literally all culture revolve around you to be satisfied.

>thinks niggers are part of mankind
what a fucking shock.


read this book:

also here:

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Couldn't have summed it up more perfectly.

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No, because what you feel in your heart doesn't provide any evidence for or against any metaphysical belief

>Everything must be intact! We MUST leave the umbilical cord attatched!


Oh great the christ boomers from US are back again, fucking hell all religious threads should be all sent to Jow Forums

Orthodox preach heresy. They are a false church, don't fall for their lies.

Evolution: You evolve
Christianity: You degrade

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Believing that we come from a rock that was hit by lightning is the fairy tale

>provide any evidence
this is a slave-gentile mindset and its good that you hold it, but would you kindly fuck off back wherever you came from instead of spewing it here? perhaps finally kill yourself instead of just planning it endlessly?

They're have in god's images, ergo not animals, tho they act like animals to us, over sexual deviant perverts act like animals in heavens eyes.

What really cracks me up is that despite being redpilled and knowing full well that the elite is deeply involved with the occult (the same elite that spoonfeeds modern science dogmas that are opposed to those teachings to us) there are anons here who can't help go OMG I LOVE SCIENCE. I really don't get it.

Fuck off Boson

The umbilical cord is no longer needed and would die. Circumcision makes your peepee like dry sandpaper

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Because the vast majority of atheists believe in evolution and this is what OP was implying, so the fact that they are not mutually inclusive didn't need to be expressed. Nobody cares whether evolution technically is or isn't a science

Let me just disprove evolution for ya

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>You are higher than Animals.

This is the mindset that will lead to our extinction. Thanks for nothing, christfaggots.

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Not only are the jews in total control of science and they have been since the 19th century when all this trash evolution and modern science started. They also own the education system and they have been taking out prayer from schools and other christian teaching to push for their propaganda.
Everyone here knows jews push for transgender shit in universities but they still believe evolution is legit.

Imagine being so retarded that you take some random user's word as fact and cite it in another thread without even knowing the argument behind it

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>Unironically believing the physical human body is the image of god.

Thats not the image of god

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They were brainwashed into accepting nothng and so they have become nothing but will fight to protect their belief in nothing while being validated by bought out science and eating up feel good philosophical bullshit.

it falls off on its own you fucking retard

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Then be lower then a fucking dog begging ofr scraps. That's what you want to be so be it faggot.

>any science that disagrees with me is fake
>but I'm different from leftists who say that any science who disagrees with them is fake

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Evolution it is, then.

Go back to school, Jamal.

Yes it is a general prerequisite for anyone with a brain that for them to believe something they must have seen evidence for it

>Imagine being so retarded that you take some random kike's word as fact and cite it in any context whatsoever
fucking idiot.

>atheists believe in evolution
For all your ranting about evidence above you really slipped up by involving belief in there.
>evolution is or isn't science
Not my point.

Your penis was perfect and they mutilated it

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"elites" make science lame: the big bang theory is an assinine bs, invented by a catholic priest to pacify science to abrahamic narrative.
There are tens of geneses theories and they teach you only that retarded one.

>Imagine being so retarded that you take some random jews word as evolution is fact and cite it in another thread without even knowing the argument behind it

Keep defending anti-Christian beliefs and teachings user

oops uploaded that one too early

>it is a general prerequisite for anyone with a brain that for them to believe something they must have seen evidence for it
man hey, how is being such a big-brained atheist working out for you, soon-to-be-dead faggot? you really think you're gonna survive the 2020's with that geographic location dont ya?

>durr my fundamental misunderstanding of this scientific fact disproves it

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