What is your issue with us jews?
Lets be civilized
Killed the savior of mankind.
Parasites who have yet to create an empire and continually undermine their hosts.
Those were the romans
Plus he never existed to begin with
nobel prises think otherwise
A total contempt of free will.
Not enough of you are dead yet. That's pretty much it.
their theft of one of the Silmarils, and then pretending that by renaming it and calling it the Arkenstone people would be fooled into thinking they "just found it".
It belongs to the Feanorians, the Spirit Folk, not to the Dwarves.
I don't have any issues with jews. But fuck Israel and fuck the Likud.
You make our lives worse for personal gain and laugh about it behind our backs
>Those were the romans
You fucking kike.
>Plus he never existed to begin with
You fucking kikes really don't believe in any post-Earthly punishment. You'll find out.
>believing in fairy tales
*tips menorah*
They are pretty much worthless. Hell they awarded Obama with a peace prize whilst he bombed the shit out of numerous Middle Eastern countries.
Circumcision. If Jews didnt circumcise or spread it to america in the way that they did, I would likely have literally no issue with them, i just want revenge for the breach of humanity that was done to me and millions of others.
Nothing. Your problem is with god. He is the one sending the scary goyim to stack you because you abandoned him. A story as old as time.
For whatever reason (be it insecurity, ignorance or just plain hate), they're racist and sexist, so hate seeing non-white people in their countries and women have sex with guys who aren't them as well as have a tolerable agree of rights. They also point out legitimate issues in the world, like crime rates and poverty, but they are unwilling to accept that humans in general are just flawed and the systems we have in place are going to falter constantly in some aspect regardless of what system we have or who is in charge of said system, so many use Jews as well as "ethnics" as scapegoats to simplify the issue and give them a sense of control in a civilisation doomed to be shite. They single out Jews in particular because they're, on average, more successful than other ethnic/religious groups, are generally more progressive (at least in Western countries) and they have a foreign element to them, which makes it easier for neo-Nazis to criticise them rather than place the brunt of the blame on their own people.
They're paranoid schizophrenics suffering from a mass delusion.
Because you do usury, incest, are probably mixed with niggers, bomb traditional towns to make way for urban "paradises" that anyone could live in, bomb Muslim countries so you can send niggers to Europe under that guise while conquering more Arab land, send said refugees only to Europe, while denying non-jewish refugees from both Africa and eastern Europe, hump a Roman fortress, are faggots and promote faggotry, hate God while pretending to be religious, etc.
You're raised from birth to believe you are God's chosen people and everyone else is just cattle to be used and discarded.
Just a story I heard from my grandmother. Before ww2 started, jew in Poland went around buying all the American dollars he could find from neighbors with polish currency. War started, polish currency went to shit, everyone hates the jew. Situations like this repeating throughout history
My foreskin was stolen and given to you volcano demon God, I have to get jew gold in order for my soul to be free.
You betrayed your god after two days of him not talking to you and you still consider yourself the chosen people of god
Constant self-hatred that radiates outwards. Jews want everyone better than them to fall to their own degenerate levels.
They are opposed to freedom and have become the oppressors they once complained about.
A hundred times, this.
I hate jews like other ethnic groups who look out for only themselves. That's not going to change.
But I did change how I felt about Palestinians and Israelis. Turns out you're both selfish pieces of shit and I couldn't give a shit who killed who off. At least Israel doesn't backstab Saudi Arabia every chance they got, unlike the Palestinians. So I happily drink starbucks and eat at BurgerIM without the guilt.
Zionism and all it has done towards humanity.
The diaspora SJW Jews in the US have caused a lot of problems. See what Joe Biden said:
>“The embrace of immigration” is part of that, as is the involvement of Jews in social justice movements.
>“You can’t talk about the civil rights movement in this country without talking about Jewish freedom riders and Jack Greenberg,” he said, telling a story about seeing a group of Jewish activists at a segregated movie theater in Delaware. “You can’t talk about the women’s movement without talking about Betty Friedan” …
>“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else,” he said. That’s why he spoke out on gay marriage “apparently a little ahead of time.”
>“It wasn’t anything we legislatively did. It was ‘Will and Grace,’ it was the social media. Literally.
That’s what changed peoples’ attitudes. That’s why I was so certain that the vast majority of people would embrace and rapidly embrace” gay marriage, Biden said.
>“Think behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good.”
Zionists are fine with me as long as they don't push the US into more wars like the Iraq war (see Iran right now).
You're sure making a bunch of ovens feel empty
Wait until you get something nice, then they will take it from you.
Then it will be red pill time.
>Zionism and all it has done towards humanity.
I'm confused by this because it's not usually the zionists doing the bad shit, usually it's the bolshevik kikes (like the 84% who vote Democratic in the US).
But Barbara Lerner Spectre is both a zionist AND wants to flood Europe with shitskins.
So I feel like I have a lot to learn.
Are you ready to learn the jews did 911?
You hardcore antisemites scared away the Israeli user. I had some legit questions.
You're a bunch of nigger lovers.
>What is your issue with us jews?
Jews,that's the problem.
Barbaric and tribal people that are not fit to integrate any civilized society without trying to destroy it.
-Disproportionate representation in Congress by (((white people))) who tell their constituents that white people are bad.
-They have their own ethnostate, but won’t allow a white ethnostate.
-Fractional Reserve banking needs to go.
I’m all about you Zionists keeping Israel... just stop flooding our countries with shitskins.
I grew up in a family where one side was Catholic, the other Jewish. Barring the cultural differences present in my father and mother's respective sides, your people do not value camaraderie and love the same way Christcucks do. Am I defending Christians? No, in fact that's the caveat, as my conservative and right-wing beliefs come from you guys in the first place, and I've had to defend myself against my mom's siblings just because I have some tact and conviction in myself.
That's just it, though. Your endgame is to always make people think they're being victimized. You want dissent. You and all your followers want the new breed to be soulless husks who do not trust their fellow man, because you're correct! Yes, don't trust anyone! Yes, sex is bad, porn is better! Yes, entertainment supersedes creativity!
But you know what, motherfucker? That's not why I hate you. I hate you because your own kind hate me. The Jewish people do not belong among each other. They case out any not of their own ilk, not of their own values, and not of their own agenda. Sick demonic cunts.
This. Idiot revivalist proto-boomer doctors revived genital mutilation here because it's in the Bible. That, and the "God's chosen people" literal supremacy mindset. And the ethnostate. And the border wall.
Pretty much every thing that people hate about what the alt-right wants, you already have, and get an absolute free pass on.
>I’m all about you Zionists keeping Israel... just stop flooding our countries with shitskins.
Yeah that's something I'm still grappling with. The 84% of Jews who vote for Democrats are the ones doing the shitskin flooding. Some zionists like David French join in that, but most zionists don't. The thing they mostly do is push the US into wars like the Iraq war, where most of the neocons were zionist Jews.
>What is your issue with us jews?
Judaism is something that the people who call themselves "jews" don't even understand. It's not a religion, obviously. You can't worship yourselves, the devil, money, power, malice, so on and call yourselves a religion. You certainly cannot call yourselves "moral" when you believe in and promote relativism. Judaism is a social engineering program and the people who today call themselves jews are the first and main control group. They're programmed to be insanely mentally ill, to feel that they're smarter and better than everyone, to believe that evil is good, to believe in so much shit that makes them the literal epitome of antisocial. The devil cannot create, it can only imitate and steal. And that's what "jews' do. They are predators who look for who and what is popular and/or influential and they seek to either infiltrate, steal, or corrupt/manipulate that thing or person. These creatures are pure evil. They have no soul, no spirit, no sense of self awareness. They are hopelessly lost to delusion and are liars and thieves. Where is there anything to like about a people who operate on those grounds? These are "people" who go about erasing and re-writing history in order to benefit themselves. These are "people" who infiltrate and destroy religions and other institutions in order to force a Hegelian dialectic on the masses of people whom they consider to be beneath them? Those are not people. "jews" are destructive and malicious parasites who are programmed to destroy all that is right and good in the world. Why would literally anyone in their right mind ever like or support a creature like that?
And you're a braindead sheep. All it takes is some research to see the writing on the wall. (((THEY))) OWN EVERYTHING. Maybe not directly, but they have influence in every corner of Western infrastructure and government via their banking cartels and media monopolies.
Oh, but why do I even bother. Just keep being a good goy!
Without even looking it up, im sure jews are in charge of who gets one.
Simple and to-the-point explanation.
>be Palestinian schizophrenic
>say you're the son of a local deity figure
>people actually believe you
Overrepresented in corporations, banking, and government.
Many Jews have a tendency to push for the places they inhabit to become less homogeneous.
While many Jews consider this in their collective self-interest, many of us White people perceive this as an attack on ours.
Just a coincidence.
You Jews hate whites and want to kill us all.
You literally destroyed western Civilization. You destroyed my community. I can't wait till Israel is destroyed and all its women raped.
you lie
you cheat
you steal
you bribe
you blackmail
you kidnap
you rape
you embezzle
you are infiltrators who seek to destroy every nation on the planet to turn the human species into your personal dumbed down slaves.
good enough?
You misread his post...
I'm a jew so I come from a very pampered with background. Jewish true plan is to "clean out" the jewish race, so to say. At the same time they see the rest of the world as "retarded", because they're not chosen by god as we all believe. They think that by eliminating whites they will be the most intelligent race of the planet, easy to rule over the rest of the world. Then all the nigs and such will supposedly be easy to wipe out, resulting in a one race society, pretty much, where jews will be the only ones left. Why do you think it's been made legal to avoid drafting for jews all over the world?
jews need all the help they can get, because they are largely incapable of doing things on their own.
As an example, Israel did not exist until Great Britain made it so. Before then it was just a fantasy that was cooked up by some rabbi after overhearing a conversation between a Buddhist and a follower of Zoroaster while traveling on the silk road.
Jews want us to 'stay here'. That is why all their arguments are aimed at emotions. It grounds people, it focuses their attention. these are called glamours, pretty lights and baubles designed to fascinate and distract.
Do not be fooled, godhood for man is within reach, and they will not be joining us.
We also got ahold of your reading material.
>"It was the Romans!!!"
>"Lol he wasn't real anyway"
This is the most Jewish thing I have read in a while. He never existed?!?!
Id love to punch you straight in your break, you hakennasig rat.
Zionism and your constant shapeshifting subversion.
no, romans killed jesus. and for good reason.
Well Sargon was right about the white nigger, they are a thing and just nig
I love jews
I don't have an issue with you trying to take over the world. I have an issue with you doing it through the most underhanded means possible and by doing your utmost to turn humanity into a species of cattle.
the romans did the will of the jews which was to kill christ
Your ID even says "oy vei"
You are the synagogue of satan
You let tamlud jews live
yeah, that astounding intelligence is on display.
To answer OP's question; my issue with Jewish people is the ones that outright hate white gentiles and seek to destroy them. They are taught from a young age to hate white gentiles and they act on these teachings later in life. Their parents, Rabbi's and the like teach them the Talmud and it's belief that all non-jews are lesser. Hence why they hate white gentiles so much - they are the closest thing to a threat to them. How dare these 'lessers' be in charge of anything or have any power in their own lands after they've gone against us so many times.
You will find out the very hard way when white gentiles are gone that you were being protected by them. Your hatred has blinded you.
Jesus warned us. I trust Jesus
>Be that one guy that gets support from one of the best countries in the world while the rest hate your guts for valid reasons yet instead of ending conflicts you beg for more
If it wasn't for corrupt bureaucracy, I would bomb the shit out of you
>Iranians pretending to be Hebrew
>Lied about being enslaved by Egypt
>Lied about their religion
>Their entire religion is based around finding technicalities in God's laws
>Holy text literally says a girl HAS to be fucked when she's married, that she can be sold into marriage as young as three
>Holy text literally says that as long as you fuck a kid once they're three years old it's okay - It's just like a bee sting
>Never had a standing army that went on wars of conquest
>Killed Christ, blamed the Romans when they were the ones barking for his blood
>Eternal victimhood complex
>Literally drink blood
>Wedge Mesopotamian occultism into Abrahamic faith
>Two-faced in every nation they occupy: They are white when they want to attack whites, they are Jewish when they want to be separate from whites
>Betray literally every nation they occupy
>Incestuous as the Muslims
>Probably because they literally founded Islam
>Get billions in foreign aid by pretending to be our allies and brothers in faith
>Use this money to pay for paid leave, universal healthcare, free colleges, plane tickets across the world for their every citizen
>Funded and pushed the Bolshevik revolution
>Directly responsible for the Holodomor
>Funded and pushed African immigration into Europe
>Directly responsible for the death of Ebba, the burning of Notre Dame
>Lied about the Holocaust, lie about it every single day
>Funded and carried out the 9/11 attacks with Saudi Arabia
>Literally want a stupid, brown, mixed race with no culture that they can rule
>Literally fuck, kill, eat, and sacrifice children
>Referred to in the Bible as the Synagogue of Satan
>Weirdo Saturn worshipers
>Still, to this day, pretending to be God's chosen
Cowards, every last one of them. They are men of such low character it can scarcely be called character at all. Liars, traitors, backstabbers, double dealers, snakes, and frauds. Monsters. All of them. Even a powerless Jew is a whiny plague on life.
peace prizes are political. Physics, Chemistry, etc is harder to make a point
Gangstalking since I was 6 years old.
>literally oy vey
Realistically, if jews aren't killed off soon, all mankind dies in a smog-ridden hell hole planet with you in charge. It's nothing personal, it's us or you and your future is ugly and hopeless.
Probably the rampant nepotism in addition to setting up monopolies, especially in regards to usury, if I'm going with just economic reasons.
Thanks for asking! :-)
First of all you are the children of satan. Do I need to say more.
Heh.. Underrated
Stack still works
Most of you aren't Jews or descendants of Abraham but are Canaanites. Stop appropriating Israelite culture and larping as Israel. Stop being Saturn worshippers and turn to Christ.
Some virgin on the Internet made a funny meme so now I hate Jews
Um, pls go on
Go crack a history book some time. I'm sure you will figure it out.
jacob was not born israel, he was given that name.
once jacob got the name israel, that made him and
his offspring, jewish. before the name israel was
given to jacob he was just a shemite like his twin
brother esau. God grafted in the gentiles by giving
the name israel to the non jew. whom are the semites
or shemites.
Jewish Genetics: 75% of Jews Are Lactose Intolerant and 11 Other Facts
if (((amalek))) is a true jew, how are they going to inherit the land
of milk and honey if they can't even ingest it.