How can you defend Trump now? I'm glad it finally is coming out now, and what fortunate timing while the Dems are trying to build momentum.
Reagan (Trump's idol) was a racist
(((State Capitalism))) is designed to destroy states and bring forth so much debt and government agency that "the workers of the world unite" and demand International Socialism.
Commie's "2-stage revolution theory" done through (((Keynesian))) economics model:
>turn money into fiat debt-currency
> Increase government spending/debt
>government control of major industry
>government encourages people spend spend spend
>government provides jobs
>eventually leads to global world crises and the States end.
All while promoting Neocon/Natbol/Leftist narratives globally.
who cares?
I honestly wish Trump was a racist.
It's totally normal to be racist. Nobody cares.
I wish he was racist, Reagan's amnesty for shitskins is the biggest disaster that a republican has brought on this country
>believing 'evidence' that (((surfaces))) in this day and age
What year are we looking at when this allegedly happen ?
>what is a veto proof majority
Never forget how goddamn red California once was. Never think for a second "hurr Texas won't flip!" This is serious shit.