>There is an anarchist book fair inside this building >Where a cultural tumor of degenerates spreads >Their filth disguised as propaganda >Our tollerance is at an END for those who would demonize our people, slander our nations, and corrupt our posterity >Foreign instigators, brought here by the forces of international finance, use our soil as a platform for their vicious, murderous, suicidal rethoric.
>Reclaim America! >Life, Liberty, Victory!
>We pledge our absolute and unwavering resistence against tyranny over the minds of men! >So long as we live, the enemies of our people will not stand unopposed! >The filth and murderous rethoric of your so called anarchists, will NO longer stand uncontested!
Nah, they're sliding it hard with bs threads. Just look at the catalog... this is the sort of stuff that inspires people. They fear it.
Jordan Nguyen
is this a false flag? >look at these nazis rallying up against harmless anarchists! or who are those guys?
Isaac Powell
this is ridiculous you can't use >synthwave >anarchist terrorism to oppose anarchism you have to use state power, laws, influence, etc...
Leo Bell
this has to be CIA bullshit
Daniel Sullivan
in addition, Patriot Front has to explain why >infringing the freedom of speech and assembly is somehow "reclaiming America" how the fuck do you not have faith in USA values and claim to be a fascist? this is 100% CIA bullshit for people who can't think
Joseph Fisher
Kino These people need more fear in their lives.
Blake Flores
i fucking love it. spread this far and wide boys and girls. shitty panties that want no government, want their help when real men stand their ground and for the right of their country. this made me teary eyed
Alexander Butler
Carter Gonzalez
>False flag >They're Nazis >The communists are harmless >These people are the real anarchist terrorists >They're CIA >Protesting against communists violates our rights Told ya. Jews hate this group. They're openly anti-Zionist
Jose Fisher
I guess if the objective is to force the anarchists to say >this is private property then the operation is a success it still looks ridiculous as fuck
Luke Nelson
I loved it when she said "This is private property!"
Christian Nelson
Shut up Jew, Antifa terrorists do this shit all the time.
Patriot Front is 100000% justified in fucking up there traitors Communist book fair.
You're probably a dirty little Jew.
Christian Sullivan
Have you tried not being a nigger tranny?
Jackson Rivera
>they all have shields
Alexander Anderson
I've met a few of these guys. They're all just genuine pissed off right wing guys in their early to mid 20s. Great guys. There's probably a couple feds in the group keeping an eye on things but everyone I met was very sincere and good natured
this. this is a stunt, just like the tiki torch march.
Andrew Campbell
Good. I'm getting too old to do this shit. These young men will have a shot of being well remembered in history. As for the Feds, there are just as many in antifa I'm sure. Just don't do anything massively illegal, and they won't do shit because they want to monitor.
Ryder Cook
You are losing you worthless piece of shit. Be better :)
Sebastian Stewart
honestly you show up at a City Council meeting you argue that an >anarchist book fair is degenerate or whatever and you shame any city council member who refuses to pass an ordnance or zoning law or whatever that kicks the anarchist book fair out the goal of Patriot Front is accomplished through shame, through wearing down politicians and elected city officials, through citing the material presented at the anarchist book fair in a critical light, and making the case that it is genuinely detrimental, that it leads impressionable young kids down the wrong path these are all techniques that appeal to the boring nerds who run our cities
Those shields cost about $50. Not exactly some a huge expense that requires big donor funding.
Andrew Evans
What's the title of the song used?
Ian Wood
Hail PF! \0
Ethan Reyes
Wierd. Didnt the military test using uhauls to move troops around without the public realizing it during jade helm?
Jack Russell
stop hailing stuff, imbecile.
Josiah Richardson
What's going on in this thread my fellow glowniggers? Are we scheduling a meet up to bash some commies? I'm sure there's some (((user))) here selling government AR's with no serials
Hail everyone in this thread besides this Netherland faggot \0
Jayden Jackson
Is anyone in this thread talking about meeting up to bash faggot commies? Did anyone in that video bash faggot commies? Why are you people so bad at your fucking jobs, are you an affirmative action hire?
What the fuck is this faggoty garbage? And make no mistake, I mean both fucking sides. Any douchebags visiting an anarchist bookfair should probably head on back to mothers house. On the othwr hand, any 'serious' opposing group would kbow better that these kind of anarchist gatherings are just irrelevant circlejerks held by the children of radical leftist boomers who maybe once were relevant nd dangerous. This isn't the fucking Weather Underground, The Yippies or M19CO they're yelling at. Any of those would've come out to fight, and thw last likely would've Uzi'd them. >Demoralizing post, fuck off fag. Yeah, truth is demoralizing. And the truth is that these two groups are comprised almost entirely of fags. Just of different political stripes. Also, smells of glownigger.
Austin Thompson
Spotted the scared, rat faced, shivering kike in the corner who just realized action will soon be taken
Imagine being a dumb goy that gets tricked into going into one of these stupid protests and commiting acts of violence and then getting arrested by zog
Aiden Clark
I was many of the first founders of Anticom, if trump fails, I will join this moment as my last resort.
Lol i got some great books on self reliance and low cost living methods from anarchist bookstore in vancouver. Im not sure whose gayer, the guys protesting it with megaphone or the basedboyz inside
This shit is all inverted. Real satan times. Stay home and hang out with your friends and family and do wholesome stuff
Dominic White
based and kinopilled
Isaiah Richardson
>Dude just put your head in the sand and everything will be fine
This, I may be a trump supporter, but when 2020 comes, we gonna need them to take out Antifa since they will kill innocent people
Cooper Ross
Sure, why the heck not. Deep down Ive been doomered. Wishing to take up a cause like the lost crusades of old. Its always been a hidden thought. Seeing all this filth around me, it drives me to want to seek retribution for it all.
Implying charlotsville wasn't just another staged glownigger event perpetrated by them
Jaxon Hughes
>(((Richard Spencer))) >(((Alt-Right)))
PF is the next movement to preserve America in the darkest time. I think as it as a youth movement to help zoomers wake up to defend America from the leftists. How much for one of the flags?
Austin Baker
Undergrads posing as anarchist VS undergrads posing as fascists. How could that not be ridicoulous?
Isaac Rogers
Black sun is their symbol learn to fucking understand symbolism. They are the ones doing all this shit you moron.
This is retarded what is the point of it?To scare them into accepting Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior??? Doesn't work that way. You have to say they will burn in hell if they don't. not beat them up or light fires
>glowniggers think their honeypots will work in the western world like it works on goat herders that get duped into fighting for them in Al-Qaida.
David Lee
Where did I stated to have a problem? I like ridicoulous stuff, it amuses me. Until it's not cringie. Like your post, that's fucking raw cringe stuff. But unironically, you have never seen Chad in your life.
Andrew Hernandez
Join an IRL group and organize with our people - don't sperg out and commit a terror attack
Outright violence is, at present, not a generally viable tactic
Carter Ross
>projection the post
Ian Barnes
retards. these are all just letter-agency honeypots. why do people do this kinda shit.
I am but an observer. Retribution is not mine to deliver.
Jonathan Howard
>everyone who does soemthing IRL is a glownigger charlettesville really damaged you didnt it?
Cooper Bell
Hey kid. Wanna bomb a federal building?
Joshua Jenkins
this looks staged
Parker Ross
>pure FBI. both sides. FTFY
Tyler Price
LOL yes they actually are. You on the other hand...
Michael Morris
Well americans got glowniggered into falling for 9/11 lie pretry hard. I say we got fucked pretty good.
Aiden Perez
We're an ethnicity. We are a collective that share the same blood.
Noah Sanchez
Hilarious that anarchists and other fags are downplaying this incident as five minutes of fame. Of course no posts about this video or the one from inside.
Logan Carter
Moooosad did it
Aiden Thomas
wow, they have flares never really thought of it like that