This guy taunting orange prison suits lmao
based orenthal
At least he has a sense of humor.
OJ is based
Oj for president
Nigger can't even vote. Lol. That's great.
there is nothing better than all the knife and murder puns that OJ gets
I hope OJ is broke as fuck.
OJ could uniroincally redeem himself by calling out his 'dream team' for the marxist scums they are.
he is already valuable to everyone as a walking example of how dangerous lawyers are.
also, i pray more than anything that OJ kills someone else (hopefully someone who is trolling him on twitter).
it would be a redpill for the ages.
His son is the murderer.
the glove didn't fit
He's not. His NFL pension is keeping him in country clubs and golf courses. The (((Goldmans))) can't touch his pension so no shekels for them.
he is also getting millions in donations from radical marxists.
i heard that one marxist judge in melbourne actually paid $100k for OJ to fly to melbourne and fuck his wife.
Based. Joesph was the killer. OJ is guilty of loving his son too much and wanting his shit back. That's about it.
>i heard that one marxist judge in melbourne actually paid $100k for OJ to fly to melbourne and fuck his wife.
he's killed more jews than Jow Forums ever will
is there a good jewtube video or something that discusses this theory?
sounds interesting, but i am pretty convinced OJ did it because of CTE and inflated ego.
it is not even a nigger thing, OJ was effectively white back then, like don cheadle or idris elba today...
a nigger would have sucker punched ron and nicole and stomped their heads instead.
I'm sure if you YT'd OJ is innocent or not guilty there's prob a video that comes up. But its pretty obvious his son did the crime.
>i am pretty convinced OJ did it because of CTE and inflated ego
And yet his son who had no CTE was arrested, charged and convicted of a knife attack on his former boss prior to the killings and was known to bring his chef knives home with him and always had a personal knife on him or in his Jeep.