Prosecution declined

“Prosecutors found the IG's findings compelling but decided not to bring charges because they did not believe they had enough evidence of Comey's intent to violate the law, according to multiple sources.”

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Lmao are you tired of winning yet, pedes?

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Declass soon. Q predicted this. Trust Sessions.

>hill opinion piece
Into the trash it goes.

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Just take him out back and double tap
treason is treason

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Jon Solomon is legit, you're a fag.
Reckoning is coming retard.

>hill opinion piece
fake and homosexual

"No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case"

It's over. If Comey doesn't get prosecuted for what he did, you think they'll touch Clinton or Obongo? Trump needs to worry about going into the election without rounding up the traitors involved in the attempted coup.

Opinion pieces are pointless, regardless of who says it or who they serve.

Comey is FUCKED:

>heh tired of winning pedes, this perfect example of fake news means your btfo
>cheeto benito
>yeah come over i just got done owning Jow Forums, like i want you to own butthole

>according to multiple sources.

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He's relegated to opinion by The Hill because he's a conservative fucking newfag. He's not giving his opinion he's reporting what he's been told.

That's wholly speculative.
If it's really going to happen it wasn't because of a news article.
I don't fall for anyone's hype machine.

>Executive Vice President of The Hill

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Although a technical violation, the DOJ did not want to “make its first case against the Russia investigators with such thin margins and look petty and vindictive,” a source told me, explaining the DOJ’s rationale.
>DOJ didn't want its first case to fail - They are pursuing multiple prosecutions.
But Comey and others inside the FBI and the DOJ during his tenure still face legal jeopardy in ongoing probes by the IG and Barr-appointed special prosecutor John Durham. Those investigations are focused on the origins of the Russia investigation that included a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign at the end of the 2016 election, the source said.
>Comey will still be charged.

What does this mean???
Explain for a brainlet please.

Additionally, Comey told agents "spontaneously" that, to "the best of his recollection, two [memos] were missing," according to the documents.

>“The best of his recollection”
Comey is a trained professional liar that sucks at it.

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LMAO. You have to prove intent to break the law? It's the Hillary standard.

Thank you for the rundown, user

This is very specific. It only pertains to the classified info in the memos.

It wouldn't make sense to charge him with something so minuscule when there are much more serious findings to come.

>this surprises no one

real talk: is Comey actually going to jail?

It's John Solomon, you retarded faggot.

>this surprises no one

>Comey will still be charged

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>In addition, the IG is likely to find that Comey engaged in a lack of candor when FBI agents came to retrieve the classified memos in his possession, failing to tell the interviewing agent that he had forwarded some of the sensitive memos by email, according to sources familiar with the probe.


You're spinning...
The DOJ announced it would not prosecute Comey FIRST,dipshit.

Solomon specifically said no comey prosecution. How does this mean reckoning to you faggot