Battle of the moms

Who wins?

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milk conglomerates

based and milkpilled

Tulsi deserves prime white chad seed in her womb RIGHT NOW

Marianne’s more likely to win than Tulsi, but less likely than Yang

Tulsi is retarded but at least she doesn't look like that tranny Wendy Williams

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She got plenty during her "service"

Nobody wins

Williamson, the spark in the dark, dark psychic forces that is

>president Gabbard impeached for receiving oral sex in the Oval Office

Fpbp and mommypilled

Tulsi is a serious candidate, Marianne is an insane cat lady who 100% sure has advanced toxoplasmosis. And I love it.


Tulsi is in a jew-guru sex cult

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>who wins?
Yours, because she so fat the Democrat Donkey rides her.

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why not a joint ticket as the milk party

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We need to get
>Kiddy Pool
and there must be a fight to the death
There can be only one Mommy

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Marianne is cuter desu

Gabbard/Williamson 2020 would be kino

A challenger appears.

Pic related is the ordained nominee. The others are second string.

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based Ainsley speaks the truth

Gabbard/Williamson is THE ticket for mommy's america.

The non-kike.

Us user, us.

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Fuck crazy Marianne, marry good-hearted Tulsi, kill Kamala (for Tariq)

Unironically, Trump.
8 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Marianne is an insane cat lady who 100% sure has advanced toxoplasmosis
Literally the only way to beat Trump at this point.

>that hip to shoulder ratio
She is a real women, amazing. I still don't really want to have her be president but I do want to make babies with her.

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Dear Friend,

I know we don't see eye to eye politically and I'm glad we've been able to remain friends despite our differences in opinion. I don't see you as being too far gone to save. You're just left of straight as far as I'm concerned- you're barely a Democrat. I know you don't like any of these candidates because I used to be a Democrat and after I saw what they did to Bernie Sanders back in 2016 I sort of lost faith in the party as a whole. But, I haven't lost faith in you. America is coming back how it used to be- but we're going to have to work together to get there.

I don't trust this group of Democrats to fix the big problems that we're currently dealing with in our country. I decided to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and I will vote for him again in 2020. I think that he has the right ideas about how to turn the country around but also I've started to reevaluate some old ideas and try look at things from a new perspective- to stop doing the stuff that's not working. I'm not the kind of person to trust government or politicians, but I strongly believe that Donald Trump is exactly what America needs right now.

If you take the time to read his book "Art of the Deal" you might start to see him in a different light and decide- like I did- that he's the person you should trust with your vote. He's done a good job so far but you'll never hear about it on television.
