why does everyone support her? she seems like another shitty dem hippy trash
Why does everyone support her? she seems like another shitty dem hippy trash
post hole.
Upset the establishment.
Introduce a little anarchy.
Honk honk.
>why does everyone support her?
We support her and Israel! Trump is bad. So is Christianity. And go vaccinate your kids.
she supports free medical care to illegal immigrants like all the other dems. not a single dem has the timbits to call out how ridiculous that is.
Jow Forums was taken over by syria in 2017...she love putin and assad
go to any County Hospital in the united state....the 11 millions illegal are all getting free healthcare
Truth is the establishment was honked from the beginning
HH brother
Tulsi is in a jew-guru sex cult
she's going to fuck google up real good
shes antiwar. and to be honest we can use that money to rebuild our country. which Tulsi will do as president
>just like all the rest
Except for that whole doesn’t want to fight wars in the Middle East thing that only she ever gets around to mentioning.
She wants to unconditionaly suck Putin's dick and regurgitates Putin's propaganda (nuclear fearmongering) so all the Russian trolls and everyone they brainwashed are shilling her.
How many online trolls does the jew-guru sex cult have?
muh dik
Literally this.
Sputnik and RT shill the fuck out of her. Just like they did Sanders when he ran.
Trump was anti-war too...
discord shareblue detected make sure you collect your saudi blood money for this post.
>trump really followed through on when he called out the fact that nineteen of the twenty two 9/11 highjackers were saudis
Also, i put that shit in your pants.
t. putin
because she reminds millennials of their 2nd grade teacher.
she's hot, so we'll ignore the fact her policies are retarded
I want the democratic party broken and directionless
Trump was never anti war. Because he was always pro zionism.
You got that OP?
CREW/Shareblue's new backer. DNC told Brock to fuck off and Clinton blamed him for losing her the presidency.
She's no longer CFR, and most of her foreign policy positions were counter CFR even when she was a member. She wants to audit the fed. She has a hot body, face isn't immaculate but whatever. She's pro immigration but she doesn't want to give them all hand outs like free education. She's M4A without eliminating private health plans. She's against assault weapons but she will back down on extreme bans if GOP meet her halfway on a good deal. She wants to limit our support for Israel and Saudi Arabia. She's against big tech. She's against big pharma. She's smart and charismatic. She upsets neolibs, neocons, Zionists, and incels. She basically told Hillary Clinton to fuck off.
She is my mommy.
>why does everyone support her?
Maybe in the bubble you are living in.
It's just intern-posting. Ignore it.
What the fuck is an assault weapon?
The fact the MSM hates her guts and twitter NPCs can only go "ASSAD" tells you everything I think.
She's hot, for a politician. And she's hot.