This is what humanity is all about
Mexicans are humans too
of course they are.
but that doesnt qualify them to invade another motherfucking country and destroy it.
you piece of shit.
Just like we did in Vietnam and the Middle East for oil
Thanks for the link Joseph Macgeen!
Imagine thinking the middle East was about oil
you had every right to do this, as africa and the motherfuckin middle east is our clay.
its way too valuable to leave it to subhuman niggers and semites.
It was wrong that, and it is wrong the Mexican invasion.
Also you are a faggot.
im getting fucking sick and tired of this fucking lies, its central americans dammit!!
look at all that filth
Mexicans aren't people
Lawsuit waiting to happen. Also the kids using them, on both sides, are Spanish speaking Mexicans.
Can’t fucking fool me they’re catapults so that fat ass Johnny can launch Pablo and his mom over the fence.
i love having faith in people greatness again...i cried like a baby when I first saw these happening at the border
detected the jew
central americans?
Why would American kids go to the border to play?
this just proves professors are traitors and should be imprisoned without rights
>mexican side ALREADY covered in trash
>white side is clean
Holy fucking shit this almost makes it all worth it. In all seriousness though the government should go down there and genocide them all.
they were transported there by jewish propaganda groups in order to capture it
>professors doing manual labor, working with tools
How do you figure that?
thanks (((professor)))
that nigga age like he meant it lmao
Who are we kidding, they paid Mexicans to do it for them.
Anyone who lives around Mexicans will tell you they are not people or they're lying.
In a few million years beaners will be able to figure that out without help. Screencap this.
The only race who will ever matter to anyone is the race that person is a part of. Outliers don’t change the fact that the majority drives the future. When a bee is born it goes near bees because they look him him. Every species on planet Earth goes near similar shit when they spawn here like this is some faggot kike game. Whites and some Anime niggers are the only ones who are capable of going outside the box and analyzing the situation objectively. Every other race is so fucking retarded that they denounce tribalism because their tribalism isn’t as powerful. They say “race don’t matter, so do this for me because my race since race matters now. “
The anti race mixing thing is similar to gene editing and cloning in that it’s being pushed as a precaution against useless suffering. Every race segregates naturally , so forcing them all together will just create unnecessary problems. It’s like going on a date and starting with WANNA FUCK? These people are fully aware that by bringing race into any discussion and forcing diversity among two volatile aggressive groups will lead to chaos and death. They don’t give a fuck because they are narcissistic retards. In elementary school when an autistic kid was entering the classroom they’d have a talk and be like alright look we got this weird fuck coming in instead of just throwing this retard into a dodgeball game where he breaks someone’s nose.
I hate all races equally I’m just speaking the truth. Hitler knew what the fuck he was talking about. People who speak the same language work more effectively with people who speak that language. People with similar backgrounds can relate better. In the current climate race and sexual orientation are not identities but political weapons. Nobody rallies around all the gays getting killed because they don’t give a fuck , they want to piss people off. Are hipster faggots all migrating to nigger neighborhoods like they are thriving and they are even welcome?
These are catapults.
Obviously, but they are still not welcome here. This is not a Latin American country and God willing it never will be.
Mexicans like to claim that there's a negligible number of them crossing the border and it's all Hondurans and Guatemalans, which is obviously false.
>Mexicans are humans too
citation required
detected the (((faggot)))
>two wrongs make a right
Mexicans aren't human
Can confirm
>Mexicans are humans too
the left is right
Invaders must die!
Neither of those were occupations, you fucking smoothbrain. Nor were they civilians invading the country.
A military invasion isnt the same as a bunch of civies entering the country illegally with plans to remain and build lives.
>all humans deserve anything any other human has
When I'm invading your house and stealing your shit, I'll make the same argument.
Build a huge slingshot next time on the US side.
>not installing some gloryholes and saving love has no borders
I want this so bad
They don't respect your laws, why would you respect their human rights?