If anyone missed it, this is easily the highlight of the debate. YangGang 2020
If anyone missed it, this is easily the highlight of the debate. YangGang 2020
I thought that Corey 'once fucked a male hooker' Booker and Sleepy Joe getting heckled by the crowd were the highlights, personally.
Why do people fixate on healthcare so much, anyway?
I haven't been to a doctor or taken medicine since I was a child, yet I feel fine, while my coworkers who regularly talk about visiting doctors or receiving healthcare are all sickly.
What good is healthcare when it doesn't cure disease or prevent death?
Dead meme
Protip: Next time he needs to start that story by saying,
>It was a dark and stormy night ...
Its called MexicanCare now
Mexicare for All
healthcare fuckin sucks in this country
Anyone got any Yang memes? Holy shit, they appeared so fast, like hundreds of them, and now they're gone completely. That was probably the shortest life-span I've ever seen of a meme. I think it was because literally 90% of them were just exact duplicates of the Trump memes from 2016 with the hats switched and that faggy vaporwave shit added.