Someone legit said this in my politics channel. I don't know what to even say

Someone legit said this in my politics channel. I don't know what to even say

Attached: IMG_20190801_010121_732.jpg (1280x720, 335K)

Clean your monitor fucking amerimutt

Yeah, Hitler was worse than the confederates. Stalin was better than them both.

Attached: nK34BDK.jpg (1200x675, 125K)

Discord is for faggots

Laptop. I take it everywhere so it'll just get dirty again

Agreeable. Communism Comrade

Do you know how to screenshot?

I only use mimi plus I sent it through another app before posting here and didn't feel like regrabbing the screenshot

Just say "by bad you mean did absolutely nothing wrong".

What the fuck is the point of this thread? Who fucking cares? Someone said a thing? Okay, so fucking what?

Sperg out with Confederate history, get kicked, and make the rest in the peanut gallery uncomfortable about their now politicized secret club.

Congratulations, I freed you from discord.

Learn to screenshot.

Well, the confederates were actually as bad as Hitler.

>not knowing how to take a screenshot from their computer
Fucking boomer

The confederates were worse than Hitler because Hitler had noble patriotic motivations, whereas confederates where retarded bumpkins that just selfishly wanted what they ignorantly thought was cheap labor in the form of slaves, when in reality it was not only more expensive than hired farm hands because they had to feed, clothe, and raise their entire slave families from birth to death, which not only impovershed the south but ultimately the entire country as it had the history changing impact of baking-in the negro into the fabric of America instead of leaving that headache in Africa.


You couldve just said a crypto-fascist who has shittier aesthetics and a desire to virtue signal.

Worse, actually. The Confederates were Jewish

jews sold and profited, goyim bought and blundered. as usual.

muh inferior ukrainian version of a slav nigga

t. zionist

Attached: Stalin zionist shill.png (1070x302, 54K)

>hur my name is JoJack and here is my report about how the civil war was 100% about slavery