The Redpill Cycle of Woman Hate

>be me, young man, age 18-21
>ectomorph, 5'8", not ugly but not Chad
>not getting much pussy, doing alright, but seeing more prosocial dudes get more pussy
>Begin to realize problem is me, wonder where I went wrong
>Discover redpill, truth is revealed, apply the tactics
>all of them work, get way more pussy and feel less like a lil bitch in general
>Pussy keeps getting easier to obtain but no closer to a trustworthy gf/wife
>Repeat experiences of getting easy pussy and realizing how shitty women are while having "fun"
>Shit gets empty, desire marriage, begin to understand and hate western women/what our culture has done to them

Normies assume redpillers/anons are incels and that's why they hate women, bc they don't get laid. Not my experience, I began to hate them bc I saw how they act when single while fucking around with them. Anyone else?

Attached: smile.png (407x275, 222K)

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The PUA/game/redpill route is one of the more common routes that white males have taken into the dissident right movement. It started as the immature teenage desire for pussy. One of the most foundational aspects of game is masculine and feminine polarity. Out of this knowledge comes the first political redpill and the womyn question arises. Men and women are not equal, otherwise they would have no need for each other. Then we wonder who is equal, or if anyone is.

We quickly realize to maximize our pussy profit we must become testosteronized males; we must not act like men, but be men. Learning to become more masculine leads to action; usually lifting and becoming more physically developed. Followed by "internal game" and the essence of masculinity, in addition to the concept of social hierarchy. At this point it is highly unlikely for a male to be anything but "right wing" because the other side of the political spectrum embodies feminine concepts.

Not gonna lie - 5'8" is rough but if you're ecto you got potential.



You're young as hell and have PLENTY of time to slay.

Oh I do fine bro. I got a handsome face and deep ass voice that doesn't match my appearance, throws bitches off in a good way. Also just target short girls

I'm not worried about getting laid, its the fact that when I learned how to get laid I learned that our women suck

and I'm 26 now, I was 18-21 when this transformation began. prolly should have made that more clear, I was lookin' back

Walked a similar path but with a twist. Through highschool and my early 20s
pussy was easy to get because I was literally a walking embodiement of what whores call toxic masculinity — aggressive, confident AND arrogant, capable of cruelty, controlling/tyrannical etc. I wasn’t even fit, I was kinda schlubby, but I have an attractive face and the confidence/arrogance is all that matters anyway. Then I somehow became convinced that I was a bad person and transformed myself into the man that feminists SAY they want — sensitive, compassionate, kind, etc. All that pussy immediately dried up, and that dry spell lasted more than two years in my mid-20s. That was a major redpill, and it took me awhile to revert back to something closer to how I used to be. Got angry, got redpilled and rightt-wing, and bulked up. Now meaningless pussy’s easy to get again, but I have little to no interest in it. Once or twice a year I get horny and find some thot on Tinder to pump and dump, but mostly just fap. I’d love a wife and children, but I don’t trust or respect women, sooo it’s hard to convince myself that any bitch is worth it.

>Realize that I am the problem, Off myself.
t. OP

>I’d love a wife and children, but I don’t trust or respect women, sooo it’s hard to convince myself that any bitch is worth it.

this right here is exactly what the motherfuck im talkin about

>mfw I summon women to my dining quarters and they suck my dick while I dine on Cornish Pasties

Attached: royal me 2.png (730x740, 518K)

I came from a small white farming town and in hindsight most of the girls were actually pretty good. A few went off to university and became roasties but most married their high school boyfriends and have normal happy lives.

University is where I first encountered the disgusting sociopathic nature of the modern roastie. They feed you the lie of "high school girls are shallow and immature. University is where you meet the wife material" but it was literally the opposite.

I underwent a similar transformation as I got a small final growth spurt at 21, started working out, became more confident, etc. And as those same girls flocked I remembered how they had treated me as an innocent wide-eyed freshman.