Repeat after me: It's not immigrants taking our jobs

Repeat after me: It's not immigrants taking our jobs.

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wtf I hate robots now

Guess we should import more niggers then

dude let's import like 4 billion third worlders then

And an Indian guy programming/repairing the robots.

So you're telling me that the 1,000,000 immigrants we allow in every year don't work? Wow user, that's a big redpill, why the hell are we allowing them in??

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The jobs that aren't taken by machines are taken by aliens.

How does CNN know it's correct though? Although it's not what Yang said, Yang was specifically referring to auto factory. Of course nobody can get a job there without Union approving.

Did literally anyone say they were taking factory jobs and not farm work?

Increase in wages cause businesses to find alternative to expensive human labor.
>Enter robotics.


Solar flare when? When will people realize that we've gone too far already?

This. There has to be a reason they are coming here. So either they are getting jobs, they are able to get on the welfare system, or they are making money through crime. So I sincerely hope they are only stealing our jobs because the other two are pretty bad.

So then why the fuck are you allowing immigration you don't need?


>X is greater than Y, therefore Y doesn't matter
More people die from heart disease than cancer, guess we should stop funding cancer research

no that would make them productive, its the welfare and medical care they're taking.

they came here to see the robots you bigot

It's not immigrants taking our jobs

>your job is now under threat from outsourcing, mechanisation, and cheap migrant labour.
Better stop worrying about migrant labour, migrant crime, migrant voting habits then.

Did Yang say immigration doesn’t matter?

Not during the debate, but in previous talks he has

Nothing in the quote is factually wrong.

Based and redpilled

>An asian man blaming robots???
>a jew promising free shit??

Haha what a story Mark.

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I'm sure they have meat processing factories too.

goddamn robots keepin the ilelgal out

>Immigrants are not taking your jobs.
>I am here to take the #1 job in USA.

>guess we should stop funding cancer research
This but unsarcastically

>We should just outsource our jobs to china for a 100% diversity rating.

So there won't be jobs for the immigrants either? We need the wall stat.

oh it is indeed immigrants taking jobs you moron


What part of America do you own? You are a wage slave, a system owned property. You should be thankful the system is replacing and retiring you into ashed.

the problem with massive immigrant importation isn't "muh jobs" and anyone who thinks that way is dumb as hell. It's the cultural and civil subversion, that's the issue.

Jobs are going away because, in our NWO controlled society, jobs don't serve their proper function. They're not about finding something to pay your people for to enrich them and make their lives better. They're about serving the machine, and the endgame of that machine is to no longer need us. Automation is the thing killing "muh jobs," and it's doing it because elites don't give a fuck about us other than how we can be used as econ inputs.


So then why are we bringing in more immigrants if jobs are being displaced by robots?

I’m pretty sure he is in favor of increasing legal immigration and amnesty, which doesn’t make any sense from his point of view.
>automation is taking away jobs
>we need UBI to counterbalance this
>also we need to bring in more unskilled people with no education
>who won’t have a place in the economy due to automation
Asian man bad math

he hasn't been to the factory I work at. there are no 'robots' and no immigrant workers.

(fucking checked)

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The Mexicans, and other subhumans, are actually robots, as are a good portion of other ethnic groups. Their thoughts are unlearned and discerned, given by rote. I asked one one time what color was the sky, and he said blue. It's not blue, as he had glasses on, which would give it a different hue. Things like this are how you can tell who is a robot and who isn't. They only repeat.

I don't know what can be done, as they're already here in too large numbers. I asked God, and he told me that machines eat life, but nothing else, or how to fix it. It scares me. Sometimes.

Your forgetting the part where the machines are the reason the job is competitive. If i could pay 5 workers to do in a week and earn the same profit that a machine would in a day i would do it. My advice would be to build a 3d printer and git gud with you Metric & Standard models and operate/babysit something that pays better

it's not robots either it's greedy jews breaking down literal borders and shipping jobs overseas because they work their people to the bone

And the robot replacing that one worker takes 3 more workers to design, maintain, and manufacture that robot. How is this a problem?

Why is it the same faggots who say:
>american jobs are being replaced by robots not immigrants
also say:
>we need more immigrants to work labor jobs because theres not enough americans to work them

All those mariachi singer jobs are taken.

You get both, the immies are looking all filthy greasing them and shit.

>Owing to the extensive use of machinery, and to the division of labour, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and, consequently, all charm for the workman. He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, that is required of him.
Dammit! How was Marx so right over a 150 years ago?

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$1000 is not enough to fix the problem, shill

If robots can take over for those kinds of jobs, then why would any country "need" third world immigration?
Robots literally require 0 sleep 0 housing 0 medical care.

>we need more immigrants to work labor jobs because theres not enough americans to work them
yang doesn't say that though

Tomato plantations are still manual labor intensive. Many Mexicans already have family there that support them. Central Americans don't and they're the ones having a pretty hard time.
t. just visited a 90 something great aunt in McAllen.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 East Turkestan 东土耳其斯坦 東土耳其斯坦

>either / or mutt mentality
kys, also insulin isn't 80,-

Wow i guess we should forego technology and embrace living in third world shithuts made by brown shitholers

They are the keep the wages down.

What if I told you that outsourcing and immigration have made the problem of technological displacement much worse than it would have otherwise been?

I actually haven't seen any claims of those immigrants keep taking our jobs! It's mostly that they depress wages for those who need it most based off of a simple concept of supply and demand. If there's a large supply of something and demand stays the same the value goes down.

It's not that legal citizens won't pick fruit, we won't do it for below minimum wage like the illegal immigrant will do.

>conflating immigrants with illegal immigrants again

>conflating legal* immigrants with illegal immigrants again

that's what temp worker visas are for and we already issue tens of thousands a year specifically for farm labor

He was always right. It is not communism, it is jews and shitskins. I believe that in case Hitler won there would have been communism in Reich already.

This chink is implying that we should lose decades of progress in industry just so we have an excuse to import niggers?

They are taking your jobs your women your wealth and raping you

Ever been to any restaurant. Doesn't matter what cuisine, its mexicans making it.

>we need immigants to do the jobs americans dont want to do
>no immigrants are not taking your jobs its robots
>stop asking why we need immigrants!

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Meatpackers used to make the equivalent of $50/hour. Now they make minimum wage. This is because instead of having to pay a white man to do the job, illegal mexicans do it instead. Robots didn't drive down the wage of meatpackers, if anything they increased the productivity of meatpackers and would've made professional meatpackers even more valuable.

Immigration is the reason wages have stagnated. Increase supply of labor, you reduce wages.

>robots have displaced more workers than immigrants
What it really says
Immigrants have displaced white american workers but the robots are gonna take over now.

Immigrants aren't "taking" jobs, they're driving down the wages for the jobs such that any self-respecting American wouldn't work for such a wage. How much would you have to be paid to be willing to work a hot sunny field picking fruit? White people would do it, but not for the wages illegals do it.

I guess we better import more niggers and spics to jack up rents and push down wages for the few that work, while crippling social services and destroying American values.
I'm slapping the first kike I see today.

No. Robots make white americans more productive (=higher wages). But immigrants are willing to work for pennies (=low wages).

Robots aren't the problem. They improve productivity per worker. Without immigration, wages would've gone up as the productivity per worker went up. Instead, with immigration, wages have stayed flat or gone down.

This depends. Illegal labor is better for everyday consumers. Legal labor is more dangerous, such as the H-1B. Illegal labor keeps agriculture prices down which lets us enjoy cheap ingredients for our vast and flavorful cuisine. As an American, have you been to Europe, Korea, or Japan? Their cuisines are so bland and plain. And, non-staple crops are very expensive in those places. You don't know how good we have it here. Have you seen a European, Korean, or Japanese refrigerator or shopping cart? Tiny, very small. Sure if you send the illegals back, someone will have to work agriculture. Agriculture labor wages will rise and so will safety and labor standards will improve. But these processes take time. They take multiple sessions of State and Federal Congress. Bureaucracy is painfully slow, don't forget that. Even so, field labor if very intensive. It would make the most athletic athletes blush if they saw how much physical exertion is needed to work the fields. Fat people and out-of-shape people, need not apply. The answer is clear, end the H-1B and implement a robot tax, machine tax, automation tax, while turning a blind eye to undocumented labor in agriculture work. We must also secure our southern border as well as Mexico's southern border. We can re-instate a Bracero style program to bring in Mexican agricultural workers who are vetted. So even if they over-stay and abandon their work area, it shouldn't pose a big crime or security threat to the rest of the citizenry.

Unskilled service jobs are the first to go. Let Mexicans toil away in the fruit fields, where no white person wants to work at in the first place, and tax their income and give it to Americans as UBI. Win for us all. Automation will make the Mexican obsolete in time.

it either or, or it's, us vs us you retard, Germans should hate civil wars

Both are problems. The illegal problem is much easier to fix.

repeat after me
1k isnt enough to live on, the jobs will be gone, and you will be dependent on pleasing the government to get your yang credit bonuses. and so will everyone else. allowing the government to do whatever the fuck it wants without having to worry about anyone complaining

my logic is airtight. social credit schemes are a trap. yang says he wants one. yang is automatically disqualified for his social credit scheme.

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>Robutts have put more people into welfare than immigrants
>That's why it's a-ok to bring shitload of immigrants and put them right on welfare

Wait, I thought Jow Forums were neets

OK dumbo. They are not replacing immigrant's jobs with robots. They are replacing you. The robot replaces you in your job, the immigrant works the shit jobs they can do cheaper than robots can, and the immigrants also replace you culturally, politically, etc..

Less than 10% of jobs will be automated in the next 50 years. Oswald Mosley was talking about automation in the 30s... it's a complete meme at this point.

That's obviously false. Yang is a low IQ retard.

>dumb german subhuman

I though you guys were smart and industrious?


Mechanisation is a threat to literally tens of millions of jobs in the US. Millions of people may become employed each year due to mechanisation. The only solution is to import millions more people each year.

It's a fact, absolutely true. However it's also a diversion from the fact that industrial robots threaten jobs *along with* immigration. He's also talking about the auto industry, which is probably the benchmark for use of industrial robotics and not applicable to 99.9999% of the jobs in question (the ones unskilled randos from Central America can steal).

Forgot I had this gem

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>It's a fact,
No, it isn't.

>factory work
>The U.S
Why are politicians so stupid and out of touch? Automation didnt take factory jobs. Outsourcing everything to China took factory jobs.

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Farmer here.
17 seasonal pickers arrived on Sunday to pull my raspberries and blueberries off the bushes.
I'd hire Americans if any wanted to... occasionally some HS boys get on with me. 14$ an hour with shit benefits and 2 meals provided by me (Plus several lbs of berries to take home or sell as you see fit). And my farm is somewhat small compared to others.
Say what you will... but those boys work their asses off while none of you shitbags apply.

Also of VITAL relevance is the fact that since it's entirely a question of cost, Michigan will dump those robots in the lake the minute having immigrants do the same jobs is a penny cheaper. It's not complicated. Using made-up bullshit figures for illustration, if Burger makes 50k a year welding car frames, but a robot can do it for 35k, they fire Burger. If a Mexican can do it for 34k, they hire the Mexican.

And you see, the Mexican will actually do it for 5k and asylum.

Kill yourself, reading-impaired moron.

HA that's neat because I used to do corn de-tassling in the summer as a teenager and made $12/hr. In fucking 1992.

Then why do they keep coming here?

Then why do we need mass immigration to quell a supposed labour shortage?

I love that gif

I can agree that technology is our biggest threat but what does he want to do other than UBI and how is UBI sustainable?

>robots make labor cheaper like they always say immigrants do but also don't require welfare


Yea but I make the robot parts that make automotive headrests in like Slovakia, Mexico and China as well as North America so fuck you stupid idiots who want to make headrests by hand

Which is cheaper: use robots in the US or chink sweatshops in China?

That's my point. High School kid work. But American HS kids are too good for it now.
But husking/detassling corn isn't nearly as difficult as picking in the sun.
Also: kys boomer.