Why do people support this guy again? UBI to guard against automation I can understand. However:
>He supports giving permanent residency and eventual citizenship to any foreigner studying at a US university (beneficiaries will be largely East Asian) >He opposes any sort of tariff against Chinese goods and services >He doesn't believe in border control and believes in mass amnesty for any illegal immigrant
He's Taiwanese Chinese. Overseas Taiwanese are generally completely loyal to the PRC these days. Overseas Chinese in general work tirelessly against their "adopted homes" to undermine them.
All Yang supporters are ironic or astroturf. There is no organic support.
Dominic Sanders
because 12 year olds
Jace Russell
>He supports giving permanent residency and eventual citizenship to any foreigner studying at a US university (beneficiaries will be largely East Asian) This makes sense to me, we invested a slot in one of our universities. I'd like to keep the doctors and engineers here and paying taxes.
James Sullivan
Speak for yourself Of all the dems, he's focusing on policies that matter. Not niggers and gender pay gaps and shit.
Bentley Rivera
That's true. If someone pays taxes and makes a lot of money in your country it means they are loyal to it. Just like if you pay a prostitute means you love her.
Nathaniel Hughes
>We need to cooperate with China. But uh... They're a threat to us. Yeah. Sure.
He's loyal to China. Most Asian Americans are.
Brody Miller
>Overseas Taiwanese are generally completely loyal to the PRC these days I'm with you on everything but this. That's like saying Hongkongers are loyal to China because their government is.
Jace Roberts
I'm also speaking for you, patriot. When push comes to shove, Yang is clearly the ironic choice. Why don't you get serious user?
Kayden Robinson
So long as PRC exists, no slant-eyed president, no exceptions.
Alexander Gonzalez
I actually like some other candidates more but I have to vote for him because he's the first Asian to run for President.
Nathaniel Stewart
I don't know if you've noticed but a hell of a lot of our native born aren't very loyal to america at this point. They're mostly white too.
Landon White
I can't stand his bug faced gook spy.
Liam Peterson
Makes sense, what better way to prop up the China market then to devalue the USD.
Hudson Lopez
serious like supporting a dementing old man that's currently the president?
Joshua Johnson
We need to know his parents politics.
His parents live in Taiwan still. If they are KMT, the Chinese loyalist party, which they likely are, then he is traitor scum.
If they are green then he might be ok.
Owen Adams
What, with Biden? Or sanders? I always switch parties so I can vote in the primaries. Yang while being a "fringe" candidate is the only one that has said a thing about how badly a lot of flyover white people are doing.
Nicholas Morris
Because he’s the only one who dared speak against circumcision. Not to mention the DNC hates him more than Bernie, made evident by them turning off his mic in the last debate and only giving him 2 minutes in this last one. UBI isn’t ridiculous, I was going tulsi but she’s a member of the CFR so I highly doubt she’ll actually end the wars, been there done that. Yang is the grassroots choice.
Nicholas Green
Because he’s asian?
Angel Carter
Because I want my $1000 I seriously don't get what's so hard for people to understand about that. He's right about automation and he has a great solution that will give me money, that's why I'm voting for Yang. His proposals will actually help me.
A fucking border wall will do nothing for me
Dominic Brooks
>Asian guy repeatedly talks about how good at math he is and how much he loves it >black guy mentions kool-aid during a debate Clown world
Logan Gutierrez
>He supports giving permanent residency and eventual citizenship to any foreigner studying at a US university Yeah, that sucks. >He opposes any sort of tariff against Chinese goods and services. Basic income makes tariffs obsolete because you're not as concerned about domestic industrial jobs. What you want is the cheapest goods possible to maximize that fixed basic income. >He doesn't believe in border control Same as Trump. >mass amnesty for any illegal immigrant After 18 years.
I am married to a Taiwanese and I know how their families operate. He is extremely loyal to his parents and it is known that he visits Taiwan once a month to visit them. It is only reasonable to believe that he follows their politics too.
Charles Cook
People here support yang because trump has been a disappointment. People support yang because they have no hope for the country. People suppirt yang because he is the only canadite that is willing to do anything for white people--he wants to give each white person +1000 a month. People support yang yang because they are tired of welfare hypocrisy.
this board is already falling apart he is going to win
Josiah Garcia
>Why do people support this guy again? 1. They're shitlib beanie bros (not a typo) 2. They don't, they're just kike shills trying to get just a few Jow Forumsacks to take the huge blackpill
Oliver Hall
He's a piece of shit. Literally one of the worst candidate out of all of them.
The entirety of Yang's bullshit is a LARP. It's astroturfed in its entirety via CCP slush funds.
This is the one and only time I'll respond to a Yang shitpost: his UBI isn't to help cope with automation, it's to create a populace utterly dependent upon and thus enslaved to the state. He's even said himself it'd be based on a government issued good boy point system just like China's social credit bullshit. Aka if you say or do things the government doesn't like - e.g disagree - you don't get gibs. It's welfare's final form.
Joseph Reed
He pivoted the question to UBI. I wouldn't be calling anyone stupid when you can't comprehend speech. And take off your meme flag and fuck off back to plebbit with your faggy plebbit spacing.
Ayden Morris
>it's to create a populace utterly dependent upon and thus enslaved to the state. That's the point of all collectivist systems.
It's amazing how Chinese people can just effortlessly do this hypocritical shit. Like a Chinese person calling someone else racist is just so fucking absurd that even white liberals don't really take them seriously. Even Taiwan, a relatively liberal society, has intensely conservative laws on immigration etc. Ethnostates for me but not for thee, laowai.
Juan James
They're a threat to America's hegemony. It's happening wether you like it or not, better get on their good side.
Carter Adams
Malaysian Chinese?
You are hated by Malays. Because you support the PRC and work against Malaysia.
Angel Morales
It's 99% Russian bots forcing the cringe Yang memes on Jow Forums.
Gabriel Long
Russian bots are trying to embarrass the DNC.
Matthew Jenkins
Why do they need to be loyal to it? It's not like they are doing anything important or making big decisions. They're some fucking engineer/doctor who works, pays taxes, benefits the economy, and eventually dies, just like nearly everyone else in the country.
Gavin Richardson
If they're not going to be loyal to it why give them citizenship? Why not temporary work visas which give you far more control if they turn out to be engaging in corporate or state level espionage? The overwhelming majority of overseas Chinese including Taiwanese have ties to the CCP.
Robert Martinez
$1000 cold hard cash. Secure the bag, goy.
Jonathan Torres
Dominic Morris
Congress will never pass it. You aren't getting $1000
Xavier Richardson
There is nothing stopping you from doing this with actual money except that nobody wants to give something actually valuable for volunteer work.
Guys, why are we even talking about this right now, we need to move to higher ground NOW according to Yang.
Ethan Brooks
Yang is bringing a topic to the table that's not a talking point for most people. AI and automation is going to take a lot of jobs away. Raising the minimum wage is only going to escalate the automation problem.
Kevin Sullivan
Holy shit you're a fucking idiot. But that's not a surprise considering you support Yang.
Yang views America as an economic zone from which to obtain resources and through which capital and labor should pass unimpeded. His actual nation is China.
Levi Wilson
Tulsi and Yang will never win. Even fucking Bernie Sanders couldn't get the nomination last time. You support them though because they cause the most disruption among your enemies.
Congratulations meme, you missed the point all together. I'm not saying I agree with yang and his policies. What I am saying is that he is bringing a topic to the table that very few people are talking about. I doubt there will be much a push back until it's too late. This is going to effect people from truck drivers to factory workers.
Jack Jackson
AI is a meme, they can't even stack boxes which is one of the most basic jobs you can possibly do. The only real jobs that AI can replace is customer service which are bullshit jobs anyways. 99% of what customer service does the customer himself can do it. When the US goes bankrupt there won't even be capital to build robots for research. And then the idea of UBI is so laughable that the Democrat audience literally laughed at him when he proposed it at the last debate. He notably didn't seem to mention last night, though he was so boring that perhaps I didn't hear it.
Nolan Martin
Why do Asian Americans tend to be sjw anti white?
Adam Gutierrez
rollecoaster of 1000$ a month while the system crashes giving a small opportunity window for actual change vs another jewed shill that will change nothing and our current gay ass status quo of a world enslaved by fiat based bankers will continue
The net present value of $1000 in poor white communities is going to be significantly more valuable than for the shekel lovers. This is how the uprising begins against them - because overtime the rest of us will be able to support our own tittied robot armies
Don't fight what you don't understand.
Hudson Ortiz
you let indians and asians in and all they will be doing is gate keeping, they fuck you over
Benjamin Ross
Nope send them back to fix their shithole countries. Americans should not have to compete with foreigners that came on a nonimmigrant student visa for a job post graduation. It also drives salaries down. This open border nonsense will be why dems lose in 2020.